Category Archives: Food for Thought

What a beautiful and wonderful world we live in

And then suddenly you find this treasure on your time line on Facebook. Thank you for sharing Irene.

We do live in a beautiful and wonderful world and Mankind has itself alienated from it so much by amongst other things the Industrial Revolution.

May we all wake up by what’s happening now.

Enjoy these beautiful images♥

And have a good day wherever you are.

With love,
Elke )O( The Alder Scrolls

Afbeelding kan het volgende bevatten: lucht en buiten

LD Day 3 ~ The Mystery

This card directs you into the unknowable Mystery of your journey. It is the sacred place where all things are created, but are not yet formed. It points the way to pure power and potential, which meets the magic of intention. It tells you that the magical unknowable forces of destiny and fate are working in your life. The forces that you can never fully understand or control are, indeed, weaving their magic around you to help you fulfill your true purpose.

Today Mystery asks your attention

Mystery is something outside human’s influence. You either love it or hate it. But it’s there. And nowadays it seems to be more and more present. The question is, how will you deal with it? Does it make you afraid? Does it make you motivated? Will it put you into action or freeze you? Or will it empower you?

We all respond differently to Mystery. I think that comes from the factor ‘uncertainty’. We humans look for certainty and the times we live in right now, may give you the feeling that it has been taken away from you.

Yesterday I had Day 2 of a 5 Day Coaching Workshop and Kendall Summerhawk brought this up in a, I thought, very clear way that connects with today’s card. She said that certainty is a human basic need. And you won’t find it in the media, because the media feeds on fear, chaos and drama. You won’t find it in the grocery shops with all the empty shelves. So where do you find it? You can find it in yourself.

So if you feel off balance, restless, worried or anxious about what to do, what about next week, what if… Stop it! Stop, think and take action:


If you feel you’re going to loose it, or you get sad or you start to panic, stop, full stop and clear your head. Take 3 deep breaths in through your nose and out through your mouth. Place 1 hand on your heart and the other on your sternum , close your eyes and focus on your breathing. Behind your sternum resides your Inner Wise Self. And She/He is patiently waiting for you to reconnect with Her/Him. Your Inner Wise Self is there for you, to advise you, to give you answers and to comfort you. If you place your hand on your heart and the other on your sternum, you will make contact with Her/Him.


Ask yourself (meaning your Inner Wise Self) what’s going on. What is it that you are feeling and what is the underlying feeling. Let the feeling go completely through your body. Know that you have that feeling, you are not that feeling. Then ask yourself if it’s realistic, this feeling. 9 out of 10 times it isn’t. But if it is, ask yourself what you can do to stay calm and positive and focus on the best outcome. If it isn’t realistic, ask yourself what you can do to get yourself back on the realistic path. For instance, if you are afraid, acknowledge the fear. And ask yourself, what’s the worst that can happen? What can I do, when that happens? How can I prevent it from happening?


If you stop and think things through, you will act consciously instead of rushing into things without thinking and well because of that, risking misery.

By acting like this, you won’t let fear, drama or chaos take over, but you stay in control of your own feelings. This will bring you the certainty you are looking for. What happens in the world is temporarily and it will pass. Look at the history and you will know that.

Remember who you are and what you stand for. There will always be a way. Those same words can you hear in the following song and please listen to it, especially at 5.30 mins. Let your inner light shine through and make it strong.

For a lot people going within is a big Mystery, because nowadays we are so focused on the outside world that we became alienated with our own inner world . But it seems Mother Earth is taking over. She wants to heal. Mysteriously canals in Venice are clean, Bull fights in Spain are cancelled, the sky over China is clear for the first time in many years and more and more of these messages reach the surface. And the only way seems to have us humans confined to our homes. I also see in this an assignment, a task for us. Lots of people are stressed out, burnout, complaining about too little time for themselves, their families, hobbies, and asking themselves is this really it? Also lots of people are wondering if the way industries and economies treat Mother Earth is a good and wise way. Well, now is the time rest and to really think all this over.

Ask yourself these days, am I happy with the way I live and have to work. Does it bring a smile on my face and does it make my heart sing? Ask yourself, am I the one I truly am? What do I want? And what’s holding me back? How do I get there? And the Mystery lies in the answers, in how you deal with yourself now.

Trust the Mystery and go for it!

For now, trust that the thread of your life is woven into the pattern of The Mystery with beauty, grace, strength and purpose. This card is an auspicious and profound omen that shows you that you are on the correct path♥

Stay positive and trust the Mystery!

With love,
Elke )O( The Alder Scrolls

#Nature #Attention #Inspiration #Druid #ElkeTheAlderScrolls #InTheFootstepsOfTheDruid #LD #DayCard #Mystery #SelfCoaching

LD Day 2 ~ The Bee

When the bee buzzes into your life it’s a reminder that with hard work and a firm commitment a sweet outcome is assured. The Bee is a symbol of luck, so expect miracles and your life will be victorious and sweet. Bees also create their own luck. And for that, effort is essential as you progress. The Bee is always making honey. So get busy and the positive outcome will be yours.

Today the Bee buzzes into your life.

This small creature has proven itself vital for the existence of humanity. So if, with all what’s going on in the world, your country or your family, makes you feel insignificant or small, remember the Bee. There is so much you can do.

In times of great stress or adversity, it’s always best
to keep busy, to plow your anger and your energy
into something positive.
~ Lee Iacoca

But being at home, your whole familiar day scheme turned upside down, worries about family and friends and not being able to visit them, what can you do? With many thanks to the digital world, you can keep in touch with loved ones. You can finally read the books you want but never seemed to have the time for. You can start that new hobby you have bought all the materials for, but other priorities kept you from starting. And clean and clear your house. Now is the time to go through all your stuff and see what makes you happy and what not. Collect it and recycle. See every day as a blank page, ready to be filled with the actions that you can do at home and make you busy and happy.

But no matter what you do, stay on the positive side by keeping a positive mind. This lesson of Buddha always gets me back on track when I feel I am loosing it.

When you focus on problems,
you get more problems.
When you focus on possibilities,
you have more opportunities.
~ Buddha

I understand it oh so well if you think “yeah right”, but please give it a try, you might be surprised by the outcome. If you don’t know how or how to get back to positive thinking, please let me know and I may be able to help you.

But back to the card of The Bee. This card is a reminder that with hard work and a firm commitment a sweet outcome is assured. And I’d like to give an example of the situation I am in right now.

When I heard the schools are closed till the 6th of April, I immediately thought, ok what about school work and what about my own recovery (I am recovering from burnout-depression-being stressed out) and what about groceries and well I think you get the picture. But then I walked our sweet dog and looked around. I saw little green leaves on the trees, Catsfoot in bloom, buds about to open and I realized, no matter what, it will all work out in the end. So I thought ok girl, how would you like the next 3 weeks to be. And I could only think of 1 way:

  • Happy
  • With TLC
  • Lots of fun and laughter

With a big smile I started to think about what I could do to make it so. I searched for home schooling schedules and tricks, in the morning before getting out of bed I think happy thoughts that make me smile, I express my feelings to my husband and he to me and I let life take over in the sense that what comes and asks attention, I will give it to it. No plans, no to do lists, just paying attention to our needs at that time in that moment. And it works! The best part, no extra stress and that’s what counts and helps you to stay positive. My key words:

  • Nature
  • Inspiration
  • Attention

Maybe you have your own key words that help you when you want to get back on the positive track. I hereby invite you with love to share them under this post. Let’s help each other to stay focused on the positive side.

May the Bee gives you inspiration today by her dedication and commitment!

Lots of love,
Elke )O( The Alder Scrolls /|\

#Nature #Attention #Inspiration #Druid #ElkeTheAlderScrolls #InTheFootsteptOfTheDruid #DayCard #LD #SelfCoaching #TheBee

LD Day 1 ~ The Earth Fairy

As of today, the Netherlands will be in a Lockdown until April 6. Do I say this correctly? No idea really. I don't really know what a Lockdown is. As I have always understood, it is a term from prison life. Miss Google, as my husband also calls me, looked it up.
Lockdown (LD):
Detention of prisoners during all or a large part of the day as a temporary security measure. 

An emergency measure or condition that temporarily prevents people from entering or leaving a restricted area or building (such as a school) during a threat of danger. 
And yes, we are all at home except for the heroes of the vital professions. With the aim of getting the Coronavirus as little foothold as possible. Now that I am writing this, my imagination immediately awakens and I have a great film script in my head. But, that's for another time;) 

I've seen it coming, prepared for it and yet it feels odd. It also sounds so negative. I prefer to see it from another point of view and today I saw this image on Facebook. These words describe exactly how I see it: 
To make my own contribution, I will post a daily Card of the Day from the Wisdom of Avalon Oracle Cards as Food for Thought. Who knows, you might benefit from it.. Card of the Day 1 proves that my choice is the right one:
The Earth Fairy
The Earth Fairy asks you to pay attention to your health and all things pertaining to your physical body. She reminds you to get inot your body and out of your head. Don't spend so much time analyzing things over and over. Get your hands into some dirt, gardening perhaps? Walk barefoot in the grass and remember that your physical body is the house of your spirit, as Mother Earth houses you. Get grounded, remember that you're part of the living Earth. Stay connected.
This message, today, magical!
When you get nervous today, or restless, or wonder what you should do sitting 3 weeks at home? Then go into your garden or on your balcony and clean the dirt around your plants. Plant some Spring flowers and TLC your garden. 

If you don't have that option, get plants in your home or take care of the plants you have. And especially bring Spring into your home with tulips, daffodils or hyacinths. 

To get out of your head, you can also do some creative things, such as sculpting, colouring, origami or redesigning your rooms. 

So far nothing to your liking? How about the old-fashioned cleaning: 
Monday - Washing day 
Tuesday - Ironing day 
Wednesday - Mending day or clean up your wardrobe and linen cupboard and donate to charity 
Thursday - Cleaning day 
Friday - Shopping day 
Saturday - Chores day 
Sunday - Resting day 

When you do your 'do'-things with attention, you automatically get out of your head and into your body. And when you are there, in your body, feel how that feels. Are you tired? Do you have stiff muscles or sore spots somewhere? And then consider what your body wants to tell you. Listen and ask what you need now. 

Anyway, take the next 3 weeks mainly to rest and spend quality time with yourself, your family and your loved ones. 

I wish you a beautiful day today filled with sunshine, 

With love, 
Elke )O( The Alder Scrolls /|\

#Attention #EarthFairy #DayCard #Druid #ElkeTheAlderScrolls #InTheFootstepsOfTheDruid #Inspiration #LD #Nature #SelfCoaching

Food for thought for week 42-2018

At the moment my life is all about being honest with myself, where am I in my life right now, where do I want to be in 10 years, what steps are needed to get there. The time of the year helps me with this. Autumn with its energy of letting go and the coming Winter’s Rest with its energy of turning inwards, reflecting and dreaming.

And it sounds so simple, but is it? ‘Cause tell me, how honest are you actually with yourself?

Until recently I was not that honest with myself and as a result of that I turned around in circles. But since I made that one decision, completely choosing for myself, it’s flowing again. I am very grateful for my decision to go, completely out of my comfort zone, in hypnotherapy to reset my subconscious and to become again who I am by nature. And wow what an effect that has had! I’m not there yet, but the feeling that my consciousness and my subconsciousness are connected again is so good. Thank you Natasia ♥

My theme for the coming year is: I choose for myself, what I want and what makes me happy. I’m going for that!

And what is your theme for the coming year? Can you answer it by the following quote?

“The best day of your life is …

You decide that your life is yours and that you are the one who shapes your life. Follow the path of your dreams, not the path of other people’s expectations.

Believe in it, that’s the start.

If there is something that mountains can resist, then that is trust in your own strength. ”

I wish you a great week!

Elke )O( The Alder Scrolls
