Alban Hefin ~ Incense

Dear All,

Every celebration of the Wheel of the Year has its own herbs. Also Alban Hefin ~ Midsummer ~ Litha. Below are suggestions for a delicious Midsummer Incense.

Midsummer Incense: Make a mix of equal parts of:
– Lavender
– Thyme
– Rosemary
– Basil
– Reed

Add to this:
– Rose petals
– Marigold
– Linden blossom
– Lavender
– Mint
– St. John’s wort

Cleanse your home and yourself with this incense during Alban Hefin. And burn this in your Summer Fire or sprinkle it over the smoldering coals after a cozy barbecue.

Other herbs associated with Alban Hefin ~ Midsummer ~ Litha: All herbs you can harvest now, such as:
– Catnip
– Daisies
– Yarrow
– Chamomile
– Mugwort
– Wild Marjoram
– Verbena
– Clover
and much more

Before using herbs in food or tea or herbal water, check thoroughly whether they are safe for consumption.

Wishing you a lovely sunny and fragrant Alban Hefin♥

With love,
Elke )O( The Alder Scrolls /|\

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