Tag Archives: Beltane

Beltane Incense

Beltane Incense

Beltane is a great opportunity to cleanse your home. Energetically cleansing your home and yourself removes heavy or negative energy that clings to you. This provides relief and makes room for new experiences. The energetic cleansing is often done at the New Moon, Full Moon and Wheel of the Year Celebrations. And how lovely it is to cleanse your home and yourself with Beltane with a diy incense that suits Beltane and its fertility, passion and fire.

You can make this incense from:

  • Dried Rosemary
  • Dried Catnip
  • Dried Lavender Flowers
  • Granular Benzoin Resin

You can see how to make this incense on YouTube via this link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4t_o48BYHe4

If you don’t have benzoin resin, mix the herbs with Juniper Berry. Place this in a heatproof bowl, light and blow out again in such a way that it continues to smolder. You can then use the smoke to energetically cleanse your house by fanning the smoke through your house with your hands or a feather. Always cleanse yourself first and then all areas in your house. After energetic cleansing, open windows and doors so that all the smoke can disappear and you have a wonderfully cleansed house.

Other herbs that go well with Beltane:

  • Clover
  • Frankincense
  • Hawthorn
  • Ivy
  • Calendula
  • Rose
  • Rowan
  • Sweet woodruff
  • Meadowsweet
  • Sorrel

I wish you a passionate and fruitful Beltane ♥

Loving regards,
Elke )O( The Alder Tree /|\

Beltane Divination

The Celebrations of the Wheel of the Year are a great time to practice divination; especially with Beltane, when the veil is thin. Divination can be done by consulting Tarot cards, Oracle cards, Runes or the Ogham. Below I have included some examples of Beltane readings.

I wish you a warm, loving and fertile Beltane♥

With love,
Elke )O( The Alder Scrolls /|\

To bring the energy of Beltane into your daily life

Most of us don’t have livestock or the ability to jump over fires or retreat into the woods. And in the context of animal welfare, it is questionable whether it is so nice for the cattle to be led along those enormous fires. But what if you still want to celebrate Beltane today?

Beltane’s energy represents passion, fertility, reproduction and sexuality. Symbolically you can translate that into your inner passion and motivation, the fertility of your plans, wishes, dreams or actions and your zest for life. It is still very special for lovers and married couples to make love during Beltane. And if you have a child’s wish, you can make love with Beltane and ask Mother Nature for her fertility and blessing.

In addition, Beltane is also about (re)finding your own zest for life, motivation or passion…

What would you like the most?
What makes you to get out of bed in the morning?
What makes your heart sing and brings a smile to your face?
What motivates you?

You could make time and space to find the answers during Beltane. Ask yourself what makes you happy and how often you do that during the day. Then think about how you could do more of what makes you happy during the day. That is already a good start to return to your passion or to get your zest for life back. If you prefer to do a ritual, read further at the Little Beltane Fire Ritual.

During Beltane it is also a great opportunity to connect more with life itself, the Earth and Nature around you. Go for a nice long walk by yourself, with your loved one or loved ones and see the wonder of the explosion of all that green in Nature and all that beautiful floral splendour that you see around you at this time of year. Take a moment to think about the circle of life. Your role in it. Where are you now? What else would you like to do with or in your life? What is holding you back to actually do that and what could you do to get there? Live, do what you do with paid attention, get inspired by nature and enjoy!

I wish you a warm, loving and fertile Beltane♥

With love,
Elke )O( The Alder Scrolls /|\

Beltane is coming ♥

We are on the eve of Beltane♥

Beltane is the 4th Festival of the Wheel of the Year and is a Fertility Festival. It is celebrated on the night of April 30th to May 1st. The celebration of Beltane is all about fertility in the sense of fertilization of the seed and the new life that is formed by this. It is the celebration of the power of growth and the opening of nature.

During the evening of April 30th, mock battles were held in ancient times between the Summer God in green and white clothes, decorated with flower garlands and ribbons, and the Winter God dressed in furs, decorated with Holly. The Summer God always won. After the fake battle, each participant was carried through the village or town, bringing the power of the trees and the green grain to everyone.

On the Wheel of the Year, Beltane faces Samhain. They divide the year in two, so to speak, and were considered the two most important celebrations in ancient times. Samhain is the beginning of Winter and the beginning of the dark half of the year. Beltane is the beginning of Summer and the light part of the year. During both Beltane and Samhain, the veil between our world and the Otherworld is thin. And that means it’s a good time to commune with your ancestors or do divination work.

One of the most important aspects of Beltane is that of fertility and fertilization. You can see the signs of that all around you in Nature. The trees are in bloom and getting their leaves back, the meadows are full of young animals such as lambs, ducks and calves. Insects buzz and the seed has germinated deep in the earth and shoots up. The Earth is bursting at the seams with fertility.

The celebration or festival of Beltane begins at sundown on April 30th, peaks around midnight, and then continues until sunset on May 1st. During the celebration Mother Earth, who is in her fertile phase, is supported. During the nights, our ancestors made love and children born from that expression of love were considered sacred. Through the love game, our ancestors shared their potential with Nature and nourished the Earth. Seed fertilization was and is necessary for a good harvest. And this, in turn, allowed the Earth to feed our ancestors.

I wish you a warm, loving an fertile Beltane♥

With love.
Elke )O( The Alder Scrolls /|\

Blessed Samhain – Blessed Beltane

My dear dear all out there,

For the Northern Hemisphere, this weekend the Wheel of the Year will spin for the last time and we celebrate Samhain.

On my page Samhain you can find all kinds of information about what Samhain is and how to celebrate this inspiring Samhain time.

For the Southern Hemisphere, this weekend the Wheel of the Year turns to the time of Beltane. On my page Beltane you can find all kinds of information about what Beltane is and how to celebrate this loving Beltane time.

With love,
Elke )O( The Aldertree /|\

#TheAlderScrolls #Nature #Attention #Inspiration #Druid #ElkeTheAlderScrolls #InTheFootstepsOfTheDruid #SelfCoaching #Samhain #BeginningOfWinter #Beltane #BeginningOfSummer

Note: The Alder Scrolls has undergone a name change and is now The Aldertree. And with the Name Change comes also a new website. You are hereby all invited to come and join https://www.the-aldertree.com/. With love, Elke )O( The Aldertree /|\

Beltane ~ Samhain

In the night of April 30th to May 1st, the Wheel of the Year turns in the Northern Hemisphere from Ostara to Beltane and we move from planting seeds to the fertility period. Beltane’s period is from May 1st till June 21st.

Are you curious about what you can do with Beltane, the history of Beltane, recipes to make nice foods and drinks recipes and tips to celebrate Beltane, alone or with others?

On my Beltane page you will find all the ins and outs about Beltane’s wonderful fertile period: Beltane

In the night of April 30th to May 1st, the Wheel of the Year turns in the Southern Hemisphere from Mabon to Samhain and we move from our Harvest period to the preparing for Winter’s Rest and honouring our Ancestors. Samhain’s period is from May 1st till June 21st.

Are you curious about what you can do with Samhain, the history of Samhain, recipes to make nice foods and drinks and tips to celebrate Samhain, alone or with others?

On my Samhain page you will find all the ins and outs about Samhain’s wonderful and honouring period: Samhain

With love,
Elke )O( The Alder Scrolls /|\

#TheAlderScrolls #Nature #Attention #Inspiration #Druid #ElkeTheAlderScrolls #InTheFootstepsOfTheDruid #SelfCoaching #WheelOfTheYear #Beltane #Samhain #Ancestors

Samhain ~ Beginning of Winter | Beltane ~ Beginning of Summer

Dear dear all out there,

For the Northern Hemisphere, this weekend the Wheel of the Year will spin for the last time, then we will celebrate Samhain.

Here you can find all kinds of information about what Samhain is and how to celebrate this inspiring Samhain time.

For the Southern Hemisphere, this weekend the Wheel of the Year turns to the time of Beltane.

Here you can find all kinds of information about what Beltane is and how to celebrate this loving Beltane time.

With love,
Elke )O( The Alder Scrolls /|\

#ElkeTheAlderScrolls #TheAlderScrolls #Druid #InTheFootstepsOfTheDruid #Nature #Attention #Inspiration #SelfCoaching #Samhain #BeginningOfWinter #Beltane #BeginningOfSummer

Beltane ~ SAmhain

Today the Wheel of the Year turns once again and the Northern Hemisphere celebrates Beltane and the Southern Hemisphere celebrates Samhain.

Beltane, celebration of fertility, the beginning of Summer and the light part of the year. If you are curious what Beltane means and how you can celebrate this, then read further at Beltane.

Samhain, celebration of the last harvest, the beginning of Winter and the dark part of the year. Now is the time to prepare for Winter’s Rest. Release all that you no longer need or that is no longer of use or beneficial to you. Unfortunately I don’t have a page on Samhain yet, but that will come this October. If you have questions on how to celebrate Samhain, please let me know and I will happily help you with ideas.

Beautiful, soulful and fruitful/insightful Beltane/Samhain♥

With love,
Elke )O( The Alder Scrolls /|\

#Nature #Attention #Inspiration #Druid #ElkeTheAlderScrolls #InTheFootstepsOfTheDruid #WheelOfTheYear #SelfCoaching #Beltane