Ostara, what is is and what can you do?

This weekend, Spring really set in. And although the weather here is still a bit chilly, the sky is blue and the sun already nice and warm. And well, since we are all locked in our houses, I thought it a nice ide to share what you could do this Sunday or the coming weeks to celebrate Spring, this beautiful feast of Ostara.

You can get to all the information I gathered about Ostara-Spring by this link:

Ostara ~ Spring ~ Alban Eilir

Have fun and I wish you a beautiful Spring season!

With love,
Elke )O( The Alder Scrolls /|\

#Nature #Attention #Inspiration #Druid #ElkeTheAlderScrolls #InTheFootstepsOfTheDruid #SelfCoaching #WheelOfTheYear #Ostara #Soring

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