Tag Archives: DayCard

Happy Easter!

Dear dear all out there,

A happy, beautiful and healthy Easter ~ Ostara💚

A cute Day Card with an even sweeter and lovelier message from the Orange Garden Dragon:

“This is a golden day for you, because I always bring something marvelous. All omens are positive to make dreams, plans, projects come true. It’s coming your way. If you can dream it, you can make it come true. Believing is seeing. When you can squeeze all the joy you can from each and every day, happiness and gratitude are your rewards. And may you feel down, think of scent of oranges. Or put a drop of Orange Oil on your wrists and your temples. That is an instant mood lifter. Have a happy day☀️💛🌟 “

With love,
Elke )O( The Alder Scolls /|\

#TheAlderScrolls #Druid #Nature #Attention #Inspiration #ElkeTheAlderScrolls #InTheFootstpesOfTheDruid #SelfCoaching #DayCard

Two Day Cards today

My dear dear ones out there,

Today 2 Day Cards wanted to give you some messages. And reading their messages I can understand why.

The first, Smoke and Mirrors, offers a nice insight for when you gradually no longer know what or who you can still believe and what or who not. By now we all know, I think, there is no such thing as objective and genuine news. They all preach for their own parish, as we say in The Netherlands. Yeah, ok and now? I can only advise you not to rely on what you hear in the news reports, but research yourself and find your own truth.

Smoke and Mirrors

Today trust the inner voice that reminds you that you truly will find what you seek and more, even if outer conditions appear to challenge that. It’s all smoke and mirrors. Things are not exactly as they seem.

I think the second message is appropriate to the bizarre reality that has gripped us for a little over a year now. To be honest, sometimes I have had enough of it and want to go out and shout it from the rooftops. And yes, sometimes depressive feelings or feelings of helplessness creep over me and I think why should this continue like this.

But, I have a choice. I have a choice of how to respond to these bizarre circumstances in which I now live. And I choose to be happy. To enjoy all those things that are going well. The blossom that I already see here and there on the trees. Daffodils that look up from time to time to see if the Sun wants to break through. My son’s pleasure in his Fortnite online event. My tomcat purring on the kitchen sink, seducing me into opening the tap for him (which I’m going to do right now, so I’ll be right back). See photo;) The fun of all being in our living room doing something for yourself in peaceful harmony.

Life, even though it is sometimes gray and painful, always has beautiful sides to lift and cheer you up. If you don’t know how, read the following message from the 2nd Day Card.

Happy, Happy

Find joy in the present moment, whatever is happening, and be satisfied with things as they are. You’re free from the shackles of longing and able to experience the liberation that comes from actually being happy moment to moment, for you have chosen happiness over yearning for it.

Now is the time for feeling joy for the sake of joy, and experiencing contentment. None of this is because of something outside yourself. Your happiness is a result of you choosing to be happy. All is well.

I wish you a lot of wisdom with dealing with all the news reports and a nice and happy week♥

With love,
Elke )O( The Alder Scrolls /|\

#TheAlderScrolls #Nature #Attention #Inspiration #Druid #ElkeTheAlderScrolls #InTheFootstepsOfTheDruid #SelfCoaching #DayCard #ColetteBaronReid #SmokeAndMirrors #HappyHappy


Limited Lockdown week 2 …

Schools have started again …

And I’m sitting at my keyboard thinking I’ve had enough. Enough of the measures, enough of the restrictions, enough of contradiction.

But here I am in the middle of it and well I have two options, continuously thinking about all the limitations …


I focus on abundance, see the sun behind the clouds and the little miracles that are always and all around me.

I would like to choose the latter. But I am only human and know that one day is easier than the next. And what can I do if I feel the negativity is starting to enter my thinking?

Then I choose Self-Coaching through my Oracle or Tarot cards. I think about what my pain point is and ask my cards how I can stay in line with positive thinking, thinking from abundance.

Since the new measures last week, I notice that the negativity of the mainstream media is starting to take hold of me again and I don’t want that. To turn this around, I draw a card every day to help me keep my focus on thinking from abundance.

Today’s Food for Thought comes from the Whipsering Woods


The most unlikely friendships can form; like variegated lichens on hard rock, they create a tight bond.

This reminds me of the TLC initiative of a Facebook friend who has started cooking for a senior in her apartment building. Completely according to the measures, from a distance, safe and yet connected. Connecting in this way, with attention for each other and each other’s needs, that is one of the miracles of our time.

Even though we may be physically separated from each other through the measures, there are so many ways to connect with each other. So if you miss friends, family, colleagues, change your focus and go from “missing” to “connecting”: what can I do to stay connected?

Perhaps you can help them by doing errands or by talking by a window visit. And broaden your horizons. Everyone is sad to read all the messages about the seniors in our society. Perhaps there are seniors in your immediate environment who are alone and feel lonely. See if you can find a way to connect with each other.

Put a note through their mail box and say that you will come for a window visit for a coffee/tea conversation. And during that conversation ask how they are doing, whether you could mean something by, for example, doing groceries for them or cooking a meal. Make clear agreements, for example once a week, contact about cooking by email… Whatever feels right for you.

And you can also do this to non-seniors who due to illness, disability, or other causes by the measures feel alone, lonely or disconnected from society.

In the old days, a community always took care of each other that way. Simply because that was the only way. Today there are countless ways, neighborhood networks, Social Support Act. However, rules often apply to this, which means that people fall between the cracks.

I hereby express the wish that we will act from TLC thinking and during this bizarre time be there for each other, support each other and pay attention to each other, by window visits, by video calling or in any other way. And that we all become a colorful collection of variegated lichens.

For me, this card is a nice reminder to also find contact through other channels. I am looking forward to next Thursday, when I first have a digital coffee/tea appointment in the morning and another one in the afternoon. I love my husband and son dearly, but every now and then it is just so nice to catch up with friends about completely different things.

If you’d like contact by a digital coffee/tea conversation, know where to find me💚

Have a nice day and week!

With love,

Elke )O( The Alder Scrolls /|\

#Nature #Inspiration #Attention #Druid #ElkeTheAlderScrolls #TheAlderScrolls #InTheFootstepsOfTheDruid #SelfCoaching #DayCard

LD Day 30 ~ Renew

Nature continuously renews itself year after year.

Today several media reports have come to my attention and I find them worrying. And although I wonder how truthful these messages are nowadays, I still get the feeling that if only a fraction of them is true, I still find them worrying. I try to shake off this feeling while teaching my son at home and I manage reasonably well. With my full attention I guide him through his lessons and we have fun with some word jokes and various exercises that are on his plate today.

But a certain feeling continues to gnaw. Until today I managed to keep that worrying voice out of my system and out of our home. Why does it make itself heard now… Does it have to do with the fact that the messages have touched a sensitive chord in myself? And the answer is yes. That’s exactly it. I can place everything from the medical point of view. But I can’t place what’s going on from the human rights point of view… And now it is up to me to find a way to deal with it.

I thought that a good time to consult the cards and I got:

And while I was thinking about the Wheel of the Year, the seasons and the way nature recovers after disasters, like those horrible forest fires in Australia, it dawned on me.

I am now in the middle of it and I live day by day. I stick to the rules of the game (I think that sounds better than measures, for the time being) and I have my own thoughts about everything. I can’t put my finger on what information is true and what is not, so I take everything for both true and false. The truth will lie somewhere in the middle. There is also such a thing as our Dutch saying: even if the lie is very fast, the truth will overtake him in the end. And I also think of my beautiful sister-in-law’s saying:

My chain of thoughts allows me to being able to reach that desired mode to deal with it.

Where we will be with regard to before or after Corona, I have no idea. We are in the present. Nature is my coach, guide and source of inspiration. She shows me that even if an event is a very destructive one, there will always be a renewing process afterwards. And the way of dealing with it all is the following. When I find it difficult to deal with current events, I go outside and wonder how Nature around me wakes up from hibernation, how birds are busy nesting for their little ones and how the blossoms slowly give way to fresh green leaf. Nature renews an that brings me peace and through me it brings peace into the world around me.

Have a lovely evening and night,
Elke )O( The Alder Scrolls /|\

#Nature #Attention #Inspiration #Druid #ElkeTheAlderScrolls #InTheFootstepsOfTheDruid #LD #DayCard #SelfCoaching #Renew

LD Day 29 ~ Time

Only 8 minutes and today is already yesterday. Time flies. I already had that feeling before the Lockdown, but since the Lockdown even more. And suddenly I really had it with that feeling. The running, the flying and the hurrying. Why? What for? In my case usually because of self-imposed obligations. And then as I lay in bed and thought about the day, I asked myself what did I enjoy today? To whom or what did I really give my attention? And that didn’t make me happy. Because I want to do what I do with my full attention. What an eye opener! And oh dear what a pitfall I keep on tumbling into way too easily time and time again:

  • Just this, and that and then …
  • Yes, of course I will do that …
  • Never mind, I’ll do it in a second …

But once in a while I will get a very strong wake up call. Like tonight.

Tonight I finally took my new mobile in use. Everything transferred, everything installed and completely happy. Like I do every night, I wanted to check what I have planned for tomorrow and then I found out that with the reset of my old phone my Do-Not-Forget-note disappeared into the digital void. Oh dear. And now? Because, well, I have that note to help me remember what I have to do, so I don’t forget anything in the madness of the day. Okay, there was way too much on it, but I would change that. I promise. Hmmmm. So I quickly made a new one and promised myself that I will automatically remember and add everything to it.

And then this beautiful card emerged from the deck. With a truly striking message. Thank you ♥


Embrace the dew drops of life before disappearing with the morning sun.

And I’m going to do just that. Enjoy every moment. Our son’s home schooling, which I really enjoy. The crazy shopping nowadays. All on- and offline meetings in the form of a smile or a conversation or a reaction. And above all replace the “I have to”s by “I want to”s. I am already very curious about the altered choices I make compared to my note.

Dear everyone out there, enjoy every moment, no matter how big or small. And hold on to those feelings! Then, when you look back on the day, the week or the Lockdown, you will remember with a happy feeling. And if that’s not possible because you are being pulled by obligations? Think to yourself:

  • Do I have to or do I want to do this?
  • Will the world end if I don’t do it today but tomorrow?
  • And the most important one: What do I need right now?

Sleep well and see you tomorrow again!

With love,
Elke )O( The Alder Scrolls

#Nature #Attention #Inspiration #Druid #ElkeTheAlderScrolls #InTheFootstepsOfTheDruid #LD #DayCard #Time #SelfCoaching

LD Day 28 ~ Caution

Walking through the Forest of Reverie, the secret of Caution swirls before me. I bend over and pick up the little card. I look at the lovely scenes on the card and my heart opens.

I think about what happened today. How the day started messy and now slowly comes to an end in love and harmony. The secret “Caution” brings a tender smile to my eyes and I think yes, this is good. I have been careful, taking into account my feelings, the feelings of the other person and the feelings we share. Because of this I left no footprints. Rather the opposite, the path is cleared of imperfections.

This secret, Caution, also reminds me of what I recently read in The Awen Alone. The path takes me by a side road to that memory. The Druid feels connected to everything and everyone around him or her. When he/she walks in the forest, he/she feels connected to the trees, the herbs and the plants, the birds and the animals. Because of this relationship, he or she automatically changes his or her life’s perspective. Eyes can no longer be closed to litter in the forest. Choices change with regard to groceries for example. And the goal becomes to make and keep the own footprint on Mother Earth as small as possible. This awareness creates responsibility and a desire to take care of Nature.

After this side road I continue on my path. A smile forms around my mouth when I realize that this attitude to life applies not only to Nature, but to every aspect of my life. When I feel connected to everything and everyone around me, me and you, us and they, we become all one. Then my feelings and those of the other are connected. Through this connection we can enter into a dialogue. We can through the dialogue and expressed feelings, perceive the need in those expressed feelings. This awareness also creates responsibility and the desire to take care of each other. Dealing with everything and everyone around me in that way, I mused further, ensures that there is peace in my environment, in the other and in me. And that surely is, I realized, a nice thought and a feeling to have nowadays.

When I am back at my desk from the Forest of Reverie, I enjoy my mug of warm tea and my thoughts. My heart is open, I smile and feel happy. The feeling of the warmth coming in through my hands and the sip of tea is as warm as the insight that the Secret from the Whispering Woods has brought me today.

With love,
Elke )O( The Alder Scrolls /|\

#Nature #Attention #Inspiration #Druid #ElkeTheAlderScrolls #InTheFootstepsOfTheDruid #LD #DayCard #Caution

LD Day 27 ~ Uncertainty

And then suddenly my LD Daily Cards I share to bring some motivation to get you through the day stopped. On day 13 I was not feeling well and on day 14 I thought ok, stop. Sinusitus just makes screens, daylight and reading a painful sensation. So I took a rest and cared of myself.

And that helped, I’m back 😀 and with a new deck, Whispering Woods. The cards reveal enchanting secrets from the forest. The secret of today is:


The shades of gray in the fog will eventually disappear.

This card tells you that uncertainty eventually comes to an end. But in order not drown in the mist of uncertainty or to let your own Sun disappear behind an increasingly thick and dark mist, it is best to live in the here and now.

We currently live in a time of uncertainty and due to conflicting reports, negative reports, loss or being/becoming ill, uncertainty can become the predominant factor. It is sometimes damn hard to keep your focus on the positive.

The forest asks you to let go where you have no grip or control. Focus on what lies within your grasp. Like the bright Sun that shines, the beautiful blossom on the trees and all the fresh green that comes through again. Pay attention to what you are doing; gardening, shopping, playing with your children, making music, reading, or doing nothing but simply be. And you will notice that your own security is getting stronger. Certainty comes from within.

What can you do to increase your security?

Have a nice day everyone ♥

With love,
Elke )O( The Alder Scrolls /|\

#Nature #Attention #Inspiration #Druid #ElkeTheAlderScrolls #InTheFootstepsOfTheDruid #LD #DayCard #Uncertainty #WhisperingWoods

LD Day 13 ~ King

Dear All,

Here I am, with card in hand, all ready to go, but the accompanying story will not come. And that is fine. Today a bit differently than the rest of the week. The Day Card today is your reflection card for today:

  1. Look at the map, what does the picture do to you?
  2. Read the message and what does it do to you?
  3. And then you link 1 and 2 together, what do 1 and 2 say about your day so far?

The King

When the King appears on your path, it’s time to put your house in order. He also lets you know that something significant is yours to experience. And he requires you to take inventory of anything left undone and do it. Doing these activities has an empowering effect and makes you regain control of your life. The King reminds you to take positive affirmation in your life.

Hmmmm I’d better start working in my garden then, doing the remaining laundry and more chores like that… The list is already there, now to take action 😉

I wish you all a very nice Saturday evening.

Loving regards
Elke )O( The Alder Scrolls /|\

#Nature #Attention #Inspiration #Druid #ElkeTheAlderScrolls #InTheFootstepsOfTheDruid #LD #Daycard #SelfCoaching #King

LD Day 12 ~ The Serpent

I hit the snooze button so many times that it was noon by the time I finally think, ok lady, time to go from the Dream World to the Real World. I see th beautiful, clear, blue sky, the bright sunshine and a wave of gratitude passes through me. I feel blessed that I am home with my loved ones and being able to heal. This may sound strange, but recovering from a burnout-depressed-stressed situation, I have noticed that these last 2 weeks without all sorts of external obligations have been doing me a lot of good. The only ‘obligations’ I have are the groceries and walking our dog. Walking with Keelin is all but an obligation. And grocery shopping is my newest big adventure these days. When I look back at 2 weeks of Lockdown, I hear myself thinking:

“Is it very odd that I would like this to continue for a while longer? Or am I not the only one who thinks like that?”

Coming downstairs, getting my cup of tea and making some breakfast, I notice that I am still in this lovely dreamy state. Sitting at my secretary to draw the Day Card, my ever loyal and helpful cat Poes jumps up to say hello. I love these moments! After a good cuddle I go into meditation and hear: “Mom, can I get some more bread, this time with peanut butter and sausage?”. With a smile on my face I hear my husband urging him to shush, because mommy is busy. The discussion that then arises between father and son makes me smile and open my eyes. Two pairs of apologizing eyes look at me and that makes me laughing out loud.

After our son is sitting happily on the couch with his bread, and my husband behind his computer, I go back to my morning meditation. Pure reality joy! When I open my eyes again I reach out for my Wisdom of Avalon Oracle Cards, wondering what card will be the advise for today.

Today the Serpent glides into our lives and says:

“I bring the message of healing and of gaining knowledge. Whatever situation you’re in right now is meant for this purpose. Knowledge is important. Perhaps it’s time for you to read a book or take a class in order to gain more understanding of your inquiry, or you may need to ask questions of others who ‘know’ and can help you.

Ask me and I will guide you to the right answer easily and effortlessly. I herald success if you follow my signal.

I also want you to know that you may be suffering because there are aspects of yourself that are wounded and still need tending. Now is the time for this. Perhaps you need to rest, meditate, and allow the knowledge to come to consciousness. Or maybe you just need to sleep more.

And remember, each time you experience a healing or learn new things, you may need to shed your skin to adopt a new one. But don’t worry, that is necessary and a beautiful thing.”

Thinking about this message I notice that my thoughts go back to what I read earlier. So many people dive into activities to get through the days. I hear the truth of those words in the noise my neighbours are making in their gardens and their homes. I wonder if people understand what this Lockdown can mean to them if they listen to themselves, if they open up and feel. A shift in thinking, a shift in energy, a shift of awareness?

And I wonder if people feel the same gratitude as I feel, being able to rest and heal properly, redirect my focus and think about what I really want out of life.

And with these thoughts I softly slide back into the Dream World and I am grateful that on this hour of day I can ♥

Stay safe, heal and rest,

With love,
Elke )O( The Alder Scrolls /|\

#Nature #Attention #Inspiration #Druid #ElkeTheAlderScrolls #InTheFootstepsOfTheDruid #LD #DayCard #SelfCoaching #Serpent

LD Day 11 ~ Movement

Again I rub my eyes that keep closing. They feel dry, they are tired and they sting. I am searching for words, but they don’t want to come. My head is an open space of void and silence. And I say to myself, this is it, it’s been nice, now it’s time for a break. I smile and know, that making that decision is also self-coaching and taking good care of yourself.

Today the Day Card will be just the card and the description.

I hereby invite you to take a look at this card and its description with the following in mind:

# what does this card do to me?
# how do I view change?
# what can I do to welcome this change?

And if you like, I would love to read in the comments what this card means to you on this 11th day of the lockdown♥

Meaning of the card Movement

This card reminds you that all things change as part of the cycle of life. This may be portend a physical move, or it heralds a release from restriction and waiting.

Rejoice, for change is in the air and new things are about to enter your world. This puts you on notice that it’s time to broaden your horizons as you move forward on your path. You may travel to new and foreign places, both physically and inwardly. It is fortunate and timely to do so.

Nothing is ever meant to be static in the ways of the living Mystery. Movement brings challenges that must not be resisted, for progress can only be made by letting go of what was, and welcoming what is yet to come.

This card is always an omen of change for the better.

For now, rest well, take good care of yourself and your loved ones and stay safe.

With love,
Elke )O( The Alder Scrolls /|\

#Nature #Inspiration #Attention #Druid #ElkeTheAlderScrolls #InTheFootsteptOfTheDruid #LD #DayCard #SelfCoaching #Movement