Category Archives: Card Of The Week

Card of the Week Mon 15th ~ 21th of January 2024

Whether you are self-employed, a manager, part of a team, creative or practical, this is the perfect opportunity to reinvent yourself at work. The Universe supports you and a new career if you consciously take steps to achieve your life’s purpose. Follow all the signs, ideas and insights you get, because they will lead you to your dreams. This is what you were born for.

What a wonderful message at the beginning of this new year! Go fot it!

With love,
Elke )O( The Alder Scrolls /|\

Card of the Week Mon 8th ~ Sun 14th of January 2024

Through all obstacles and challenges, with the help of understanding and forgiveness, you have managed to keep people and things that really benefit you, who support you and who love you. You are now ready for transformation, so that you can balance the energy of dark and light ~ of knowledge and wisdom.

I wish you a beautiful week♥

With love,
Elke )O( The Alder Scrolls /|\

Card of the Week Mon 1st ~ Sun 7th of January 2024

The first Card of the Week of 2024♥

The message of the card:
Be careful who you trust. Don’t get caught up in the fear and hustle and bustle of the outside world. You know the truth, so hold on to who you are.

Relationships are based on mutual trust and a mutual agreement can test your trust. Be careful who you share your ideas with.

The moment has come to determine how much trust you are worth.

My message for you:
I am wishing you not just a week, but a whole year in which you will confidently do what makes you happy and be with what you are doing ♥

A very nice start for this is the following.

When you have just woken up and are still in bed, think about what you are going to do that day that will make you happy.

Try this for 21 days, and it will be in your system ♥

May you have a happy, healthy and beautiful New Year!

With love,
Elke )O( The Alder Scrolls /|\

Card of the Week Mon 25th ~ Sun 31st of December 2023

Your inspiration pushes you to rely on your imagination. What you create in your inner world, you only have to attract towards you in the outer world.

A spark of inspiration creates a brilliant revelation, causing your life to take a different turn, which is also reflected in your thoughts and dreams.

Express your inner creativity. Take long walks in Nature and let Nature really inspire you.

Abandon all caution and watch your visions become reality, becoming someone that others want to follow.

I am wishing you a lovely, inspirational, and beautiful last week of 2023♥

With love,
Elke )O( The Alder Scrolls /|\

Card of the Week for Monday 10th of April till Sunday 16th of April 2023

Have a very good afternoon dear all,

A new week has started and it is time for another Card of the Week. This week, Swan ~ Elegance of the Magical Times Empowerment Cards bu Jody Bergsma will accompany us:

This week I will give thanks for the miracle that is me. For I, who was once an ugly duckling, have become something more. I will see the beauty in myself, others, and nature, even when things are not perfect, I know that what I become depends on what I’ve overcome. I will find my rhythm, glide on the waves, and will be a Swan.

Swan also stands for being true to yourself. More about that later this week♥

I wish you a beautiful and inspiring week!

With love,
Elke )O( The Alder Scrolls /|\

Card Week 17, Monday 27th of March-Sunday 2nd of April 2023

Good afternoon dear all,

We have arrived in a new week and with a new week comes a new Week card ♥

This week’s card comes from Spirit of the Wheel and Trust speaks to us:

“Everyone has an area around them that we consider our personal space. If the boundary is crossed, our sense of love and trust can be damaged. We withdraw, opening the doors of the space we use to to protect ourselves. Because of past traumas, the learning process to trust again can be long and painful. Unfortunately, as long as we arm ourselves against this, we cannot love fully.

Receiving and giving love is part of our true being and is necessary for us to survive and grow. Living without love or trust leads to a cold and lonely existence. We all need someone we can trust and share our feelings with. Start developing a relationship of trust with yourself and with the Universe, your Higher Self, the Creator, your God or Goddess or whatever you call your higher power.

It is now time to surrender and release your doubts and fears for a higher purpose, your highest good and truth as destined in the highest plan for all. If we can have faith and trust in that great plan, then the process of healing our wounds can begin and we can slowly but surely reveal our true selves to others. Look at the areas in your life where you hold yourself back from as a result of distrust. Take the first step by learning to love and accept yourself for who you really are.

The prayer that can help with this is the following:

Creator help me surrender to the light of Love. When I have learned to love and value myself, then I am ready to accept in my life only that which is for my highest good and truth as destined in the highest plan for all.”

In today’s world this can be a big challenge, but it is not impossible. Oracle cards and Reiki can help you with this. This week asks you to reflect on your Self~Love and Self~Worth. How much do you love yourself? How much do you consider yourself worth? The more you love yourself and the more you value yourself, the stronger you are and can handle the challenges of today.

I wish you a beautiful and insightful week ♥

With love,
Elke )O( The Alder Scrolls /|\

Week Card Monday February 6th – Sunday February 12th 2023

Have a very nice Monday dear everyone,

Last week the Wheel of the Year turned to Imbolc ~ Beginning of Spring. With a new month and a new phase of the Wheel of the Year, comes also a new deck for the Week Ccards. With the awakening of Mother Earth, the Nature’s Whispers wanted to guide us this month. And who am I to argue with that 😉

If you view this card on your mobile phone, take a moment and zoom in. The cards of Nature’s Whispers are beautiful and you will always see something new♥

What does Mother Earth want to tell us this week?

Purposeful pursuit

“Something you really want requires a greater commitment from you. It can be physical, emotional and mental. Identify what you need right now. Set this goal and be willing to give it time to making it a reality. Commitment and hard work will help you achieve your goals. Once you have decided, do your very best in everything you do. You will have plenty of opportunities to achieve your goals in a short time. Pay attention to signs you encounter, because nature helps you on your way ♥” ~ Mother Earth

Do you find it difficult to close to yourself and what you need? Then ask yourself halfway through the morning, afternoon and evening what you need at that moment. And act accordingly. So are you cleaning your home and do you need a some reading time in your book? Then do that. When you hear, see and acknowledge yourself and your own needs, you notice that you stop fighting against yourself and your own needs. This keeps you in flow and that means you have more energy.

Are you crazy about Oracle cards, like me, then draw a card every day with the question: “What can I do today to stay in flow?”

I wish you a beautiful and insightful week!

With love,
Elke )O( The Alder Scrolls /|\

Week Card Monday January 23rd – Sunday January 29th

A very good morning dear all,

With a new week comes a new Week card.

This week we are guided by Tzafkiel:

“I ask you to ask us for help more often. When you have decided for yourself to allow the Angels into your life by showing loving behavior and good intentions, then doors are opened in your consciousness to receive Angelic guidance. To help you with this, I give you my power symbols.

Symbol of Receptivity

The ‘white Peacock Feather’ is the person card for the woman and the partner card for the man, the sign for the mother within us, the Divine Feminine aspect in ourselves. This symbol asks you to live, think, feel and act from Love and Compassion.

Symbol of Access

The ‘key’ is in your hands and serves as a signal that gates are opening in your consciousness with which you start a new beginning in the outer world, but also to other dimensions, which can lead to solutions.”
~ AE Tzafkiel

I wish you a beautiful week with beautiful encounters and experiences on your Path ♥

With love,
Elke )O( The Alder Scrolls /|\

Card of the Week ~ Five of Vessels ~ Ecstasy

Inside a pentagram drawn in the earth, this woman dances in delight and ecstasy under a star-studded night sky. In one hand she has a thyrsus (spear with a pinecone point) and in the other a leather headed rattle with a drawn face on it. She wears a necklace of animal teeth around her neck. On the five points of the pentagram are 5 vessels that glow like candles.

The Beat of the Universal Drum is heard in the soul and it is healthy to surrender for a time and to join the dance. Energy is renewed by bathing in the cosmic life force of exultant and sincere ecstasy. The ecstatic trance has been described as a delightful possession of a mysterious union with a timeless exuberance. The fusion of the spiritual being with a profound and loving universal mind elevates the soul to the space between spaces, where poetry breathes through you and exultation and stillness coexist effortlessly.

But, how do you do that in our time with all these measures and the concerns that arise from that and perhaps having to celebrate the holidays differently? This period, when stress before the holidays is normally already rampant and may now predominate due to all these measures, can be quite a challenge for you. In order not to be put off, this card invites you to watch yourself closely. When you feel or notice that you are overflowing, that stress is predominant or that the pressure is getting too much for you: Stop – Think – Act.

Stop what you are doing.

Think about what is stressing you and ask yourself what you need right now.

Act on what you need at that moment.

Focus especially on what you like to do, what makes you happy to do and what automatically puts a smile on your face just by thinking about it. Because that also includes the Rhythm of the Universal Drum.

But then my work will not be finished.
But then I cannot complete my planning for the holidays.
But then I don’t have enough time for my deadlines.

All excuses!

When you find yourself stressed, you fight with yourself and it won’t get any better anyway. And yes, I speak from experience;) But, if you then completely shift your senses and allow yourself the time to listen to what you need and act on that, you will notice that your tense feeling fades. This creates space. And you feel relaxed again. That nice relaxed feeling ensures that you will finish what you still had to do faster and with less or no effort.

You do not believe me?

Challenge yourself and give it a try!

I wish you a beautiful week in which you not only hear the Rhythm of the Universal Drum, but also experience it.

With love,

Elke )O( The Alder Scrolls /|\

#TheAlderScrolls #Nature #Attention #Inspiration #Druid #ElkeTheAlderScrolls #InTheFootstepsOfTheDruid #SelfCoaching #CardOfTheWeek #WildWoodTarot

The Cards are Turned

Dear all, the cards are turned.

From left to right, here are the messages of the Dragons.

Left: Aquamarine Dragon from Neptune

Aquamarine Dragons from Neptune are Water Dragons. They will flow around you, surrounding you with their Aquamarine energy and awakening your psychic abilities. Connect with them often, for each time you do so they will light up more of the keys and codes of your true essence. This will bring you soul contentment and a sense of your divine magnificence, and you will experience higher levels of enlightenment and see your world and the Universe through different eyes.

The Aquamarine Dragon from Neptune asks you to drink a glass of blessed water as you tune in to this dragon. He or she will be able to touch you more profoundly when you drank clear water. Another way to understand their guidance is to  close your eyes, think about crystal clear blue water and see the dragon in the picture in front of you. Focus on your breathing, find your silence within yourself and your guidance will come to you. This can also be done while taking a shower.

Middle: Pure White Dragon from Orion

A Pure White Dragon from Orion has come to you today to advise you to examine what you know with enlightened eyes. Process any information you are working with through your right brain to discover how to use it for the highest good. The high-frequency dragons form Orion will be with you to help you with this process. They will allow you to advance your spiritual growth and expand your wings of light.

When you hold white in your aura, people trust and respect you. This card calls on you to speak your truth, act with honesty and be totally honorable in all your dealings. When challenged, call upon the Pure White Dragon from Orion to help, advise or support you with this challenge. Trust your self-wisdom and walk your talk.

Right: Fire and Water Dragon

Call on Fire and Water Dragons whenever you face big changes, decisions or challenges on your pathway. They will push you through times of inertia or fatigue by filling you with new expectation and excitement. Once you have made up your mind, they will bolster your energy and give you thrust and determination. They also love play and fun and will lighten you up.

You guidance now is to be prepared for rapid change in your life, as you are being propelled into a higher state of being. If you make up your mind about the direction you wish to take, these dragons will push you on with grace and surprising ease. If you are not clear, you may find something arises that you hadn’t anticipated. So expect the unexpected and enjoy the changes coming to you.

Look through the eyes of a Fire and Water Dragon  and see everything from a higher, lighter perspective. And remember that whatever happens will be for your highest good.

Have a great week all!

With love,
Elke )O( The Alder Scrolls /|\

#TheAlderScrolls #Nature #Attention #Inspiration #Druid #ElkeTheAlderScrolls #InTheFootstepsOfTheDruid #SelfCoaching #CardOfTheWeek #DragonOracleCards