Imbolc is coming!

A very good day from under De Elzenboom,

Imbolc is also a Fire and Fertility Festival with bonfires and lots of candles and everything creative in nature. The fires symbolize the increase in Sun power in the coming months.

To give shape to this tradition in our modern times, you can light candles and place spring bloomers, such as hyacinths, crocuses, blue grapes or snowdrops, on your altar, a coffee table or, if the temperature permits, your garden table.

Imbolc is the first of 2 Spring Festivals. After Imbolc comes Ostara. During the Winter you thought about last year, what went well and what could be improved. What you would like to achieve in the new year; projects, plans, ideas, spiritual growth. During Yule you gave it your full attention and these seeds started to grow deep within you. They are still deep within you, you have given them attention and cherished and nourished and prepared them for the moment of bringing them into the open. Imbolc is the moment when you start actively paying attention to all your plans. Still within yourself, but you go from thinking to preparing to taking action.

We all know the Big Spring Cleaning and it is still a tradition for some to do this in February. All Midwinter decorations really need to be removed from the house now, as we say goodbye to Winter and welcome Spring into our homes and our hearts. February is also the Latin word for purification. With Imbolc you can clean your house and furniture with Mugwort or Sage water or energetically clean your house with Mugwort or Sage. Don’t forget to wash your windows and curtains too. And let the fresh air blow away any ‘cobwebs’ by opening doors and windows for a completely refreshed home.

With Imbolc you not only clean your house, but also yourself physically and energetically from Winter Dust to make room for new intentions in a positive way and with a clear mind. From Imbolc onwards you will actively pay attention to everything you want to achieve this year.

Through your Spring cleaning you make room for new things. Out with the old, in with the New. By cleaning, literally and figuratively, you make room for your new seeds to plant and grow. Give your seeds attention and love, listen to your bubbling inspiration and act accordingly. Enjoy the growing of your inspiration, your plans and projects, your ‘seeds’ deep within you. Now the time has come when you can finally give your full attention to everything you want to achieve this year. You can show it to the outside world, just like a Snowdrop sticking its head above the snow.

This is also the moment when you decide which seeds you will plant. What do you want to grow this year? Where do you want to grow, develop and flourish? Are you ready for the active part of the year? Try to visualize that as clearly as possible or write it down for yourself. Think about your heart’s desire every day and do something for it every day.

Have a wonderful and happy Imbolc♥

With love,
Elke )O( The Alder Scrolls /|\

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