Happy and inspiring Imbolc 2019

This weekend we celebrate Imbolc. Imbolc means ‘in the belly’. Mother Nature is pregnant and she wants us to know. She is waking up from her Winter’s Rest. It shows in the buds on the trees and the first Spring flowers like Snowdrops, Crocuses and Daffodils. All around you everything is in full preparation to be ready for the active part of the year.

This is also the moment when you decide which seeds you wish to plant. What would you like to grow this year? Where would you like to develop, grow and flourish yourself? Try to visualise that as clear as possible. Or write it down for yourself. Think about your heart’s desire every day and do something for it.

Lydia and myself, Mirjam taking the picture

Last night I celebrated a warm Imbolc with fellow druids Lydia and Mirjam. During this beautiful celebration, Geese sang to us, the Fox wanted attention and the Owl brought us a message. So special!

Today I have linked things together and I am so grateful for these beautiful messages from Nature.

The Geese give us the message to stay true to ourselves, no matter what happens. They ask us to find out what is important to us, so that we can pursue that in our lives. The Goose also symbolizes renewal. How appropriate that we were treated to a Goose concert during our celebration of Imbolc.

The Fox asks us to examine in ourselves what still sticks or holds us back from the past. What are we still carrying with us or what do we have to complete before we can freely pursue what is important to us? The Fox helps us to deal with this and gives us the courage and strength to continue on our way, listen to ourselves and stay true to ourselves.

The Owl calls upon us to develop our full potential and to trust our intuition. She advises us to get to know our inner dark forest and the secrets therein, because in it lies the power of creation. Meet your own feelings and thoughts in your own dark forest and see how you create your own life and the circumstances within it. She asks you to become the creator of your own life.

To reinforce these messages from the Geese, the Fox and the Owl, we can use:

– the affirmation of the Goose: “My inner fire burns and gives me strength in every matter. The Wisdom of the Cosmos takes me to the right place, to the right circumstances and to what is important at this moment in my life.”

– the affirmation of the Fox: “I am protected and safe in my being and all my strength returns to me.”

– the affirmation of the Owl: “All knowledge, all wisdom is already in me. With the power of my subconscious, I create peace success and happiness in my life.”


Would you like something tangible, then you could wear a Fox Amulet, preferably a Fox friendly self made one as in the picture. Wearing them gives confidence in the inner guide, protection and the ability to limit yourself in a healthy way

Happy and inspiring greetings.
Elke )O( The Alder Scrolls

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