Category Archives: SelfCoaching

Blessed Imbolc – Blessed Lughnasadh

Dear dear all out there,

Tonight the Wheel of the Year turns for another time.

For the Northern Hemisphere the Wheel turns from Alban Arthan-Midwinter-Yule to Imbolc, the Beginning of Spring.

For the Southern Hemisphere, the Wheel turns from Alban Hefin-Midsummer-Litha to Lughnasadh, the Beginning of Autumn.

What these festivals mean, how you can use the energies in your daily life and how you can celebrate these happy and delightful times, can be found on:


With love,
Elke )O( The Aldertree /|\ © 2022

Dark Moon in Beith – January 2nd, 2022

Dear dear all out there,

You are used to me sharing my Moon messages with Full Moon. However, this year the Moon Messages are going to be a little different. For quite some time now it has not felt right for me to only share my Moon messages about her energy, the energy of Mother Earth and how you can use those energies for yourself with the Full Moon. Last year I sometimes shared my messages with the Waxing or Waning Moon and that felt good. That got me thinking. I like to work with the Wheel of the Year and the energy of Mother Earth. But I also like to work with the Moon phases and the energy of the Moon. So, I’ve decided to bring those two together.

What can you expect from me this year?

The year is divided into 4 seasons, Winter, Spring, Summer and Autumn. This subdivision can be found in the Moon phases: Dark Moon = Winter, Waxing Moon = Spring, Full Moon = Summer and Waning Moon = Autumn.

This year you will get:

  • 3 Dark Moon Messages in January, November and December
  • 3 Crescent Moon Messages in February, March and April
  • 3 Full Moon Messages in May, June and July
  • 3 Waning Moon messages in August, September and October.

In this way the message corresponds with the energy of Mother Earth and the respective Moon phase. I am curious what wonderful experiences this will bring for you.

Another change is that I’ve left the Archetypes behind. Every Ogham has his or her own Power Animals and they want to play a bigger role this year. I am happy to comply with that.

Dark Moon in Beith ~ January 2nd, 2022

Today the Moon is born in Beith ~ Birch. The Moon is not yet visible, hence Dark Moon. This Lunar Period in Beith is from January 2nd to February 1st. Nature outside is still deeply withdrawn into Mother Earth. Resting until Spring. Preparing for a new cycle of germination, growing, blooming and harvesting. Mother Earth asks you to do the same. You can think of this Lunar Period as a brainstorming phase. Let everything come to you. Plans. Dreams. Wishes. Intentions. Cherish all the ideas for the new year like seeds you want to plant later. Take stock and become aware of what you want to grow in this new year ahead.

Beith’s message

“I symbolize the end and the beginning. I am a true pioneer. After a calamity, such as a forest fire, I am the first to grow again. I prepare the ground for all the other trees. I am very strong, tough and give you confidence in your own abilities and your future. I invite you to climb all the way up to my peak. From there, you can see the new year from a higher perspective. My heart-shaped leaves remind you that true wisdom comes from your heart.”

Eagle’s message

“Come, fly with me, and you’ll get a higher view of things. I will show you your full potential and the tools at your disposal. I challenge you to express yourself, rise to your full height and say yes to your full potential that you have within you. I point out to you your higher task in the service of humanity. Take full responsibility for your life and your actions. Follow the power of your heart. Stand up for yourself. Walk your own path. Stand for who you are. Follow my call, and you will find and live your destiny.”

Stag’s message

“I will guide you through the darkness, bring you vital life energy and teach you to see things with your heart. Remember your own fantasy and your magical ability to transform the world into light. Use that power of thought. Open yourself and discover your special talents. I help you with your adaptability and your sense of the right moment. Have faith. I give you my strength and self-healing ability. Withdraw regularly to recharge and heal yourself. Remember your own plan, why you came back, and carry it out with love.”

Daisy’s message

“I rise again and again, no matter how many times you mow me or step on me. I give you my resilience. I help you to stay close to yourself and to follow your own path. And whatever happens, get up again! Have faith. In yourself. In life. In what you do and want. I help you with creativity. Think in chances and possibilities. And use the power of love.”

The message of Rock Crystal

“I help you to dissolve inner blockages. Make you energetic, strong-willed and purposeful again. I provide insight into your own motives and motivations. Because of me you see crystal clear what you do want. I am amplifying your self healing power. And I give you love, harmony and purity.”

I wish you an insightful Moon ♥ 

With love,
Elke )O( The Aldertree /|\ 2022 ©

#TheAldertree #Nature #Attention #Inspiration #Druid #ElkeTheAldertree #InTheFootstepsOfTheDruid #SelfCoaching #Moon #MoonMessage #Beith #Birch #Eagle #Stag #Daisy #RockCrystal

Blessed and Happy Solstices

Dear dear all out there,

Blessed and Happy Solstices♥

Here in the Northern Hemisphere, the Year Wheel turned for the very last time this calendar year. We are now in the time of Alban Arthan ~ Yule ~ Midwinter ~ Christmas.

“So the shortest day came, and the year died.
And everywhere down the centuries of the snow-white world
came people singing, dancing.
To drive the dark away.”
~ Susan Cooper, The Shortest Day

This is the time of the Winter Solstice and the Return of the Light. On the 21st of December we celebrated Alban Arthan. The shortest day and longest night of the year. After December 21, the days will start to lengthen again. It is an important turning point.

Until Alban Arthan everything was about letting go and the withering away of nature and that is now reversing. Now is the time to sow, build, grow and bloom. Although still in a very early stage, because these are dark cold times and it will take a long time before nature reaches its full strength, but the start is there. And we celebrate that with this first Wheel of the Year Festival of this new Wheel of the Year cycle.

On my Yule – Midwinter – Alban Arthan page you can find all kinds of information about how to celebrate the return of the Sun and the Light.

Wishing you a blessed and happy Alban Arthan ~ Yule ~ Midwinter ~ Christmas ♥

If you are in the Southern Hemisphere, you are half way the calendar year now. The Summer is at her peak.

On the Midsummer Day the Sun is singing her song.
Radiant her round through heavens high.
Golden glow of grain, flower filled fields.
The land and the living enjoy light of day.

On Midsummer Night the Sun is singing her song.
Bonfire flame fiery and fair.
Solstice bestow Midsummer Night.
As wysrd is well woven this numious night.
– Frigga Asraaf

This is the time of the Summer Solstice. All seeds have been planted, everything grows and is in full bloom and all we have to do is take care for and love all we are growing and blooming. In Summer, just like in Winter, we visit each other to spend pleasant time together, celebrate life and be together to strengthen bonds. Hence the many Summer festivals.

On my Litha – Midsummer – Alban Hefin page you can find all kinds of information about how you can celebrate this lovely festival.

I wish you all a happy and blessed Solstice♥

With love,
Elke )O( The Aldertree /|\

#TheAldertree #Nature #Attention #Inspiration #Druid #ElkeTheAldertree #InTheFootstepsOfTheDruid #SelfCoaching #Yule #AlbanArthan #Midwinter #Christmas #Litha #AlbanHefin #Midsummer

Waning and Dark Moon in Ngetal – December 2nd 2021

Hi my dear dear all out there,

After a hectic week, my Moon Message at the last minute.

We are at 3% Waning Moon and just before the New Moon of December 4. It’s going to be accompanied by a Solar Eclipse, so that’s going to be an interesting one.

But, first we close this Lunar Period.

How you can do that?

In this way…

Waning and Dark Moon in Ngetal ~ December 2nd 2021

We are currently in the Samhain Time. The Wheel of the Year is complete and a new Wheel cycle has started. This period is all about a final phase and the start-up of a new one. Nature has withdrawn and is resting deep within Mother Earth, preparing for a new Spring of life, growth and bloom. Nature needs this withdrawal to recharge itself energetically. Everything slows down. Animals go into hibernation. Winter’s Rest is a great time to free yourself from old things, old thinking or behavior patterns, to clean your house and to come to terms with yourself. In this way, preparations are made for the new things to come in the new Calendar Year and for Nature in Spring.

The Ogham this Moon ~ Ngetal

“I bend and then bounce back. That’s how I brave every storm. Learn from my resilience. Apply it in your life. The sprint to the end of the calendar year has started. A stressful time. Don’t think about what you still have to do, think about what you want to achieve. This shift in thinking brings great change. Set your end goal and work towards it every day. That can be difficult, because Nature withdraws for the Winter Rest. You also want to turn within and rest, instead of sprinting. Balance is the motto now. Alternate effort with relaxation. Reflect on each result and celebrate it. Take yourself seriously. Believe in yourself. I send you courage, strength and confidence for a good result. Enjoy it.”

The Archetype of Ngetal ~ Pwyll, Head of Annwn

“I am Pwyll, Head of the Underworld where Souls wait to be born again. I stand for duality. No darkness without light. End and beginning. Death and life. But also the struggle between the higher and lower self, Soul and Ego. Change comes by exploring and embracing your shadow side. I give you the personal ability to overcome impossible situations. To maintain the virtue of justice, the moral principle of fair play must be the guiding light. If not, chaos and darkness reign. I help you with a clear vision or insight into the complexity of life.”

The Power Animal that advises you ~ Geese

“I symbolize hearth fire, hospitality, loyalty and love. Stay true to yourself no matter what. Take your responsibility. Look in your inner mirror. Find out what is important to you and strive for that. Guard your inner fire, your source of the strength and warmth that helps you to get through the cold times ahead. I give you diligence, discipline, perseverance and the strength you need. And I teach you that you can unite everything in a peaceful way. You don’t have to choose, you can do both in the right rhythm and at the right time. Take care of yourself, your family, friends and your community with love. Look at the bigger picture and ask yourself what you can do for your community. Have a good time.”

The Herb that supports you ~ Watermint

“I bring you warmth, protection and cheerfulness. If you find it difficult to digest certain situations or things, I can help you with that. I support you to be open to other ideas and feelings.”

The Gem Stone that helps you ~ Jaspis

“I’ll make sure you stay grounded in storm. I make honest and sincere, also to yourself. I bring body, mind and feelings into balance. I protect you from negative influences. And I help you to set boundaries and stand up for yourself.”

With love.
Elke )O( The Aldertree /|\

#TheAlderScrolls #Nature #Attention #Inspiration #Druid #ElkeTheAlderScrolls #InTheFootstepsOfTheDruid #SelfCoaching #Reed #Ngetal #Watermint #Pwyll #Goose #Jasper

Blessed Samhain – Blessed Beltane

My dear dear all out there,

For the Northern Hemisphere, this weekend the Wheel of the Year will spin for the last time and we celebrate Samhain.

On my page Samhain you can find all kinds of information about what Samhain is and how to celebrate this inspiring Samhain time.

For the Southern Hemisphere, this weekend the Wheel of the Year turns to the time of Beltane. On my page Beltane you can find all kinds of information about what Beltane is and how to celebrate this loving Beltane time.

With love,
Elke )O( The Aldertree /|\

#TheAlderScrolls #Nature #Attention #Inspiration #Druid #ElkeTheAlderScrolls #InTheFootstepsOfTheDruid #SelfCoaching #Samhain #BeginningOfWinter #Beltane #BeginningOfSummer

Note: The Alder Scrolls has undergone a name change and is now The Aldertree. And with the Name Change comes also a new website. You are hereby all invited to come and join With love, Elke )O( The Aldertree /|\

The Land Between

My dear dear all out there,

The World is in turmoil and so is our Inner World. We are all affected by the events and the measures taken by our governments. We are facing new measures here in the Netherlands and it has been occupying my thoughts. Apparently so, that when I drew my Card of the Day, it answered me with this beauty:

I asked the Cards what wisdom I could carry into today and The Land Between came out. And I totally relate to this card. At the moment it feels indeed as The Land Between. The card says the following:

“The process in between worlds is where things get really interesting. You learn how to manage your fear, how to stay present in the now, how to see in the dark. You absorb the lessons offered to you with grace, because you can’t go any faster. This is a real test of emotional fortitude, patience, trust, and humility. Once you have made this no-man’s-land your home, it will be part of you. Then whatever set in motion comes to life. This is what you’ve been waiting for. When you look back, you will grow to love the place ‘in between’, for that is where you were reborn.

With every Card of the Day I draw an Affirmation of the Day and today’s affirmation is the following:

The food for thought that comes with this affirmation is the following:

“My heart is open. I allow my love to flow freely. I love myself, I love myself, and others love me.”

The World is in an Interbellum, a time in between times, at the moment. And our society is facing great challenges and so are we. What is the World we would love to live in?

We are undergoing a change, a change from an industrial society to an technological society. And the sitting power is frantically trying to maintain its power. But, we all know what a cornered cat is doing, it makes weird jumps. Those jumps have become more and more hurtful in the sense of divide and conquer. But I express my hope here that eventually Love conquers all.

Reconnect with Love; within yourself, towards your family and friends and towards the World as a whole. Only when we act from Love, our World and our society will blossom again. So go within and explore what kind of world you wish to live in. And the see what little steps you can take in the outside World to establish your Dream World. The magic is in this process, because you know: once you believe, you will receive.

Choose Love
Reconnect with Love
Dream the World you want to live in from Love
And act in the outer World from Love
Love is the Key

Have a wonderful and delightful week my dear dear ones out there♥

With love,
Elke )O( The Aldertree /|\

#TheAlderScrolls #Nature #Attention #Inspiration #Druid #ElkeTheAlderScrolls #InTheFootstepsOfTheDruid #SelfCoaching #CardOfTheDay #OracleOfThe7Energies #DailyAffirmation #PowerThoughtCards

Kruidenwis or Herb Wis 2021

Last weekend I clearly got the message to really make my Herb Wis (Kruidenwis) and do the garden asap.

My new Kruidenwis feels very good.

All herbs are from my garden: Marigold, Rosemary, Lemon verbena, Catnip, Lady’s Bedstraw, Lady’s Mantle, and supplemented with Alder, Ivy and Holly.

Now for the meanings and finding out what the message of this Kruidenwis is.

So nice to do these kinds of things. Gives me energy. What gives you energy?

With love,
Elke )O( The Aldertree /|\

#TheAlderScrolls #Nature #Attention #Inspiration #Druid #ElkeTheAlderScrolls #InTheFootstepsOfTheDruid #SelfCoaching #Kruidenwis #Herbwis #Marigold #Rosemary #Lemonverbena #Catnip #Woodruff #LadysMantle #Alder #Ivy #Holly

Note: The Alder Scrolls has undergone a name change and is now The Aldertree. And with the Name Change comes also a new website. You are hereby all invited to come and join With love, Elke )O( The Aldertree /|\

Blessed Mabon~Ostara dear dear all out there

Dear dear all out there,

Today in the Northern Hemisphere we celebrate Mabon ~ Alban Elfed ~ the Autumn Equinox, and it is an excellent time to take stock, reflect on your blessings and what you have been able to harvest over the past year and reflect on what you leave behind in the bright part of the year and with it. occupies the dark part of the year. After today, the days will be visibly shorter. Look at the Nature around you and let go of what no longer serves you/no longer yields anything. Let it go, as the Trees do with their leaves, and enjoy the space it creates. Maybe you want to finish something for the winter? Then you now have all the space for that until Samhain. Enjoy the Autumn, the harvest and the Wind that takes your thoughts on its wings and blows your entire system clean. How you can celebrate Mabon and all kinds of other information about this beautiful Wheel of the Year Festival, can be found on my Mabon Page.

Today in the Southern Hemisphere we celebrate Ostara ~ Alban Eilir ~ the Spring Equinox, and an excellent time to plant your seeds and bring your plans and projects in the open and start realizing them. What is it that you wish for this year to become reality? After today the days will grow visibly longer. What will you leave with the dark part of the year and what will you take with you into the light part of the year? Look at Nature around you and take care like the Trees care for their buds, the birds for their nests and enjoy taking care of your plans and projects. Let the fresh Spring air inspire you and energize you to become your best true self. How you can celebrate Ostara and all kinds of other information about this beautiful Wheel of the Year Festival can be found on my Ostara Page.

I wish you a blessed Mabon/Ostara♥

With love,Elke )O( The Aldertree /|\

#Attention #Nature #Inspiration #Druid #InTheFootstepsOfTheDruid #ElkeTheAldertree #TheAldertree #SelfCoaching #Mabon #AlbanElfed #Autumn #AutumnEquinox #Ostara #AlbanEilir #Spring #SpringEquinox

Note: The Alder Scrolls has undergone a name change and is now The Aldertree. And with the Name Change comes also a new website. You are hereby all invited to come and join With love, Elke )O( The Aldertree /|\

Full Moon in Muin ~ 21st of September 2021

Today is the Full Moon in Muin~Bramble, and Mabon, the Autumn Equinox. An excellent moment to take stock, reflect on your blessings and what you were able to harvest in the past year and think about what you leave behind in the light part of the year and take with you into the dark part of the year. After today, the days will be visibly shorter. Look at the Nature around you and let go of what no longer serves you/no longer benefits you. Let it go, as the Trees do with their leaves, and enjoy the space it creates. Maybe you want to finish something before the Winter? Then you now have all the space for that until Samhain. Enjoy the Autumn, the harvest and the Wind that takes your thoughts on its wings and blows your entire system clean. Until the next New Moon you are not alone, the following helpers travel along with you.

The Ogham this Moon ~ Muin

“My bushes are full of blackberries and I gladly share my abundance with you. What is your harvest and what do you share with others? Like me, be proud of your harvest and share it with love. If you are tense, let the strings loosen for a while. Catch your breath, rest, and then move on. Look to Mother Earth for advice. She does everything at her own pace and everything comes out at the right time. Express your gratitude and count your blessings. Celebrate, enjoy and be grateful for what you have been given and what you can share with others.”

The Archetype of Muin is Branwen

“I am known for the loss in my life, but also for love and beauty; topics to think about at this time of year. I am also one of the Goddesses of Motherhood and the Full Moon. Honor your fullness, your successes and your abundance that comes from your harvest. I bring you the Cauldron filled with abundance and happiness. That it helps you get through the dark time of the year. And I bring you the Cup to stay connected with the Primordial Source of Love, Knowledge & Wisdom, Creation & Birth of Life in the broadest sense of the word, Power and Protection. Stay in flow, celebrate and share your successes.”

The Power Animale that advises you is Swan

“I stand for being true to your true nature, beauty and transformation. I teach you to follow true love in your life and believe in it, keep faith, even if you find it difficult. I help you to put aside and leave behind that which does not suit your true nature. I give you courage, inspiration and strength to transform yourself into your true Self.” 

The Herb dat supports you is Valerian

“Harvest time is a busy time. Don’t beat yourself up, but take plenty of rest between your activities. I give you that rest, so that you can let life pass as it is; without requirements or rules. Act like a cat. Curl up in the Sun or by the fireplace on a nice pillow and let everything pass you by. Enjoy and feel good.”

The Gem Stone that helps you is Emerald

“I bring you inner growth empowerment. I help you to let go of entrenched patterns and to tap into your inner wisdom. With me, you attract love, harmony and abundance. I am the Stone of Truth and Self-discipline. And I give you emotional resilience and self-esteem.”

I wish you a blessed and abundant Full Moon♥

With love,
Elke )O( The Aldertree /|\

#TheAldertree #Nature #Attention #Inspiration #Druid #ElkeTheAldertree #InTheFootstepsOfTheDruid #SelfCoaching #FullMoon #Muin #Bramble #Branwen #Swan #Emerald #Valerian #Mabon #AutumnEquinox

Note: The Alder Scrolls has undergone a name change and is now The Aldertree. And with the Name Change comes also a new website. You are hereby all invited to come and join With love, Elke )O( The Aldertree /|\

Full moon in Hawthorn ~ 26th of May 2021

Dear All out there,

Today we celebrate Full Moon in Hawthorn. And a very special one! Today there is also a Lunar Eclipse or Blood Moon and there is a Super Moon.


Today’s Full Moon is called a Super Full Moon because the Full Moon is close to Earth, making it appear larger. This makes her energy extra strong and her effects extra noticeable.

Blood Moon or Lunar Eclipse

A Blood Moon means that a complete lunar eclipse is taking place. The term “Blood” comes from the fact that the Moon turns red during the entire lunar eclipse. During the lunar eclipse, the Earth is between the Sun and the Moon. This will block out all light except the red light. That red light is deflected and therefore the Full Moon is illuminated in red. The special thing about a Blood Moon is that all Moon phases are reviewed at once during this Full Moon. And you can take advantage of this. What is in your shadow side that may see the light?

Full Moon in Hawthorn ~ 26th of May 2021

Nature in all her fertility, growth and flowering is working towards a climax. The theme of this Moon is clearly growth and bloom. Spring slowly turns into Summer. Everything seems to go by itself and the rhythm that belongs to Summer is setting in, even though the weather is not. However, Nature works very hard to get everything ready in time for an abundant harvest. Resting is possible, as long as the ultimate goal is not lost sight of, so the motto seems. How do you keep your focus in the midst of the delusions of the day?

The Ogham this Moon is Hawthorn

With my whimsical branches full of thorns, my soft green leaves and bright white flowers, I help you with the insight of opposites. Beauty has two sides. The flower in bloom and the flower withered. Both equally beautiful and equally important when you understand and embrace the process. Growth also has two sides. Focus on growth, all is growing well; focus not on growth, growth withers. Where lies your focus? Honestly?

The Archetype of Hawthorn is Govannan

I make the hottest fire with Hawthorn wood. The hotter the fire, the hotter the iron, the better my ironwork. My question for you is, do you strike the forge when it is hot?

The Power Animal that advises you is Bee

I remind you that you are a powerful creator. You are the King/Queen of abundance. Be open to receiving sweetness. Do you also take the time to enjoy it fully and with attention? I also help you to break tangles and wires from old connections. This cleanses your energy field to make room for new things. My question for you: what is stopping you from living your life to the fullest according to your desires? 

The Herb that supports you is Wood Sorrel

I am a real shade plant. At nightfall, with too much Sunlight or approaching Rain, I close my leaves. I help you to live from your heart and to withdraw daily to recharge your batteries. By doing that, you stay energetic. I am also a healer and help you to come to terms with your shadow side. Know that I make weapons infallible. With me by your side, you have a powerful companion.

The Gemstone that helps you is Topaz

Carry me with you when you need inspiration or new ideas. I strengthen your inner fire, your creative power, your inner Source that is in contact with the Great Source. I also help you with clear thinking and speaking, as well as rational and pragmatic action. I provide relaxation by relieving stress. I give you focus, stamina and a good mood. Use this period to reach your full potential. Carry me with you and I’ll make you more confident.

I wish you an inspiring Full Moon )O(

With love,
Elke )O( The Aldertree /|\ 2021 ©

#Nature #Inspiration #Attention #TheAldertree #Druid #ElkeTheAldertree #InTheFootstepsOfTheDruid #SelfCoaching #Moon #FullMoon #SuperMoon #LunarEclipse #Hawthorn #Govannan #Bee #WoodSorrel #Topaz