Tag Archives: #AlbanEilir

Alban Eilir ~ Spring Equinox ~ Ostara Reading

Dear All,

The turnings of the Wheel of the Year are always beautiful moments to do some diviniation. Through divination you can get a glimpse of the future. But I think the most important reason for divination is that it offers you insights and answers to the Here and Now. Because, if you would like to see your future differently, it is important to change things in your thinking and doing now. Through those actions in the Now, you change the future, because your changing course. If you want to change, but keep doing what you’ve always done, nothing will change.

Alban Eilir’s energy is a beautiful and powerful energy to do things differently.

With Alban Eilir we move from the dark part of the year to the light part of the year. This period is all about balance, letting go, planting and letting it grow. What do you wish to take with you into the light part of the year and what do you wish to leave behind in the dark part of the year? What would you like to grow this year? Or what would you like to see differently this year? And which seeds are you going to plant for that?

Through the reading pattern Alban Eilir you will get all the answers to this. So grab your Oracle or Tarot cards, your Runes or your Ogham and discover what the period of Alban Eilir can bring you. And know this, when you take 1 step towards the Universe, the Universe will take 10 towards you♥

Wishing you a beautiful, insightful and fruitful Alban Eilir period!

With love,
Elke )O( The Alder Scrolls /|\

How can the energy of Alban Eilir~Spring Equinox~Ostara help you?

Hi dear all,

When you start living in the rhythm of the Wheel of the Year and use the symbolism of Mother Nature in your own life, you will discover and learn how to (re) know and experience the power of Nature’s Energy. Alban Eilir’s energy represents fertility and growth.

How do you use Alban Eilir’s energy for yourself?

During this period you can use this energy to grow yourself or your plans, ideas, projects or whatever you want to achieve this year. And if you are looking for a new start, invite the Goddess Ostara during your spiritual or personal pursuits and creativity. Ask her fertility regarding your achievements and results. If you would like to bear fruit, in the broadest sense of the word, ask Ostara to place some of her ever-blooming seed in you.


Eggs represent life returning after Winter. Eggs are symbols of fertility, full of promising and potential life. That’s why there are all Easter eggs in the store right now. You can process this beautifully and symbolically by boiling an egg with the intention: I focus on growth and development with regard to [fill in yourself] and to cut it in half. Then you enjoy the egg and carefully spoon out the eggshell. When the eggshells are empty, fill them with soil. You can plant herb seeds or flower seeds in it and cover with a thin layer of soil. Put it in a nice spot, for example your altar, and take good care of the seeds. Then you see the seeds grow. And that symbolizes your own growth.

Plans, Ideas and Projects

Use the energy of this moment, that bubbling, vibrant, promising energy for your inner plans, ideas and projects. These can now be put into practice to grow and prosper. Focus your full attention on what you want to achieve and go for it!

Other ways to use this wonderful energy of Alban Eilir can be found on the Alban Eilir page

Wishing you a loving and fruitful Alban Eilir~Spring Equinox~Ostara♥

With love,
Elke )O( The Alder Scrolls /|\