Tag Archives: Attention

Beltane Incense

Beltane Incense

Beltane is a great opportunity to cleanse your home. Energetically cleansing your home and yourself removes heavy or negative energy that clings to you. This provides relief and makes room for new experiences. The energetic cleansing is often done at the New Moon, Full Moon and Wheel of the Year Celebrations. And how lovely it is to cleanse your home and yourself with Beltane with a diy incense that suits Beltane and its fertility, passion and fire.

You can make this incense from:

  • Dried Rosemary
  • Dried Catnip
  • Dried Lavender Flowers
  • Granular Benzoin Resin

You can see how to make this incense on YouTube via this link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4t_o48BYHe4

If you don’t have benzoin resin, mix the herbs with Juniper Berry. Place this in a heatproof bowl, light and blow out again in such a way that it continues to smolder. You can then use the smoke to energetically cleanse your house by fanning the smoke through your house with your hands or a feather. Always cleanse yourself first and then all areas in your house. After energetic cleansing, open windows and doors so that all the smoke can disappear and you have a wonderfully cleansed house.

Other herbs that go well with Beltane:

  • Clover
  • Frankincense
  • Hawthorn
  • Ivy
  • Calendula
  • Rose
  • Rowan
  • Sweet woodruff
  • Meadowsweet
  • Sorrel

I wish you a passionate and fruitful Beltane ♥

Loving regards,
Elke )O( The Alder Tree /|\

Beltane, Celebration of Fertility

Beltane, Celebration of Fertility

Our ancestors celebrated Beltane by making love on the Earth to support Mother Earth. Of course you are free to do it this way. But this is actually not longer the choice made by many, for several reasons.

What if you still want to celebrate Beltane today?

The energy of Beltane represents passion, fertility, reproduction and sexuality. You can translate this symbolically into your inner passion and motivation, the fertility of your plans, wishes, dreams or actions and your zest for life.

For lovers and married couples it is still special to come together with Beltane. And if you want to have children, you can make love with Beltane and ask Mother Nature for fertility and her Blessing.

In addition, Beltane is also all about (re)discovering your own zest for life, motivation or passion:

  • What would you like most?
  • What gets you out of bed in the morning?
  • What makes your heart sing and brings a smile to your face?
  • What motivates you?

You can make time and space for this during Beltane. Find out for yourself what makes you happy and how often you actually do that per day. Then see if you can do more of that in your day. That’s a great start to returning to your passion or zest for life.

I wish you a passionate and fruitful Beltane💚🌱🌳

With love,
Elke )O( The Alder Scrolls /|\

Card of the Week Mon 5th – Sun 11th of February 2024

A very good morning or evening or somewhere in between,

The Card of the Week is all about beauty.

When was the last time you looked at yourself in the mirror and told yourself how beautiful you are? Make a list of all your wonderful characteristics, skills, talents, knowledge and wisdom and learn to love them. As the beauty within you grows, you will see it reflected in the hearts and eyes of others.

Have a wonderful week♥

With love,
Elke )O( The Alder Scrolls /|\

A nice Imbolc Ritual

A very beautiful Thursday morning, evening or somewhere in between dear dear you out there,

A nice ritual to do with Imbolc is the following. It is a tradition to light all the lamps and candles in the house after sunset with Imbolc. Of course, it is not necessary to leave them all on overnight. A short moment is enough. Another option is to light a candle and circle each room of your home and honor the return of the Sun’s power. Stand still for a moment in each room, visualizing that the Sun’s power illuminates the room extra strong and all shadows melt away.

With Alban Arthan ~ Midwinter ~ Yule you celebrated the return of the Sun and with Imbolc you celebrated the return of the Sun’s power. When you return to your living room, place your candle on the table and, as you look at the flame, think about your own inner flame or fire. How that fire warms you internally, grows your passion and nourishes your creativity and imagination. Then thank Brigid for her blessings. End your ceremony with a nice mug of hot chocolate or Slemp.

Make sure you never leave a candle unattended!

Wishing you a wonderful Imbolc time♥

With love,
Elke )O( The Alder Scrolls /|\

What do the signs in your name mean?

A very good Wednesday morning, evening or somewhere in bewteen dea dear you out there,

A while ago someone asked me what the meaning of the characters in my name was. I was surprised by that question. Those signs are so familiar to me. And so nice that someone asked about it.

If you’ve ever wondered what )O( and /|\ stand for, here they come:

♥ my first Path was that of Lunar and Traditional Witch and that is what )O( stands for
♥ in 2017 I changed to the Druid path and that is what /|\ stands for

In this way I honour all those Witches and Druids who have gone before me. I feel blessed to be following my Life’s Path in their footsteps. In addition, I hope that if you are also a )O( or a /|\, you know that you are not alone. There are so many of us and I hope we can find each other through those signs ♥

I wish you a wonderful day!

With love,
Elke )O( The Alder Scrolls /|\

Imbolc ~ Divination

A good morning, evening or somewhere in between my dear dear out there,

During the turnings of the Wheel of the Year, a lot of Divination is done. Insights are gained about what the Imbolc period brings. Through the reading below you can also gain insights into how you can best use the beautiful energy of Imbolc for yourself. So grab your cards, your Runes or your Ogham and see what Imbolc has in store for you.

I am wishing you great insights♥

With love,
Elke )O( The Alder Scrolls /|\

Imbolc ~ Incense

Each turning of the Wheel of the Year is a good time to energetically cleanse yourself, your home and your workplace. This way you release the old energy of Alban Arthan ~ Midwinter ~ Yule and make room for the new energy of Imbolc. You can do this using a Mugwort stick or Florida Spray, but you can also make your own Imbolc Incense.

Imbolc Incense is made using equal parts of: Thyme, Mint, Sage or Mugwort, Juniper Berries, Sandalwood and Cedarwood. You can then add: Rosemary, Basil and Myrrh, if you like.

Other herbs that suit Imbolc are: Birch, Dandelion, Yarrow, Nettle, Narrow Plantain, Laurel, Blackberry, Celandine, Coltsfoot, Heather, Tansy, Sweet Violet, Angelica, Clover, Willow. You can also make Imbolc Tea from these herbs. But before you start drinking herbal tea, first find out whether it is safe for you to drink herbal tea from all these herbs. If you cannot find it out or if you’re not sure, an Herbal Practitioner or your GP or Homeopath.

I wish you a happy and cheerful Imbol♥

With love,
Elke )O( The Alder Scrolls /|\