Moon in Alder and Fox

On the 21st of March the Moon Period of Alder and Fox has begun. This period runs from March 21st to April 18th. The Full Moon of March 21 is also called the Egg Moon and is dedicated to caring, protecting, growth by getting rid of ballast that is hindering you and coming into your own power.


During this period, the active part of the year also starts with Spring. The sap flows in trees become active again. Birds build their nests and nature awakens with all its green leaves, blossoms and flowers. We also get the Spring Jitters and want to go outside again and to take action. It is the perfect time to turn your goals and wishes into plans and actions. Everything is now dedicated to what you can do to receive an abundant harvest in the Autumn.

Blackbird Nest

The egg

The egg is the symbol of fertility. It is lovingly cared for and protected, the shell of the egg also protects, while new life grows in it. The new life then breaks the shell of the egg on its own to come out and be born. The symbolism behind this is that when you plant your seeds, trust the natural processes. Take care of what you wish to achieve, but don’t force anything. Let it arise through your attention and time and good care.

The Ogham of this Moon is the Alder or Fearn and the corresponding power animal the Fox. Together they make a powerful combination.

The Alder ~ Fearn ~ Alnus Glutinosa

The Alder ~ Fearn

In nature, the alder is a tree that strengthens and nourishes. It helps and protects other trees until they can stand on their own two feet so to speak. That is why you often see them around orchards. The fruit trees are sheltered by these hedges of Alders and wind and storm can cause less damage to the fruit. However, she prefers to stand by the water, where she roots widely. The wood of the Alder in the water becomes just as strong as the wood of the Oak on land. The banks where the Alders stand are reinforced by their roots. The wood of the Alder is therefore extremely suitable for foundation piles.

The season of the Alder is Spring. She encourages you to act based on wishes and desires without worries or concerns. She empowers you with her strength. Provides joy and knowing that the knowledge you have gained can now be used. Share this knowledge with others or continue alone. Anyway: Go for it!

The Alder helps you and supports you to be open to new insights and change. With its strength and energy, it ensures that your energy flow will start again. It challenges you and encourages you to be who you are by nature. Free from blockades you can once again be in your own strength and make a new start. If that fails or you feel that you are being blocked, the Alder helps you to free yourself from old ballast and obstacles. The Alder helps you to be who you are by nature and to do what you love to do. With the help of the the Alder you make a new start energetically and confidently.

The Fox

The Fox

The Fox is intelligent and has sharp senses. He is a soul guide and a messenger from the other world who is connected to the Realm of the Ancestors and the Old Path of the Great Goddess. As one of her sacred animals, he takes care of himself and of nature in his own way. It is a symbol for the complete awakening.

The Fox asks you to follow him this Moon Period on the winding paths of your soul in the depths of your being. Surrender to the darkness and shadow of your soul. What is lurking there of unresolved issues from the Realm of the Ancestors, from your past lives or from this life that now hinders you from being who you are by nature. He helps you to free yourself from the clamps of your own demons. He cannot be fooled and he knows how to recover lost parts of the soul and win them back. He protects you and ensures that all your power goes back to you.

If you want to free your full potential, go with the Alder and the Fox this week to look for what is holding you back and free yourself from it. Then you can finally be who you are by nature and do what you wish for the most. What a wonderful start to the active part of the year and this Lunar Period!

Have a great week my dear dear ones out there!

With love,

Elke )O( The Alder Scrolls © 2019

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