Category Archives: Inspiration

What do the signs in your name mean?

A very good Wednesday morning, evening or somewhere in bewteen dea dear you out there,

A while ago someone asked me what the meaning of the characters in my name was. I was surprised by that question. Those signs are so familiar to me. And so nice that someone asked about it.

If you’ve ever wondered what )O( and /|\ stand for, here they come:

♥ my first Path was that of Lunar and Traditional Witch and that is what )O( stands for
♥ in 2017 I changed to the Druid path and that is what /|\ stands for

In this way I honour all those Witches and Druids who have gone before me. I feel blessed to be following my Life’s Path in their footsteps. In addition, I hope that if you are also a )O( or a /|\, you know that you are not alone. There are so many of us and I hope we can find each other through those signs ♥

I wish you a wonderful day!

With love,
Elke )O( The Alder Scrolls /|\

Full Moon in Luis ~ Rowan 25th of January 2024

Full Moon in Luis ~ Rowan ~ 25th of January 2024

The Full Moon is about celebrating and releasing. What do you wish to celebrate, what are you grateful for? What would you like to release? The energy now is that of Summer. A bit crazy, it’s still Winter. But if you pay close attention, you will notice that Spring is coming. The first buds on the trees, the catkins of the Hazel and the songs of the Birds. Nature slowly comes back to life. And you feel that inside too. It is bubbling and you feel like taking action. Nevertheless, vigilance is required. It can still freeze during the night. Plans that you put out too early can fail. During the Winter you thought about what you wish to do in the New Year. These seeds are growing within you now. And it’s time to pay attention to these seeds. Still within yourself. From thinking about, to preparing. What seeds are you going to plant? What do you want to grow this year? Try to feel that as clearly as possible, see it in your mind or write it down. Or create a Vision Board on which you put images to show what you will experience this year. Hang it somewhere you pass every day, so you remember your heart’s desires every day. And do something for it every day. This Full Moon, Rowan, Dragon, Heron, Peridot and Snowdrop will help you with this ♥

Luis ~ Rowan’s message

“I offer you protection. And I ask you to keep your wits about you. That is why I give you the ability to assess situations and people. I strengthen your intuition, help you choose the path of happiness, joy and expectation. Make time for creative moments and rest. Connect with your Guides and Spirit Team. And pay attention to signals you receive from Nature or through ‘coincidences’. There is magic all around you to help you. The result is renewal and joy. Take care of yourself. And only do what is in line with your highest good. Open yourself to the love and support of Mother Earth and let this love permeate yourself and all situations. Feed your heart with love. Love is the answer to everything.”

Dragon’s message

“I encourage you to discover your own creative power and potential. I connect you to the fire within yourself. I want to show you the space of your heart, where all the treasures are hidden. What treasures are hidden within you? Open the space to your heart and experience your freedom. Leave behind all fears and what is holding you back. I help you find your truth and the source of knowledge in your heart.”

Heron’s message

“I teach you to follow your own path, even if it seems to have no structure. Only the step in front of you is important. I feel at home with all elements and give you my gift to find solutions in a playful way and to play with the possibilities that life offers you. Trust your inner guide. Find your own inner rhythm. Find opportunities to adapt to situations and still go your own way. Do this by finding the loving connection. Loving connection is the source of life energy. Of peace with everything.”

Snowdrop’s message

“I am the first to bloom after Winter. And I will help you awaken from your Winter’s Rest. I also help you think about what you want to emerge later. I help you to be brave and not let limitations stop you, just like Winter’s Snow couldn’t stop me from growing and blossoming.”

Peridot’s message

“I protect and cleanse you, so that you can start the active part of the year well. I help you lose the negative influences of others, so that you can follow your own path independently and assertively. I help you to recognize and correct your own mistakes, but also to release feelings of guilt and pent-up emotions. You are now all ready to go. Good luck and have fun!”

And if you could use some insights this Fulle Moon, you could do the enclosed reading with your Oracle or Tarot Cards, Runes of Ogham♥

Wishing you a beautiful Full Moon 🌕

With love,

Elke )O( The Alder Scrolls /|\ 2024 ©

Card of the Week Mon 25th ~ Sun 31st of December 2023

Your inspiration pushes you to rely on your imagination. What you create in your inner world, you only have to attract towards you in the outer world.

A spark of inspiration creates a brilliant revelation, causing your life to take a different turn, which is also reflected in your thoughts and dreams.

Express your inner creativity. Take long walks in Nature and let Nature really inspire you.

Abandon all caution and watch your visions become reality, becoming someone that others want to follow.

I am wishing you a lovely, inspirational, and beautiful last week of 2023♥

With love,
Elke )O( The Alder Scrolls /|\

What April’s energy wants to tell me

Hi dear all,

Today is Oracle Cards Tuesday. You won’t have missed it, I love Oracle Cards. They offer answers, insights and tools. And that makes me really happy. Also today’s cards 😀

The questions I asked my students to work out through the cards last week: “What does my Spirit Team want to tell me about April? And what else is important?” I worked this out for myself this week. And this is the outcome:

What does my Spirit Team want to tell me about April? Wisdom~Spirit Path of the East

The Sun rises in the East. Linked to the East are new beginnings, Spring.

The East is also home to the Element of Air, Brother Wind and the Hawk of Dawn and the Clear Blue Sky. Air helps with making choices. But also with linking words to my thoughts, so that I can speak or write down my words and land them where they find fertile soil.

I can use the energy of April to make a new beginning. Making healthy new choices with respect for my own boundaries.

April’s assignment: Wisdom is a gift never to be taken lightly. My Inner Wise Self calls me to go more inward with questions like: What do I need right now? Look for teachings that are all around you, just as an Owl quietly observes from a distance. The Owl calls me to solve patterns that hinder me. She encourages me to introspect and become the creator of my own living conditions with the affirmation: “I create peace, tranquility, success and happiness in my life.”

What else is important? Moon of Sowing

The card shows the Great Stag, the representative of the Element of Fire. He asks me to stay in touch with my passion and my mission. He urges me to balance my energy. That’s exactly what I need and what I’m working on right now.

In addition, he asks me to be honest. Be honest with myself and with others. Talk about my emotions. What I need. Be kind to myself and to others. Thinking and acting from what would Love and Compassion do.

This month I’ve decided to finish what’s left and then reset my schedule, my work and my focus. I fell into one of my own pitfalls again. Hence my decision. And I must have sensed that correctly. My Spirit Team and April’s energy help me with that. On April 6, I made a new start. On that date I closed my old year and started a new year. So magical how Season, Maps and everything coincides so beautifully and is helpful to me. Magic in action♥

Do you have your own Oracle or Tarot cards? Then do this spread. Then you also know how April’s energy can help you. I hope you receive good insights and answers as well ♥

I will take these 2 cards with me this month. Thank you cards. Thank you Spirit Team! Magical how every time those insights you need come to you. That’s the magic of the Oracle cards and I love it! Totally fun to ask these questions every month 😉 I’m in!

I wish you a very nice reading and day ♥

With love,
Elke )O( The Alder Scrolls /|\

Card of the Week for Monday 10th of April till Sunday 16th of April 2023

Have a very good afternoon dear all,

A new week has started and it is time for another Card of the Week. This week, Swan ~ Elegance of the Magical Times Empowerment Cards bu Jody Bergsma will accompany us:

This week I will give thanks for the miracle that is me. For I, who was once an ugly duckling, have become something more. I will see the beauty in myself, others, and nature, even when things are not perfect, I know that what I become depends on what I’ve overcome. I will find my rhythm, glide on the waves, and will be a Swan.

Swan also stands for being true to yourself. More about that later this week♥

I wish you a beautiful and inspiring week!

With love,
Elke )O( The Alder Scrolls /|\

Card Week 17, Monday 27th of March-Sunday 2nd of April 2023

Good afternoon dear all,

We have arrived in a new week and with a new week comes a new Week card ♥

This week’s card comes from Spirit of the Wheel and Trust speaks to us:

“Everyone has an area around them that we consider our personal space. If the boundary is crossed, our sense of love and trust can be damaged. We withdraw, opening the doors of the space we use to to protect ourselves. Because of past traumas, the learning process to trust again can be long and painful. Unfortunately, as long as we arm ourselves against this, we cannot love fully.

Receiving and giving love is part of our true being and is necessary for us to survive and grow. Living without love or trust leads to a cold and lonely existence. We all need someone we can trust and share our feelings with. Start developing a relationship of trust with yourself and with the Universe, your Higher Self, the Creator, your God or Goddess or whatever you call your higher power.

It is now time to surrender and release your doubts and fears for a higher purpose, your highest good and truth as destined in the highest plan for all. If we can have faith and trust in that great plan, then the process of healing our wounds can begin and we can slowly but surely reveal our true selves to others. Look at the areas in your life where you hold yourself back from as a result of distrust. Take the first step by learning to love and accept yourself for who you really are.

The prayer that can help with this is the following:

Creator help me surrender to the light of Love. When I have learned to love and value myself, then I am ready to accept in my life only that which is for my highest good and truth as destined in the highest plan for all.”

In today’s world this can be a big challenge, but it is not impossible. Oracle cards and Reiki can help you with this. This week asks you to reflect on your Self~Love and Self~Worth. How much do you love yourself? How much do you consider yourself worth? The more you love yourself and the more you value yourself, the stronger you are and can handle the challenges of today.

I wish you a beautiful and insightful week ♥

With love,
Elke )O( The Alder Scrolls /|\

Alban Eilir~Spring Equinox~Ostara is a good time to energetically cleanse yourself and your home

Hi dear all,

Alban Eilir~Spring Equinox~Ostara is a good time to energetically cleanse yourself and your home. Ostara is all about new beginnings and therefore also throwing off the old to make room for the new. Just as Mother Earth throws off her Winter cloak, so by smudging you throw off your old energy that you no longer need.

For energetic cleansing, grab a smudge stick, a sprig of rosemary or a handful of rose petals, sage leaves, mugwort, thyme, juniper berries, or make your own mix and smudge yourself, your home and your workplace.

Wishing you a loving and fruitful Alban Eilir~Spring Equinox~Ostara♥

With love,
Elke )O( The Alder Scrolls /|\

How can the energy of Alban Eilir~Spring Equinox~Ostara help you?

Hi dear all,

When you start living in the rhythm of the Wheel of the Year and use the symbolism of Mother Nature in your own life, you will discover and learn how to (re) know and experience the power of Nature’s Energy. Alban Eilir’s energy represents fertility and growth.

How do you use Alban Eilir’s energy for yourself?

During this period you can use this energy to grow yourself or your plans, ideas, projects or whatever you want to achieve this year. And if you are looking for a new start, invite the Goddess Ostara during your spiritual or personal pursuits and creativity. Ask her fertility regarding your achievements and results. If you would like to bear fruit, in the broadest sense of the word, ask Ostara to place some of her ever-blooming seed in you.


Eggs represent life returning after Winter. Eggs are symbols of fertility, full of promising and potential life. That’s why there are all Easter eggs in the store right now. You can process this beautifully and symbolically by boiling an egg with the intention: I focus on growth and development with regard to [fill in yourself] and to cut it in half. Then you enjoy the egg and carefully spoon out the eggshell. When the eggshells are empty, fill them with soil. You can plant herb seeds or flower seeds in it and cover with a thin layer of soil. Put it in a nice spot, for example your altar, and take good care of the seeds. Then you see the seeds grow. And that symbolizes your own growth.

Plans, Ideas and Projects

Use the energy of this moment, that bubbling, vibrant, promising energy for your inner plans, ideas and projects. These can now be put into practice to grow and prosper. Focus your full attention on what you want to achieve and go for it!

Other ways to use this wonderful energy of Alban Eilir can be found on the Alban Eilir page

Wishing you a loving and fruitful Alban Eilir~Spring Equinox~Ostara♥

With love,
Elke )O( The Alder Scrolls /|\

Alban Eilir~Spring Equinox~Ostara

Dear All,

On March 21, the Wheel of the Year turns for the third time and we celebrate Alban Eilir ~ Spring Equinox ~ Ostara. Day and night are of equal length. After this day the days will get longer and the nights shorter. This day is also the beginning of the active part of the year. We are in the season of Ostara, the Goddess of Light and Fertility. She is full of energy, youthful and enthusiasm. She teaches us to live in the here and now, to honour the present and to embrace your inner child. The Hare is her magical companion and accompanies Ostara on her travels where she awakens life in the sleeping Earth and makes flowers grow by laying eggs in the Earth.

March 21th

The date of Alban Eilir ~ Spring Equinox ~ Ostara falls right between Midwinter and Midsummer. And on the day of Alban Eilir ~ Spring Equinox ~ Ostara, the return of Spring, day and night are of equal length. During this period everything revolves around balance.


The word ‘Spring’ comes from Germanic and means ‘lengthening’, the lengthening of the days. And that refers to the fact that after Alban Eilir ~ Spring Equinox ~ Ostara the days are visibly longer and the power of the Sun will increase every day.

Light part of the year

Alban Eilir ~ Spring Equinox ~ Ostara is the third Annual Feast and symbolizes the victory of the Light, the arrival of the fertile period, Spring, and also the beginning of the active part of the year.


Her name refers to the east, the direction from which the Light, the Sun, comes. Symbolically, Mother Earth is awakened by the young Sun God. And the first thing she does is taking care of all the animals and crops.

Wishing you a loving and fruitful Alban Eilir~Spring Equinox~Ostara♥

With love,
Elke )O( The Alder Scrolls /|\