Tag Archives: Alder

Kruidenwis or Herb Wis 2021

Last weekend I clearly got the message to really make my Herb Wis (Kruidenwis) and do the garden asap.

My new Kruidenwis feels very good.

All herbs are from my garden: Marigold, Rosemary, Lemon verbena, Catnip, Lady’s Bedstraw, Lady’s Mantle, and supplemented with Alder, Ivy and Holly.

Now for the meanings and finding out what the message of this Kruidenwis is.

So nice to do these kinds of things. Gives me energy. What gives you energy?

With love,
Elke )O( The Aldertree /|\

#TheAlderScrolls #Nature #Attention #Inspiration #Druid #ElkeTheAlderScrolls #InTheFootstepsOfTheDruid #SelfCoaching #Kruidenwis #Herbwis #Marigold #Rosemary #Lemonverbena #Catnip #Woodruff #LadysMantle #Alder #Ivy #Holly

Note: The Alder Scrolls has undergone a name change and is now The Aldertree. And with the Name Change comes also a new website. You are hereby all invited to come and join https://www.the-aldertree.com/. With love, Elke )O( The Aldertree /|\

Full Moon in Alder ~ 28th of March 2021

Full Moon in Alder ~ 28th of March 2021

Today the Full Moon is in Alder. This Full Moon is also called Egg Moon and is all about taking good care of your plans or seeds, protection and doing. It is important to maintain the right focus and not be distracted. What can you do to make your plans and your seeds grow? The Energy of this moment is that of rebirth and new life.

The Ogham this Moon is Alder

The Alder asks you how you keep in touch with your own goal. And asks you to consider what brings you joy. See what makes your heart sing. That is the way that leads to fulfillment and meaning. If you are looking for innovation, I am here to help. I’ll give you the nutrients to grow, even after a rough patch. I am ready to help you start over, lay new foundations and thus achieve your physical identity, your spiritual identity, the desires of your ego and the desires of your soul. Your dreams and ideas are important and I will help you realize them. Take a moment to find it in yourself. Innovation and strength come from this place. You are ready to start over.

The Archetype of Alder is King Arthur

King Arthur and Guinevere, and before that Bran and Branwen, both legendary figures of strength and vulnerability. Heroes with an Achilles heel. Do you know what your Achilles heel is? If you know that, you know where your pitfalls lie figuratively. Then you learn to recognize the signals, so you can make adjustments if necessary.

The Power Animal that advises you is Falcon

Falcon brings you vitality, vigilance and sharp insight. In addition, it strengthens your courage. Falcon helps you maintain a clear overview of the situation. And helps you with healing by chasing away and overcoming that which harms you. She teaches you to know your own talents and to live your true destiny. In this way you build up your own individuality through experiences and insights. 

The Herb that supports you is Broom

Broom helps you when you are in doubt, do not know what you want or have difficulty communicating your own personality. When you carry Brem with you, it increases your psychic powers. In addition, Brem protects you and you can use Brem branches bound into a broom for (energetic) cleaning.

The Gemstone that helps you is Ruby

This deep red gem will bring you protection, boldness and decisiveness. He strengthens your courage, makes you vital and alive. Ruby also increases your concentration and gives pleasure in what you do. He leaves you active and motivated in life. And he aligns your heart with your foundation Ruby makes you enterprising and realistic.

I wish you an inspiring Full Moon♥

With love,
Elke )O( The Alder Tree /|\

#TheAlderScrolls #Nature #Attention #Inspiration #Druid #ElkeTheAlderScrolls #InTheFootstepsOfTheDruid #SelfCoaching #FullMoon #Alder #KingArthur #Bran #Falcon #Broom #Ruby

My own Journey this Moon in Alder and Fox

This Moon period was an intense and profound journey with the Alder Tree, my birth tree, and the Fox, my Totem Animal. But I am so grateful that I was allowed to make this journey. It all started with …

Rite of the Womb

It started during the Full Moon on March 2. I received the Rite of the Womb via Ursula Aerts from Definest. After I found this Rite 3 times on my path, I knew I had to do something with it. And wow what an experience! I have been thinking lately about solving karma, but couldn’t figure out how. Sometimes you have unsolved issues from your Women’s line or Father line or past lives or this life that hinders you from moving forward. Or that you can’t be completely yourself. I had that too and the Rite was a very appropriate and recommendable ritual to let go of unresolved issues from my Women’s line and myself. What a beautiful evening with beautiful women. Thanks to sharing we could heal again. And grateful for Ursula and her loving guidance. After this evening I am liberated, free from what stuck to me and what stopped me. So happy!

Are you curious about what a Rite of the Womb is or can mean for you? Then contact me and I will be happy to tell you everything about it.

Spring Forest Qigong Healing

On March 26 Sylvia came to make a Smudge stick in my workshop. Then she treated me to a Qi Gong Healing. I had never experienced anything like this before and I was very curious. I was seated in the middle of my living room, so that Sylvia could walk well around me. With closed eyes I surrendered to the energetic healing of Spring Forest Qigong by Sylvia. And what a powerful form of healing that is! I could feel exactly where what was being done and where blockages were being removed. What a special and beautiful feeling. If you feel energetically blocked and want to get rid of that, I can really recommend this form of healing.

Trance Journey with the Leela Cards

After this my journey continued. The Rite gave me a wonderfully liberated feeling, but I was not there yet. Something else gnawed and deep down I knew what that was. I had to make a choice. The choice to be who I truly am. That caused fear, doubt and not acting. I was so fed up with that, that I went looking for that fear to look it right into the eye. Thanks to the Tarot of Wild Wood and Shadowscapes, the insights and answers were clearly on the table. But, where the source of that fear lied or came from, no idea! During a networking evening, a friend was looking for testers for a certain type of insight cards. I really like to be that and do that, so I said yes to that. No idea what awaited me. I told my friend what I was dealing with and she answered me that the trance journey I would make with the cards might help.

And well, they did! What an intense experience! And Natasia knows how to proceed. She is also a hypnotherapist and asked beforehand if she could continue if she felt it wasn’t going deep enough. And it didn’t go deep enough. The trance journey with the Leela cards turned into a hypnotherapy session and I was thrown back in time. And there I found the source of my fear of being my true self. The rest of the day I was very impressed and happy and grateful that I had found the source and solved it. That same evening I celebrated my birthday with friends and it really felt like the Era of Elke has started, free from ballast and being who I truly am 😀

Day with the new Bards of OBOD on a magical island

On Saturday, April 6, I celebrated my birthday in a very special way, with the new Bards from Order of Bards, Ovates and Druids from the Netherlands. We were invited by 2 Druids and yes, I gladly accepted that. We had such a lovely time and I have enjoyed myself very much. The location was beautiful. An island surrounded by water and trees. we were picked up by a boat and yes, that made the Avalon feeling complete. We got to know each other around the fire and shared our stories with each other. It is so special that all of our stories from childhood to the introduction to the Order of Bards, Ovates and Druids were so similar. We enjoyed a magical day full of recognition and delicious food.

Fossil Wood from a magical place

This made me completely silent. I received this beautiful stone from one of the Druids which she brought back from Glastonbury as a gift, because it was my birthday. So beautiful, so symbolic and so suitable for my own journey this month! Fossil wood connects you with your Higher Self and helps you see as you are. It also helps you to connect yourself to past lives, to understand these, to remember the lessons or experiences and to give them a place in this life. This beautiful stone also supports to understand the messages from Nature. All this helps you to heal, to connect with Mother Earth, to restore your self-confidence and to feel energized again. And then this beauty is also in the shape of a heart ♥ A wonderful gift for which I am very grateful.

Aries and Leo give me an empowering and loving push in the right direction

During this day we also drew Tarot Cards. The first card answered the question ‘What do I need now’ and the second card tells how I can take care of it. How nice that I get the card with Start on my birthday including Aries coming jumping out of the card! I want and can take a new step. And the consequences of that new step make it clear to me that I have to leave old beliefs about myself and life behind to move on. How wonderful! That is exactly what I want and what my journey with Alder and Fox is all about.

The second card brings me the message that this new step can be taken when I fully accept myself and live with self-confidence. Controlled and yet fully express everything that is present in me. And in this way keeping the directness of the Magician and the subtlety of the Priestess balanced. Wow! One of my fellow Bards said it very nicely. the Universe carries you and gives you every help. And yes, that’s how it feels ♥

New year, new step

What a wonderful, intense and oh so grateful journey I have been able to make this Moon Period with Alder and Fox. I can recommend it to everyone to connect yourself with the Ogham and the Power Animal of the Moon Period of your birth tree.

Thank you Alder and Fox, thank you dear friends and loved ones that I have been able to make this journey with you♥

With self-confidence and acceptance I have taken my new step. It feels awkward, it feels exciting, but it feels so good!

Do you have questions about this message or would you like to connect in this way? Please do ask, I will gladly help you further.

With love and warm greetings,

Elke )O( The Alder Scrolls

Moon in Alder and Fox

On the 21st of March the Moon Period of Alder and Fox has begun. This period runs from March 21st to April 18th. The Full Moon of March 21 is also called the Egg Moon and is dedicated to caring, protecting, growth by getting rid of ballast that is hindering you and coming into your own power.


During this period, the active part of the year also starts with Spring. The sap flows in trees become active again. Birds build their nests and nature awakens with all its green leaves, blossoms and flowers. We also get the Spring Jitters and want to go outside again and to take action. It is the perfect time to turn your goals and wishes into plans and actions. Everything is now dedicated to what you can do to receive an abundant harvest in the Autumn.

Blackbird Nest

The egg

The egg is the symbol of fertility. It is lovingly cared for and protected, the shell of the egg also protects, while new life grows in it. The new life then breaks the shell of the egg on its own to come out and be born. The symbolism behind this is that when you plant your seeds, trust the natural processes. Take care of what you wish to achieve, but don’t force anything. Let it arise through your attention and time and good care.

The Ogham of this Moon is the Alder or Fearn and the corresponding power animal the Fox. Together they make a powerful combination.

The Alder ~ Fearn ~ Alnus Glutinosa

The Alder ~ Fearn

In nature, the alder is a tree that strengthens and nourishes. It helps and protects other trees until they can stand on their own two feet so to speak. That is why you often see them around orchards. The fruit trees are sheltered by these hedges of Alders and wind and storm can cause less damage to the fruit. However, she prefers to stand by the water, where she roots widely. The wood of the Alder in the water becomes just as strong as the wood of the Oak on land. The banks where the Alders stand are reinforced by their roots. The wood of the Alder is therefore extremely suitable for foundation piles.

The season of the Alder is Spring. She encourages you to act based on wishes and desires without worries or concerns. She empowers you with her strength. Provides joy and knowing that the knowledge you have gained can now be used. Share this knowledge with others or continue alone. Anyway: Go for it!

The Alder helps you and supports you to be open to new insights and change. With its strength and energy, it ensures that your energy flow will start again. It challenges you and encourages you to be who you are by nature. Free from blockades you can once again be in your own strength and make a new start. If that fails or you feel that you are being blocked, the Alder helps you to free yourself from old ballast and obstacles. The Alder helps you to be who you are by nature and to do what you love to do. With the help of the the Alder you make a new start energetically and confidently.

The Fox

The Fox

The Fox is intelligent and has sharp senses. He is a soul guide and a messenger from the other world who is connected to the Realm of the Ancestors and the Old Path of the Great Goddess. As one of her sacred animals, he takes care of himself and of nature in his own way. It is a symbol for the complete awakening.

The Fox asks you to follow him this Moon Period on the winding paths of your soul in the depths of your being. Surrender to the darkness and shadow of your soul. What is lurking there of unresolved issues from the Realm of the Ancestors, from your past lives or from this life that now hinders you from being who you are by nature. He helps you to free yourself from the clamps of your own demons. He cannot be fooled and he knows how to recover lost parts of the soul and win them back. He protects you and ensures that all your power goes back to you.

If you want to free your full potential, go with the Alder and the Fox this week to look for what is holding you back and free yourself from it. Then you can finally be who you are by nature and do what you wish for the most. What a wonderful start to the active part of the year and this Lunar Period!

Have a great week my dear dear ones out there!

With love,

Elke )O( The Alder Scrolls © 2019