Lughnasadh and Incense

Dear All,

Incense is not only fun to burn, it’s also great fun to make yourself.

For a nice incense for Lughnasadh, mix equal parts (1 teaspoon) of:

  • Heather (finely chopped) or Sunflower petals (finely chopped)
  • Marigold (finely chopped)
  • Bergamot (oil) (finely chopped or a few drops of oil)
  • Sweet almonds (very finely chopped or ground) or dragon’s blood resin
  • Oats (very finely chopped or ground)
  • Rosemary (finely chopped)
  • Laurel (finely chopped) (takes away nasty energy and brings back cheerful)
  • Lavender (finely chopped) or Hollyhock (finely chopped)
  • Juniper (good cleaner)

With this incense you can cleanse your house during Lughnasadh. It is good to energetically cleanse your home on a regular basis. This way old energies disappears and there is room for new energies.

Sometimes you can have such a heavy energy or atmosphere in your home. And, no matter what you do, opening windows, dusting, it won’t disappear. Then cleanse your house with incense and notice the difference.

I wish you a beautiful and abundant Lughnasadh♥

With love,
Elke )O( The Alder Scrolls /|\

2 thoughts on “Lughnasadh and Incense”

    1. Nearly a year later, I am so sorry! I totally overlooked somehow your reaction. When I use almond in incense, I grind it, so it is very tiny. Together with the herbs, it smells quite nice. At least, I think so. Have you tried it?


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