Wheel of the Year Celebration ~ Imbolc

A very good morning, evening or somewhere in between,

Imbolc stands for ‘oimelc’ and that means ‘ewe’s milk’. This refers to the lactation of the ewes that have given birth to lambs. Imbolc also refers to ‘in the belly’ and refers to the pregnancy of ewes, which are pregnant this time of year.

Mother Nature is pregnant and she is letting us know that. She has awakened from her Winter Rest. You can see this in the buds in the trees and the first spring bloomers such as snowdrops, crocuses and daffodils. Everything around you is being prepared for the active part of the year.

Imbolc is originally a Celtic festival, dedicated to Brigid, the Goddess of Forge, Healing, Fertility and Art. This day is also known as Brigid’s Day.

Imbolc is the celebration of the return of Spring and thus the return of Earth’s fertility. The first signs of life in Nature were celebrated exuberantly by our ancestors. Winter had been conquered and people had survived again. The sheep’s milk could be used to make cheese, butter and cream. And that was a welcome addition to the scarce food from the storage cellar and sheds.

Imbolc is an exuberant and cheerful celebration. And I hope your Imbolc time is a time of happiness and cheerfulness♥

With love,
Elke )O( The Alder Scrolls /|\

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