Tag Archives: #Holiday

Imbolc ~ Divination

A good morning, evening or somewhere in between my dear dear out there,

During the turnings of the Wheel of the Year, a lot of Divination is done. Insights are gained about what the Imbolc period brings. Through the reading below you can also gain insights into how you can best use the beautiful energy of Imbolc for yourself. So grab your cards, your Runes or your Ogham and see what Imbolc has in store for you.

I am wishing you great insights♥

With love,
Elke )O( The Alder Scrolls /|\

Alban Hefin ~ Incense

Dear All,

Every celebration of the Wheel of the Year has its own herbs. Also Alban Hefin ~ Midsummer ~ Litha. Below are suggestions for a delicious Midsummer Incense.

Midsummer Incense: Make a mix of equal parts of:
– Lavender
– Thyme
– Rosemary
– Basil
– Reed

Add to this:
– Rose petals
– Marigold
– Linden blossom
– Lavender
– Mint
– St. John’s wort

Cleanse your home and yourself with this incense during Alban Hefin. And burn this in your Summer Fire or sprinkle it over the smoldering coals after a cozy barbecue.

Other herbs associated with Alban Hefin ~ Midsummer ~ Litha: All herbs you can harvest now, such as:
– Catnip
– Daisies
– Yarrow
– Chamomile
– Mugwort
– Wild Marjoram
– Verbena
– Clover
and much more

Before using herbs in food or tea or herbal water, check thoroughly whether they are safe for consumption.

Wishing you a lovely sunny and fragrant Alban Hefin♥

With love,
Elke )O( The Alder Scrolls /|\