Coming in the sky near you…

Full Super Moon and the beginning of Spring together on the 21st of March

The March 20-21, 2019, full moon ushers in the first full moon of spring for the Northern Hemisphere, and the first full moon of autumn for the Southern Hemisphere. This full moon is also a supermoon, particularly close to Earth. It comes less than four hours after the arrival of the March 20 equinox.

This is the closest coincidence of a full moon with the March equinox since March 2000 – 19 years ago. The full moon and March equinox won’t happen less than one day apart again for another 11 years, or until March 2030.

Inspirational Full Moon and magical start of Spring my dear dear ones out there!

Elke )O( The Alder Scrolls

Read further at:…/full-supermoon-on-march-2019-equinox…

Bright yellow full moon in dark twilit sky with ancient buildings below.

The Virtual Telescope Project will show the March 20 supermoon live, as it rises above the skyline of Rome. Click here for more info.

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