Category Archives: Signals from Mother Nature

When a Bat flutters into your life

They are so cute!

And like bees so important for our existence ♥

When a bat flutters into your life, it has the following message for you:

“Grow and become your own future. Focus on progress and stay balanced in the present. Do this by looking for the less obvious way, your way. Break through existing patterns so that you gain new insights. And if you find that difficult, then I will spread my wings around you and help you in confronting the unknown. I will guide you through unexplored possibilities, talents and treasures within yourself. ” ~ Bat.

See for a cute video this link:


The Dear message of the Ladybug

TLast Monday I walked with our dog Keelin to the field where I always walk her. We usually have a lot of fun together; I throw the ball away, she picks it up and then acts as if she won’t let go of the ball. But it was different this time. Our cat Minoes has been missing for a week now and while I was walking there, I was reflecting on my thoughts and feelings:

  • I am upset: how could this have happened, when was that unguarded moment when she squeaked out;
  • I am not with it: is she doing well; are they kind to her wherever she is; why has no one reported that she was found where she was spotted;
  • It takes me a lot of energy to stay focused: life goes on, but I want nothing more than to go down the streets and ring the bell and distribute flyers;
  • And feelings of sadness, anger, despair, helplessness, and frustration fight for priority.

In short, I am out of balance.

The walks with Keelin help me find my balance again. The trees under which we walk relieve me of my negative energy. The blossom that I enjoy so much, makes me feel happier and shows me the beautiful side of life again. And the frolicking of Keelin make me smile again. Nature’s healing power never cease to amaze me and I continue gratefully and charged again.


All of a sudden my eye was drawn to a Ladybug with lots of dots. Amazed by the place where I found this Ladybug, I sit down on my knees to see if everything is alright. I pay attention that the ball thrower does not disturb anything. Unfortunately, the poor Ladybug immediately becomes acquainted with my clumsiness and gets the fright of his or her life. It stays dead still and as careful as I can, I help her or him up again. Fortunately, everything still works and it seems like he or she observes me with humour just as I look at him or her with care. After she or he has given me the following message, he or she continues his or her way undisturbed

Close your eyes and make a wish! It is time for your wishes to be fulfilled.
~ Ladybug

Happily I express my wish and with this sweet gesture of this Ladybug I also continue my way. I <y walk a bit firmer and secure, my back a little more straight and with a renewed hope that Minoes will come home again, because someone will do the right thing and report her.

Have a lovely sunny day everyone,

Elke )O( The Alder Scrolls

Message of the Ladybug:
When the Ladybug appears to you, it marks a time of happiness in which your wishes are fulfilled.
Higher goals and new heights are now possible.
Worries begin to disappear.
New happiness comes.
The Ladybug also warns against trying too hard or going too fast to fulfil our dreams.
Let things flow at their natural pace.
Our wishes will all come true over time.
Alternatively, she or he can signal that you can let your worries rest and that new happiness is coming.
Finally, she or he tells you that you don’t have to be afraid to live your own truth.
Protecting your truth and know that it is your job to honour it.

Encouragement by Yellow Cornelian Cherry and Holly

Today I was drawn to a very special shrub, the Yellow Cornelian Cherry from the Dogwood Family. Beautiful yellow blossom on still leafless branches, protected by the Holly that hangs next to it and above it. I felt connected to that Yellow Cornelian Cherry that is already blooming and is protected by Holly, it fits where I am now in my life. Carefully I started to show what I have to offer, the first successes are there, and being protected I take my first steps. I had to smile when I was standing there and studying the flower of the Yellow Cornelian Cherry. The flower has 4 leaves that symbolize for me the 4 Elements and the Earth, in between there are 4 axillary screens that reach to the Universe. I am currently also unfolding myself, spreading my wings in all directions and trusting the Universe doing it. Beautiful!

At home I looked a little bit further into this member of the Dogwood Family for the spiritual meaning and this is what I found. The Yellow Cornelian Cherry makes you aware of the much larger picture you are part of. You are part of a whole and connected with everything and everyone around you. Yellow Cornelian Cherry helps you to remember who you are and why you wanted to be back here on earth.

Holly stands for protection and safety. He wants to guard you and if you lose courage he helps you to remember by his green leaves and red berries that the Winter passes again and Spring will come. He protects you so that you can grow and develop yourself until you are ready to stand on your own.

Finding this combination, the Yellow Cornelian Cherry and the Holly, give me the signal that I can go for it and can trust the Universe. Wonderful how Mother Nature coaches and encourages you ♥

Do you dare to go for it? If not, let me know, we will look together at what Nature wishes to tell you about yourself.

With love,
Elke )O( The Alder Scrolls © 2019

Yellow Cornelian Cherry and Holly

Jig Saw pieces and the road towards goals in your life

Today I got a very special Signal of Mother Nature, pieces of a jig saw puzzle! I actually had to laugh about it, because it refers so beautifully to what I am currently working on, my life’s puzzle. I want so much and I do not know where to start. I wish to be completely independent on May 1 and I wish to arrange everything, develop, do business and preferably all yesterday and at the same time. Well, there is no lack of enthusiasm and drive;) But when it comes to hours in a day and available time… And yes, of course, what I wish for is always different from reality when it comes to  planning and balancing family, business and available time.

The picture of my puzzle is crystal clear in my head, the corners and the edge of the puzzle are laid out, now only the middle part remains. And that can sometimes be a big challenge and sometimes you can find in the blink of an eye exactly the right pieces of the puzzle that fit together.

When I walked on this afternoon after finding these pieces and thought about their message for me, I also had to think about what a friend said to me today:

Enjoy the journey and stop forcing things.
Enjoy developing.
Enjoy the process.

So to the point! And also so relaxing to give in to exactly that. Because don’t you agree that it can be so stressful when you just want to find that one piece of the puzzle and you cannot? How wonderful is it then to think about why you started to make that puzzle in the first place. Beautiful how the pieces of the jig saw puzzle I found made me aware of this.

With love,
Elke )O( The Alder Scrolls © 2019

Happy and inspiring Imbolc 2019

This weekend we celebrate Imbolc. Imbolc means ‘in the belly’. Mother Nature is pregnant and she wants us to know. She is waking up from her Winter’s Rest. It shows in the buds on the trees and the first Spring flowers like Snowdrops, Crocuses and Daffodils. All around you everything is in full preparation to be ready for the active part of the year.

This is also the moment when you decide which seeds you wish to plant. What would you like to grow this year? Where would you like to develop, grow and flourish yourself? Try to visualise that as clear as possible. Or write it down for yourself. Think about your heart’s desire every day and do something for it.

Lydia and myself, Mirjam taking the picture

Last night I celebrated a warm Imbolc with fellow druids Lydia and Mirjam. During this beautiful celebration, Geese sang to us, the Fox wanted attention and the Owl brought us a message. So special!

Today I have linked things together and I am so grateful for these beautiful messages from Nature.

The Geese give us the message to stay true to ourselves, no matter what happens. They ask us to find out what is important to us, so that we can pursue that in our lives. The Goose also symbolizes renewal. How appropriate that we were treated to a Goose concert during our celebration of Imbolc.

The Fox asks us to examine in ourselves what still sticks or holds us back from the past. What are we still carrying with us or what do we have to complete before we can freely pursue what is important to us? The Fox helps us to deal with this and gives us the courage and strength to continue on our way, listen to ourselves and stay true to ourselves.

The Owl calls upon us to develop our full potential and to trust our intuition. She advises us to get to know our inner dark forest and the secrets therein, because in it lies the power of creation. Meet your own feelings and thoughts in your own dark forest and see how you create your own life and the circumstances within it. She asks you to become the creator of your own life.

To reinforce these messages from the Geese, the Fox and the Owl, we can use:

– the affirmation of the Goose: “My inner fire burns and gives me strength in every matter. The Wisdom of the Cosmos takes me to the right place, to the right circumstances and to what is important at this moment in my life.”

– the affirmation of the Fox: “I am protected and safe in my being and all my strength returns to me.”

– the affirmation of the Owl: “All knowledge, all wisdom is already in me. With the power of my subconscious, I create peace success and happiness in my life.”


Would you like something tangible, then you could wear a Fox Amulet, preferably a Fox friendly self made one as in the picture. Wearing them gives confidence in the inner guide, protection and the ability to limit yourself in a healthy way

Happy and inspiring greetings.
Elke )O( The Alder Scrolls

Chickadee really wants to say something to me

Today I had my first to-do-list-free day and I really like that! The whole day I experienced no stress or agitation and yet I did what I wanted to have done that day. In addition I started with a manifestation diary. And when I was pondering about that while I was walking with my dog Keelin, a Chickadee really wanted to tell me something. She kept on chirping.

I stopped walking and greeted her and she stopped chirping to make sure she had my attention. But when I started to leave … she went back to chirping again. That little thing made me laugh, and I said, “All right, I will take a picture of you and I will look up what your message is for me”. With her head tilted, she looked at me and the chirping became calmer.

But with a big black dog, no matter how sweet that dog is, every little bird flies away. That was the same with my little brave merry Chickadee. So I had Keelin stay put and how sweet, she did listen and while talking to the Chickadee I walked towards her. When I arrived, I took the picture below.

Back home, reading the message of that Chikadee,  made me very happy. She urges and challenges me to find my own signature voice and bring that into the world. Her message:

“Find your own identity, claim your place and bring your message into the world in your own unique way.”
– Chickadee

I am confident that it will all turn out for the best with my to-do-list-free life that I am going to manifest. Thank you Chickadee ♥

Have you recently received a clear Signal from Mother Nature and are you wondering what the message is for you, please let me know. I’d love to help you.

With love,
Elke )O( The Alder Scrolls © 2019

Relaxing Blackbird on the roof

Today my eyes were drawn to a Blackbird who was sitting comfortably on a roof, looking around and minding his own business. Like the one in the picture. In such a way as if he was thinking am I feeling ok, do I like my view and what could I do next or will I stay here for a bit more. How relaxing! Deep down I actually was a bit jealous of him when I thought about all the things I had planned for myself to do today. Et voilà the Signal Mother Nature was giving me today was completely clear to me!

The rest of the day I spent in a mindful way. And after I finished something, like Blackbird, I checked with myself what I wanted to do next or if just wanted to enjoy the moment a bit more. And well that is about 180 degrees opposite of how I usually act, but wow this way really feels good! I am going to keep that way for a while and see where it leads me. Especially when I found this message on

Big changes of a profoundly significant nature
are happening all around you. Go with the flow.
-Redwing Blackbird

With love and relaxed greetings,

Elke )O( The Alder Scrolls © 2018

Signals from Mother Nature – When a Woodpecker crosses your path

On my Dutch page I received a lovely reaction from a dear friend of mine to my post Motivating encounter with Cricket. One of her favourite birds is the Woodpecker. That same week she spotted 2 in a tree nearby and she wondered what their message might be for her.

Woodpeckeris a tree-dweller, flies in wavelike  movements and drums on trees to hear where the hollow parts are, because that’s the place he can find food. In the hole he then stores his own stock of nuts or pine cones. If Woodpecker crosses your path, he gives you the signal that you have to be alert. Possibilities and chances are going to occur. He brings you a positive change of course in your life. Woodpecker asks you: “How do you imagine your life if your wish is fulfilled?”. Use your imagination. If you have that crystal clear, then it will become easier to make the right choices. In other words, focus on your wish from an attitude of love.

Do you find it difficult, finding your heart’s desire? Under the wings of Woodpecker is the door to the dream world. Close your eyes, listen to the rhythm of Woodpecker’s drumming and let you be taken away. What makes your heart beat faster, what makes you truly happy? Observe your dream, your heart’s desire and save that image. You can even write it down so you, so it sticks with you. This way making the right choices becomes more easy. Woodpecker also helps you to break old ties, patterns or thoughts that hinder you to reach your heart’s desire. Listen to your feelings and act accordingly from love. Woodpecker is a good guide, because with his drumming and wavelike flying he helps you to find your own natural rhythm and go along with your natural flow instead of going against it.

The message of Woodpecker:

“Know that there are opportunities coming your way. In other words,  positive change is in the air. It is up to you to take these opportunities, whether that means completing a project or the renewal of an old project or simply an encounter with someone. However you will notice it, the door is wide open for you at the moment and it is up to you to ask for success. Find your own natural rhythm of life and move forward without hindrance from others, thoughts or feelings. Drum loose what is obstructing you. Listen to your heart, feel if it feels right and think whether this is the right moment. If so, go for it! “~ Woodpecker

I wish you a lovely day,

Elke )O(The Alder Scrolls © 2018

Signals from Mother Nature – Mushrooms, the icebergs of Earth

A few weeks ago my son and I had an appointment with Toontje. Toontje is a tortoise and he is the puppet from a child psychologist, helping children to express their emotions. My son doesn’t want to talk about his feelings nor how his day at school has been. All he wants is to go back skating. He did that for the first time the day before and he likes that so much better.

When I get out of the car I notice some mushrooms standing next to me. I like them and I take a picture. As we are walking towards the entrance I hear myself saying to my son “I wonder what the message of these mushroom might be”.

During our visit at Toontje’s, my son shows behaviour he hasn’t shown since his former school. I know for sure there’s more to it, but no matter what Toontje and I are trying, we cannot get through to him. When our appointment has come to an end, we are all a bit down and depressed that it turned out differently than expected. When I step into my car I look at the mushrooms and ask them for help.

Message from the Mushrooms:

“A lot of people see us above the ground and think we are all individuals. But you could say we are icebergs of Earth. We are the visible top of a complex and large network underground, the visible fruit of a complete network of fungi. When we speak to you, know that we want you to know that there is more to the eye than you can see. What you see is the tip of the iceberg. Behind the visible message is a hidden message, the true message.” ~Mushroom

And that is exactly what our son showed us. He showed his desire to skate and his behaviour when we told him he couldn’t. He clearly didn’t want to or couldn’t talk about what really bothered him. Eventually, much later at home, the truth came out. Then it was easy for me to connect the message of the mushrooms to the behaviour of our son. If I had known the message of the mushrooms or took the time to look that message up before our appointment with Toontje started we could have helped my son. A very wise lesson of the mushrooms.

Next time I notice mushrooms I know I have to pay attention. That there might be another meaning behind certain behaviour, thoughts or words from the other or myself. Wonderful how Mother Nature gives these signals in the form of warnings or encouragements when you need them.

Did you notice something in nature lately and do you wonder what the message for you might be, let me know.

Have an insightful day my dear dear ones out there!

Elke )O(The Alder Scrolls © 2018

The mycelium of a fungus spreading through soil (Credit: Nigel Cattlin / Alamy)

Signals from Mother Nature – Swan, Mother Nature’s Prima Ballerina

Early September a friend and I are on our way to visit a spiritual festival. We are looking forward to it and have an attitude of we will see what will happen, what tables are free and everything will be exactly as it needs to be. We both have our wishes of course, but we are going to find what we need. Excited and with high spirits we are on our way. Just before we take road out of our living area, we see a swan couple. And obviously, just as we want to pass by, the first Swan sets foot on the road. We both start laughing at this action from the Swans. How beautiful and graceful are these birds. They walk very calmly and gracefully. Calmly looking to the left and to the right to remind the motorists to be patient and also to thank them for their patience. After they have passed by, we continue our way. We are happy and find what we need at the Spirit Festival. On the way home we are grateful and happy for this pleasant and successful day.


The message of Swan:

“You will be shown new ways of thinking, breathing and going with the flow of life. I ask you to accept your ability to know what you expect. Watch your instinct and follow your foreboding. Honour your feminine intuitive side. Remember your inner grace and beauty. Keep work-family-play in balance and recognise the value of personal loneliness to recharge your battery. Maintain your own personality in busy situations. Be fearless in your role as guardian. Defend what is right.

~ Swan


How beautiful to receive this message just before going to a spiritual festival! And yes, during my hand reading in combination with numerology, I have received new ways of thinking and living with the flow of life. Also to listen to my intuition more and to embrace the feminine. We are indeed born with a manual; what an insights! And yes, I followed my intuition and received a mini reading. During that speed reading I have been encouraged to stop thinking so much and to start acting more. I have made enough thoughts and plans, now it is time to put them into action. That gave me enough food for thought. Because now what, how am I supposed to start acting? I have to come out of hiding and let the world see who I am, what I do and how that can help others? And as a result of that, I have started to write about Signals from Mother Nature with great pleasure.

Did an animal cross your path lately and you are curious what his or her message may be for you, let me know and I help you discover what Mother Nature wants to tell you about yourself.

Have a very nice and inspiring day my dear dear ones out there,

Elke )O( The Alder Scrolls © 2018
