Reflect ~ Rethink ~ Refocus ~ Mercury in Retrograde is here

Dear all out there,

You can hide, you can run, but Mercury in Retrograde is here. From May 30th till June 23rd we have Mercury in Retrograde. And this time is a time to be cautious. Be cautious with communication, because miscommunication is a high risk during Mercury in Retrograde. So of your mail hasn’t been sent, just check 10 minutes later and you may be surprised to find out it was sent after all. Also take more travel time into account, because traveling can be a challenged during Mercury in Retrograde. Mercury is the Planet that rules Communication and Travel and when this Planet goes in Retrograde, you can be affected by it. More tips and tricks can be found on the picture♥

But is it all doom and gloom then?

No, of course not! This is a great time to Reflect, Rethink and Refocus and also to Clear, Cleanse and Declutter.

But first Mercury in Retrograde, what is that exactly?

It is the period in which Mercury appears to go backwards. Pure illusion, because planets can’t go backwards around the Sun of course. But still it appears that way, because Earth moves at a different speed than Mercury around the Sun. The energy that comes with Mercury in Retrograde can certainly be felt, that is no illusion. And if Mercury goes Retrograde, we are all affected. Chaos, miscommunication and delays, are associated with this period. Many label Mercury in Retrograde as a period of doom and gloom. But that doesn’t have to be that way. The energy can also be used for everything that you can put ‘re’ for, i.e. reflecting, reorganizing (easier clean and clear), refocusing (easier to let go), for both material and immaterial matters.


During Mercury in Retrograde it will be a good moment to reflect on the year so far. What did you notice, what needs a bit more attention to come to a full bloom, what didn’t work and can be released and let go? What do you need to do to get the results you dreamt of earlier this year in Spring. Go back to that time, when your year was 1 blank page ready to be filled with your dreams, your wishes and your desires. Grab a pen and some paper if necessary. What has happened to all your plans, dreams and wishes? What has succeeded, what didn’t and why not? What are your thoughts about all of this? If you have that clear, go a step further.


While reflecting you have made an inventory of what worked well and what did not, what did and did not succeed. Now pay full attention to what you would like to realise and achieve the rest of the year. Consider what is doable and what not and place the ‘nots’ on your list for next year. Make an overview of what you still want to realize this year, preferably with an action plan to it: starting moment, intermediate result and end result. In this way you can monitor, adjust and know what to do when.


And if you have clear for yourself what you still want to achieve and realize this year, then fully focus on that. If you notice that your focus shifts to things that did not work or did not work out well, thank those things for the lessons given, let them go and focus back to what works, what goes well and what you wish to harvest this year. Always think with full, brutal honesty how committed you are to your goals and action plan when things go not as planned or you are facing difficulties. It will not always be easy and fast, but the motto is to maintain and still be flexible, to bend if necessary and to think in terms of opportunities and possibilities.

And this is how you can use the energy of Mercury in Retrograde to help give you insights into where you are now and where you wish to go to this year.

I wish you a Mercury in Retrograde full of Insights!

Elke )O( The Aldertree /|\

#TheAldertree #Nature #Attention #Inspiration #Druid #ElkeTheAlderScrolls #InTheFootstepsOfTheDruid #SelfCoaching #Mercury #MercuryRetrograde #Reflect #Rethink #Refocus

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