Tag Archives: Attention

Card of the Week Mon 1st ~ Sun 7th of January 2024

The first Card of the Week of 2024♥

The message of the card:
Be careful who you trust. Don’t get caught up in the fear and hustle and bustle of the outside world. You know the truth, so hold on to who you are.

Relationships are based on mutual trust and a mutual agreement can test your trust. Be careful who you share your ideas with.

The moment has come to determine how much trust you are worth.

My message for you:
I am wishing you not just a week, but a whole year in which you will confidently do what makes you happy and be with what you are doing ♥

A very nice start for this is the following.

When you have just woken up and are still in bed, think about what you are going to do that day that will make you happy.

Try this for 21 days, and it will be in your system ♥

May you have a happy, healthy and beautiful New Year!

With love,
Elke )O( The Alder Scrolls /|\

Card of the Week Mon 25th ~ Sun 31st of December 2023

Your inspiration pushes you to rely on your imagination. What you create in your inner world, you only have to attract towards you in the outer world.

A spark of inspiration creates a brilliant revelation, causing your life to take a different turn, which is also reflected in your thoughts and dreams.

Express your inner creativity. Take long walks in Nature and let Nature really inspire you.

Abandon all caution and watch your visions become reality, becoming someone that others want to follow.

I am wishing you a lovely, inspirational, and beautiful last week of 2023♥

With love,
Elke )O( The Alder Scrolls /|\

Lughnasadh and Divination

Dear All,

Just as it is good to energetically cleanse your home and yourself every turn of the Wheel of the Year with, for example, incense, so it is good to do some divination during every celebration of the Wheel of the Year. So are you someone who reads Tarot cards or Oracle cards, consults the Ogham or the Runes, do that at every Turn of the Wheel of the Year.

Each period of the Wheel of the Year has its own energy and with the help of divination you can use that energy for yourself. This way you know where you stand in the year in relation to yourself, your loved ones, your goals, your results and you also know where there is work to be done, where you can focus more and what you can let go of to make room for new things. If you keep up with that, you will see a beautiful development and growth in yourself and you will gain insights that you can use.

Below is an example of a Lughnasadh card spread for you that you can use for your Tarot cards, Oracle cards, Runes or Ogham.

I wish you an insightful Lughnasadh♥

With love,
Elke )O( The Alder Scrolls /|\