Category Archives: Divination

Information about Tarot, Lenormand, Runes and Oracles.

Imbolc ~ Divination

A good morning, evening or somewhere in between my dear dear out there,

During the turnings of the Wheel of the Year, a lot of Divination is done. Insights are gained about what the Imbolc period brings. Through the reading below you can also gain insights into how you can best use the beautiful energy of Imbolc for yourself. So grab your cards, your Runes or your Ogham and see what Imbolc has in store for you.

I am wishing you great insights♥

With love,
Elke )O( The Alder Scrolls /|\

Alban Eilir ~ Spring Equinox ~ Ostara Reading

Dear All,

The turnings of the Wheel of the Year are always beautiful moments to do some diviniation. Through divination you can get a glimpse of the future. But I think the most important reason for divination is that it offers you insights and answers to the Here and Now. Because, if you would like to see your future differently, it is important to change things in your thinking and doing now. Through those actions in the Now, you change the future, because your changing course. If you want to change, but keep doing what you’ve always done, nothing will change.

Alban Eilir’s energy is a beautiful and powerful energy to do things differently.

With Alban Eilir we move from the dark part of the year to the light part of the year. This period is all about balance, letting go, planting and letting it grow. What do you wish to take with you into the light part of the year and what do you wish to leave behind in the dark part of the year? What would you like to grow this year? Or what would you like to see differently this year? And which seeds are you going to plant for that?

Through the reading pattern Alban Eilir you will get all the answers to this. So grab your Oracle or Tarot cards, your Runes or your Ogham and discover what the period of Alban Eilir can bring you. And know this, when you take 1 step towards the Universe, the Universe will take 10 towards you♥

Wishing you a beautiful, insightful and fruitful Alban Eilir period!

With love,
Elke )O( The Alder Scrolls /|\

Card of the week 14-2019


Judgement can connect to you in 3 ways.

Judgement can mean renewal. The freshness of a new dawn, a fresh start. To come to a judgement can be a tough cookie to crack. Especially when it comes down to tough choices. If you are facing one, look the situation straight in the eye, acknowledge the necessity and forgive. Forgiving sets you free. You know what has to be done.

It can also mean that you are judging everything and everyone in your life right now. What does that say about you? Where does that leave you? Know that it limits your freedom. Try to look from it from a above, like a Hawk flies above the ground, and let go, forgive and set yourself free.

The third way can mean a wake-up call for you. Judgement urges you to act, something needs to be done. But due to the daily worries, you forget doing it again and you risk falling back to sleep and continuing on in old and familiar ways that no longer work for you. So wake up and act!

Have an insightful way my dear dear ones out there!

Elke )O( The Alder Scrolls

Judgement – Shadowscapes Tarot

Card of Week 12-2019

Cattail ~ Typha latifolia ~ Build

While Cattails are a great potential food source, they are much more widely used as a building material. The rushes and leaves are used to weave baskets, seating, roofing, insulation, boats and even whole floating islands upon which people build their houses. Animals like muskrats and beavers also use the rushes to build and insulate their homes.

The oracle property Build is a perfect fit for this useful plant. There are times in life when we should be building, strengthening our foundations and planning the future. Now is the time to plan your future, to look ahead and invest time and effort in personal development.

What would you like to build?

And what foundation do you need for that?

Does it take any investment in time and effort before you can build?

Know that a dream without a plan will stay a dream, so if yes, when will you start?

Have a great week my dear dear ones out there!

Elke )O( The Alder Scrolls

From the de Hedgewitch Botanical Oracle by Siolo Thompson

Annual Reading Rune of October

We are already 12 days in October and well it is high time for the Annual Reading Rune of September, the review, and the preview of the Rune of October.

And what a surprise September turned out to be! Sowilo, the Rune of September is the rune that gives you the opportunity to use all your possibilities so that self-realization and success can be achieved. This rune heals you and brings you closer to completeness and individuality.

How special the effect of this rune turned out for me. Sowilo also being my Year Rune, I expected it to be a top month full of successes, happy moments and improved fitness. That is true regarding some aspects of my life. But not regarding to me personal. At the moment I, well, just don’t know it anymore and due to circumstances I hit rock bottom.

When you know me, you know that I am already full in process to finding answers and my way back up again. But to say that I feel so radiant as Sowilo, well, no, rather the opposite. And yet that is very positive, however crazy that may sound. Because, I have been forced to finally, really, make that one choice that I have been pushing forward for years.

And last week I finally made that most important decision: I choose myself! So in that regard, this month’s rune did exactly what had to be done. Beautiful how this kind of process works and thank you Sowilo ♥

The Rune of October is Kenaz and this rune stands for major changes that will energetically eliminate many old problems, entering new relationships, open up new perspectives open and urges to express yourself creatively.

In addition, Kenaz stands for light or enlightment, it is the fire rune, works purifyingly and makes the darkness disappear. It provides insight into your current situation and despite any limitations or dependence on others, you will find the strength and insight to achieve your own goals. This means that this rune is also a guiding rune, meaning that you will receive instructions and guidance.

While I was studying this rune I also read: “when you come out of the darkness, you now have enough light to see that you are the patient on the operating table”. And that’s exactly how it feels for me too.

This year has been unfolding for me in a very special, peculiar way when it comes to growth and personal developments. Thanks to the runes, I understand these developments, however painful they may be at times. And that provides a firm basis and helps me to maintain my trust. In addition, it made me really, finally, completely choose for myself and that feels good, very good. And scary, very scary! Because where is this going to bring me, where does this lead to? No idea and that is ok. I will get there one step at a time.

See you at Samhuinn again with a whole new Annual Reading of the Runes. If you’d like that too, let me know♥

Elke )O( The Alder Scrolls

Year Reading October 2018 TAS

Year Reading Runes 2018

The last Rune I have described in my Year Reading Runes is March! Time for a bit of reflecting and the Rune of September.

April: Hagalaz
Hagalaz is known as the weather rune (hail). This Rune often refers to challenges or uncontrollable internal and external forces.
Well, I really was in for a treat of Hagalaz! In March the tug of war started to get our son into a new school. On top of that, I had to find a job or other means of income, because my unemployment benefit would end on August 1st. Anyway, first things first and I focused on a school change. And while doing that I received a nice gift in the form of a vacancy that ultimately brought me my new job. As of May 1st I am working for a great organization with the best of people and in a very nice position

May: Ehwaz
This Rune stands for cooperation and progress. Changes are at your doorstep and they are for the better.
The Rune of May is also very appropriate. We kept our son at home from May 17th. We first wanted to find a school that was welcoming him and where he could stay. Well when you decide to keep your son out of school, you’ll end up in a turmoil. And that turmoil brought us an Angel in the form of a educational consultant who has helped us tremendously. Because of her commitment and cooperation, our son is now in a school where he is welcome, heard-seen-acknowledged and from September 3rd he goed to school with a smile on his face again. So happy!

June: Elhaz
The message of Elhaz: You will enter a period of fullness where there are multiple opportunities to give your life even more content and colour. You have your emotions under control and have both feet firmly on the ground.You not only protect yourself, but also the people in your environment that are dear to you.

The Summer starts and we are still fully involved in the school changing process. In combination with my new job that can be quite a challenge at times. Fortunately I have a very nice employer and educational consultant, very nice colleagues, family and friends who support us. It feels good I am able to both work and fight for a good school for our son.

July: Gebo
Gebo symbolizes friendship and cooperation. This rune encourages you to only enter into equal commitments with respect for the freedom and self-determination of the other.
At the end of July the Summer holiday starts and we found for our son a nice new school where he can start after the Summer. We are very grateful for all the help, understanding and support of the educational consultant, the attendance officer and the new school. Summer can begin! Unfortunately there is 1 setback, due to circumstances we have to cancel our trip to friends in Denmark. The more fun it is when they call and ask if we would like them to come over. We had such a wonderful week! Our son was having the time of his life with his grandma and grandma on the boat and we enjoyed a precious week together with our friends. Grateful and blessed ♥

August: Wunjo
This is a positive rune, symbolizing balance and harmony. You are now in a period in which happiness, wealth and health predominate. The time of hard work or problems lies behind you. You have come to yourself, light has come into the darkness.

I have my Summer holiday early August. I can finally relax from stress, hectic times and tension. What a bliss, everything is allowed, no obligations.

September: Sowilo
The Sun gives light and warmth and is seen as the life force. Prosperity and health are the forces that are assigned to this Rune. Sowilo is the rune that gives you the chance to use all your possibilities as optimally as possible so that self-realisation and success can be achieved. The positive influence of this rune heals you and brings you closer to completeness and individuality.

This Rune is also my Year Rune. How beautiful is that! I am very curious what this month will bring me. I will come to you at the end of September ♥

With love,

Elke )O( The Alder Scrolls

Jaarlegging September met profielfoto

Cards turned August 28th 2018

Hereby the meaning of the cards♥

Week Reading 28-08-2018 Open

Left: Bramble

Tenacity – Boundaries – Rootedness

Bramble also known as Blackberry, is found all over the world and is native to most of Europe. It is found in hedgerows and on any uncultivated ground, where its long prickly stems soon create tangled masses of impenetrable undergrowth. As if to compensate for this unsociability, the plant produces quantities of white or pale pink flowers, which bloom from May onwards, giving way to deep purple, almost, black fruit.

The card illustrates one of the distinctive features of the Bramble, its exceptionally long picking season, demonstrated by its display of unripe and ripe fruit. On the stone we can see the Ogham sign for Bramble, M which stands for Muin. Some writers assign this Ogham to the vine, others to blackberry. The fruit of both plants produce wine, which provides the associations to this Ogham of the loosening of inhibitions and the accessing of intuition or prophecy as a result.

If you ever tried digging up Bramble roots, you will know how tenacious they are. They travel long and deep and some root systems can cover a wide area and be of great age. For this reason the perfect symbol for tenacity and rootedness. It’s not going to be pushed around and it’s not going anywhere! If you have chosen this card, it’s possible that you feel like digging your heels in and just staying put, holding your ground and protecting all that you hold dear. It’s also possible that this card represents another person or situation that is ‘prickly’ and stubborn. It may be necessary to remember how difficult it is to remove a Bramble from its position and how, at the right season, it can yield delicious fruit that is full of goodness. Knowing our own boundaries is vital to our emotional and spiritual health and when it comes to relationships, being sensitive to other people’s boundaries is vital too. Often, provided we respect their boundaries and when necessary leave them alone, they will in their own time be generous to us.

The Bramble helps you to become (more) decisive, set boundaries and bring balance between feelings and doing. When you connect to the Bramble it helps you not to hide behind activities and helps to show your feelings more easily. It gives you almost infinite strength and perseverance and helps you to step forward. You will dare to be more vulnerable if you are sufficiently empowered and you will become more empowered by daring to be vulnerable. So, if you could use some help regarding setting boundaries and listen to your feelings/emotions more, if you wish to become more empowered by showing your vulnerability, then go out and find the Bramble. Spend some time with it and see what message it holds for you.


Middle: Vervain

Reconciliation – Awen – Magic

Vervain is found in most areas of Europe, in North Africa and much of Asia. A perennial that grows to a height of 80 cm (2 ½ ft), it is usually seen at roadsides or in meadowland. Its small flowers range from pinkish to pale lilac and appear on sparsely leafed stems in May. They carry no perfume, while the leaves have a bitter, astringent taste.

The card shows a plant in bloom, with a honeycomb laid as an offering  beside it. Magical Rowan berries hang down from the tree above and in the distance we see a hare who has left his form beside the Vervain.

If we can infuse a sense of magic into our lives we are truly blessed; sadness and apparent obstructions seem to flee from us as if unwelcome. A beneficent cycle is set in motion whereby our good intentions and acts result in further positive actions from others which, in turn, enhance our own lives. Druids offer gifts of honey or milk to plants that they harvest. This ritual act conveys gratitude and the desire to not simply take from the Earth.

If you have selected this card it may indicate that you are entering such a cycle, because of your own acts of goodness. In the old days it was believed that Vervain favoured the settling of disputes and choosing this card may mean that you are being called upon to settle an argument or achieve reconciliation between two opposing positions. In addition, it could suggest that you are likely to be inspired in your creative life (inspiration is known as Awen in Druidry). Creativity, like everything in Nature, works in cycles and you may be beginning a new cycle of creative flowering.

To find out what your message regarding your creativity is referring to, ask yourself where you are in your process and compare that to the Wheel of the Year. When you are in Winter’s Rest, you are still thinking about your creative process. Take all the time you need and think about your success stories, what doesn’t work anymore (and let that go), what you would like to accomplish and harvest. When you are in Spring, it is all about creating, innovating and action. Like sowing the seeds, nurture and maintain them. When you are in Summer, it comes down to consolidating, nurturing and caring for your projects and plans. When you are in Autumn, it is all about harvesting and letting go. Good luck!



Delusion – Pretence – Inflation

Puffballs include the largest and most conspicuous mushrooms of the fungi  family and are found in temperate regions throughout the world, but seem absent from South Africa.  The Giant Puffball can grow to 1 m in diameter and weigh up to 18 kg. All Puffballs, including the smaller Gem-studded or Common Puffball depicted here, have firm, white flesh when young. The skin gradually darkens and the flesh turns to a mass of brown, powdery spores as it matures and dries. Finally, the skin bursts to release trillions of spores. The card shows to common Puffballs ready to eat and a third about to release its spores, ripe for careful picking for medicinal use. In the foreground grows Lesser Celandine, beside which crouches a frog. Behind a tree we see the hallucinogenic, toxic mushroom Fly Agaric.

Mushrooms are mysterious. They grow in the darkness and feed on decaying matter. Picking this card may mean that something peculiar is happening or about to happen, that you can’t fully understand. Mushrooms are symbols of the Inner Mysteries: they are connected beneath the ground in vast networks; they grow in darkness and perform alchemy of turning dead matter in new life. Like the Inner Mysteries, they have guardians that prevent access to the unworthy, but if approached with reverence they will show you their inner world. Befriending mushrooms gives you access to a deep level of the Earth’s mysteries and, some say, access to the realms of Faery. With this comes the healing of any sense of woundedness and a feeling too of being connected to the Web of All Being.

Was this your card? Then try to find out what encounter, what signal, what dream, what experience or person could be representing a symbol of Inner Mysteries and try to find out its message. Maybe you certainly think about that certain boy- or girlfriend from a Summer Holiday spent abroad many many years ago, Or you certainly find a memorabilia that reminds you of something. Or a certain dream present insights that make you wonder about a certain aspect in your life.  And try to connect that to the healing of any sense of woundedness.
