Welcome September

Welcome in September! The month that we enjoy the last beautiful Summer days, while we welcome Autumn all around us. We can see fallen leaves, mushrooms popping up and chestnuts, acorns and beech nuts can already be found.

This is the time in which we go to the Fall equinox, the perfect balance between light and dark. On September 21 day and night, like Spring, are equally long. After September 21st, the days will gradually become shorter and the nights longer and we will prepare ourselves for Winters Rest. But we are not there yet.

First we have time to finish what we started in Spring and let grow and ripen during Summer. This month is fully dedicated to harvesting. Enjoy the sun and enjoy your harvest ♥

Have a beautiful harvest and a beautiful Autumn month!

Elke )O( The Alder Scrolls

September I TAS

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