Tag Archives: Dragon

Full Moon in Luis ~ Rowan 25th of January 2024

Full Moon in Luis ~ Rowan ~ 25th of January 2024

The Full Moon is about celebrating and releasing. What do you wish to celebrate, what are you grateful for? What would you like to release? The energy now is that of Summer. A bit crazy, it’s still Winter. But if you pay close attention, you will notice that Spring is coming. The first buds on the trees, the catkins of the Hazel and the songs of the Birds. Nature slowly comes back to life. And you feel that inside too. It is bubbling and you feel like taking action. Nevertheless, vigilance is required. It can still freeze during the night. Plans that you put out too early can fail. During the Winter you thought about what you wish to do in the New Year. These seeds are growing within you now. And it’s time to pay attention to these seeds. Still within yourself. From thinking about, to preparing. What seeds are you going to plant? What do you want to grow this year? Try to feel that as clearly as possible, see it in your mind or write it down. Or create a Vision Board on which you put images to show what you will experience this year. Hang it somewhere you pass every day, so you remember your heart’s desires every day. And do something for it every day. This Full Moon, Rowan, Dragon, Heron, Peridot and Snowdrop will help you with this ♥

Luis ~ Rowan’s message

“I offer you protection. And I ask you to keep your wits about you. That is why I give you the ability to assess situations and people. I strengthen your intuition, help you choose the path of happiness, joy and expectation. Make time for creative moments and rest. Connect with your Guides and Spirit Team. And pay attention to signals you receive from Nature or through ‘coincidences’. There is magic all around you to help you. The result is renewal and joy. Take care of yourself. And only do what is in line with your highest good. Open yourself to the love and support of Mother Earth and let this love permeate yourself and all situations. Feed your heart with love. Love is the answer to everything.”

Dragon’s message

“I encourage you to discover your own creative power and potential. I connect you to the fire within yourself. I want to show you the space of your heart, where all the treasures are hidden. What treasures are hidden within you? Open the space to your heart and experience your freedom. Leave behind all fears and what is holding you back. I help you find your truth and the source of knowledge in your heart.”

Heron’s message

“I teach you to follow your own path, even if it seems to have no structure. Only the step in front of you is important. I feel at home with all elements and give you my gift to find solutions in a playful way and to play with the possibilities that life offers you. Trust your inner guide. Find your own inner rhythm. Find opportunities to adapt to situations and still go your own way. Do this by finding the loving connection. Loving connection is the source of life energy. Of peace with everything.”

Snowdrop’s message

“I am the first to bloom after Winter. And I will help you awaken from your Winter’s Rest. I also help you think about what you want to emerge later. I help you to be brave and not let limitations stop you, just like Winter’s Snow couldn’t stop me from growing and blossoming.”

Peridot’s message

“I protect and cleanse you, so that you can start the active part of the year well. I help you lose the negative influences of others, so that you can follow your own path independently and assertively. I help you to recognize and correct your own mistakes, but also to release feelings of guilt and pent-up emotions. You are now all ready to go. Good luck and have fun!”

And if you could use some insights this Fulle Moon, you could do the enclosed reading with your Oracle or Tarot Cards, Runes of Ogham♥

Wishing you a beautiful Full Moon 🌕

With love,

Elke )O( The Alder Scrolls /|\ 2024 ©

LD Day 4 ~ The Dragon

On Lockdown Day 4 the Dragon flies into your life. This magnificent mythological being comes to offer you its power and strength, to protect and fortify you on this leg of your journey. The Dragon symbolizes true power and reminds you that this infinite source is not found within your personalty or ego.

Your true power comes from within.

Your true power resides deep within your soul. So call on the Dragon’s spiritual power and strength and you will find a vast resource to strengthen your resolve…through morality, integrity and purpose. If you’re struggling with these issues, the Dragon will restore them to you. Remember that the power of the spiritual world can never be broken and true strength is found within, not in the outside world. Never mistake a gentle person for a weak one.

Watch for a signal, the Dragon always makes the next step clear and gives you the power to take it. So pay attention to what a loved one says, a bird or animal that crosses your path, a plant or herb or tree that catches your eye or a sudden gust of wind. These signals all have meanings. What does it mean for you? When did you notice, what were you thinking at that moment? What does it mean to you? What was the feeling your got? There lies your answer.

May your power grow from your love, compassion and empathy♥

Empower yourself. Look around you and let Nature inspire you. Spring is about to burst open from the primal forces and rhythm from deep within the Earth.

And if you are doubting, hurting, feeling sad or feeling lost, ask the Dragon to guide you. If you have no clue how, let me know, I will be happy to help you.

With love,
Elke )O( The Alder Scrolls /|\

#Nature #Attention #Inspiration #Druid #ElkeTheAlderScrolls #InTheFootstepsOfTheDruid #LD #DayCard #SelfCoaching #Dragon