Tag Archives: Horse

Full Moon in OAK ~ 24TH OF jUNE 2021

Dear All,

Today we celebrate Full Moon in Oak. A special Moon because it is a Super Moon and the Moon of the shortest night.

Nature is currently in her full glory. Everything flourishes and grows exuberant. The Sun and the Summer are at their peak. What about you? Do you dare to shine in your full glory? Do you dare to be yourself unapologetically, to offer what you have to offer to the world and shine your brightest you? Or do you keep yourself small? Let go of all that keeps you small and down and shine!

The Ogham this Moon is Oak and this is his message for you:

“I stand for strength, stability and old wisdom. And I show you how to take in the power of the highest wisdom in you. I help you to remember who you truly are by nature. You are loved and beautiful. You are already perfect. You have everything in you to realize your dreams. I help you with practical insight and perseverance to help you get across the threshold and become the real authentic you. “

The Archetype of Oak is The Dagda

“I am The Dagda and I give you my Cauldron, Club and Harp. With my Cauldron you stay in touch with your Source of Power, Creation and Knowledge to help you with what you want to realize. You can use my Club to get rid of what holds you back. And my Harp brings music into your life and helps you to do what makes your heart sing. Make sure to find a good balance between duty and pleasure. “

The Power Animal that advises you is Horse

“I give you the courage to accomplish your task in this life. And I urge you to use your inner fire and optimism for your visions, dreams and plans. Take the leap into the unknown and gallop towards the future. The future as you wish it to be. And isn’t that possible right now, then I will carry you and let you see how you get your life’s energy back. “

The Herb that supports you is Coltsfoot

“Does the outside world take your breath away, then I will help you to relax and breathe again. Do you have the idea that your vision is no longer clear or that your plans not get off the ground? I will help you clean your vision and your soil so you can relax and proceed as planned. I also help you to speak with a clear voice to tell what you want and speak your mind. “

The Gemstone that helps you is Diamond

“Are you a rough or a shiny diamond? I bring you important insights and consciousness. I also give you energy, life force and self-awareness. And I enlarge your self-respect and your balance. Finally I help you with perseverance, honesty and purity, cooperation and forgiveness. I dare you to step from your rough bolster and show yourself in all your beauty.”

To help you shine, hereby the song Shine of Aswan: https://youtu.be/IIw3BtSPHtI

I wish you an inspiring Full Moon )O(

With love,
Elke )O( The Alder Scrolls /|\

#TheAlderScrolls #Nature #Attention #Inspiration #Druid #ElkeTheAlderScrolls #InTheFootstepsOfTheDruid #SelfCoaching #FullMoon #Oak #Dagda #Horse #Coltsfoot #Diamond

LD Day 5 ~ The Horse

Can you see and hear them, galloping free on the meadow? I love to see that! For me, that’s the embodiment of freedom, strength and rhythm. Brings me back to times long long ago and I love it!

Today the Horse gallops into your life.

I love horses and riding them. Just feel a bit daft when, with me being able to do the splits effortlessly, I cannot get on a horse without a chair or something. So I had to accept the help of either a knee that was offered or a chair that was pulled to stand on. At first I felt ashamed. But then, when I sat in the saddle I thought, why? A little bit of help and I can go. And believe me, so much more relaxing for the horse and myself then if I would have struggled along. And exactly in this context the message of this beautiful Spirit Animal can be found. Because, what’s the Horse’s message for today?

Accepting help from another, delegating authority

Wow, so appropriate for so many of us right now. Schools have to delegate their authority to parents home schooling the children, managers have to delegate their authority to employees working from home. And people have in one way or another to accept help from another.

But what if you often refuse help from others, because you think you are capable to do it all on your own? Or what if you feel that although you give to others, no one helps you in return? Remember that you don’t have to walk the whole way alone. You can get help.

Horse reminds you that assistance is for the asking. Sometimes you need to be carried to get to your destination and in today’s situation, please read this in the broadest sense of the word.

Trust, that when Horse appears, help is yours:

  • Remember to ask for it
  • Remember to accept it when it’s offered
  • Remember that although you have to go through it alone, you don’t have to carry it alone

Today all kinds of initiatives rise to the surface and that makes me happy in this chaotic and cray time of day. It empowers and it connects.

Here in The Netherlands the grocery shops are plundered and a lot of the Elderly kept missing out. Horrible news. So now the grocery shops have special hours for them, so they can get their groceries. Churches are on lockdown like most of us. An that at a time that lot of people go back to their faith for inspiration and strength. To come to their aid, churches go online to provide services. And I think mosques and other places of worship will do that as well. Druids and Witches unite and organize online healing sessions for Mother Earth and all of her children. In these dire times, these initiatives show the goodness that is still abundant in our world, we are still connected and we are reconnecting to Mother Earth with all her flora and fauna. And for that I am grateful.

Let’s bring more goodness today by adding positivity and gratefulness. Share under this post what you are grateful for today.

May Horse support and inspire you when needed♥

With love,
Elke )O( The Alder Scrolls /|\

#Nature #Attention #Inspiration #Druid #ElkeTheAlderScrolls #InTheFootstepsOfTheDruid #LD #DayCard #SelfCoaching #Horse