Tag Archives: MercuryRetrograde

To arm yourself against the chaotic energy of Mercury in Retrograde

Dear dear All out there,

Mercury in Retrograde is great for helping you with reflecting, clearing up and the like. See my previous post for that. The fact remains that Mercury in Retrograde also comes with the necessary chaotic energy. And that energy can cause grumpiness, miscommunication, struggles and all those other ‘fun’ things you don’t want. And you don’t have to, because you can do something about it with the Water Ritual, Gemstones or Smudging.

Water Ritual

The day before Mercury goes into Retrograde, you can do this Water Ritual to ensure that the chaos and miscommunication associated with Mercury in Retrograde has minimal effect on your household. If it somehow fails to keep the ritual on that day, you can also do it on another day or when you have had enough of it, for example.

Purpose: to direct negative or chaotic energy into the glass of water so that it has no effect on you, your household or your office.

When Mercury comes out of Retrograde, wait 3 days before flushing the water from the glasses down the toilet or onto land (as far away from your home or office as possible) so that the water can be cleaned by Mother Earth .

What do you need:
A glass or glasses of water (or glass jars). I put one in every room of our house and yes, even in the bathroom.

How do you do it:
Do the ritual by the glass per room. Make sure that children or pets cannot reach the glasses of water to drink!

Grab a glass and say the following words about it:
Mercury in Retrograde
Trouble in a clear blue sky
Bringing chaos in your wake
Who knows when and who knows why

Mercury in Retrograde
Stay away from me and mine
Confine your energy to this jar
Until the planets realign

As I wish, so mote it be

Then place your glass in a safe place (where children and animals can’t reach it) and leave it alone until the third day after Mercury comes out of Retrograde.

As soon as I have placed the glasses in my house, I immediately feel the atmosphere change and become calm. We continue to have our miscommunications every now and then (my husband is a Leo and I’m an Aries, so yeah what can I say 😉 ), but once we realize what’s going on, we laugh about it and know enough.

It works wonders for me and I hope for you too.


Can’t you place water glasses because of pets or children or are you not into these kinds of rituals, but do you have gems? Then you can also place a bowl with gems in all rooms. To ward off chaotic energy and maintain balance, peace and a good communication, choose gems that:

  • absorb negative energy, such as Snowflake Obsidan and Labradorite
  • cleanse, such as Hematite, Black Obsidian or Tourmaline
  • cheer you up, such as Citrine, Tangerine Quartz and Blue Chalcedony
  • bring harmony, peace, love and balance, such as Amethyst, Rose Quartz and Rock Crystal, also known as the Golden Triangle
  • ensure good communication, such as Sodalite
  • helps with focus, such as Fluorite

Wait to remove the gems again until 3 days after Mercury goes straight again. Then clean them and charge them again.


If you don’t want to do a Water Ritual and you don’t have Gems, but you do have Incense? Then you can also smudge your house daily or a few times a week during Mercury in Retrograde with Incense or a Smudge Stick.

A quick variant is the following. Grab a water spout and fill it with water and a splash of Florida Water. Shake well and spray your house with it. Also works wonders!

Good luck and remember, humor works best.

With love,
Elke )O( The Aldertree /|\

Source Water Ritual: Deborah Blake Witch A to Z (Dutch version freely translated)

#TheAldertree #Nature #Attention #Inspiration #Druid #ElkeTheAldertree #InTheFootstepsOfTheDruid #SelfCoaching #Mercury #MercuryInRetrograde #WaterRitual #GemStones #Incense #Smudging #SmudgeStick #FloridaWater

Note: The Alder Scrolls has undergone a name change and is now The Aldertree. And with the Name Change comes also a new website. You are hereby all invited to come and join https://www.the-aldertree.com/. With love, Elke )O( The Aldertree /|\

Mercury in Retrograde September 27th till Octomer 18th 2021

Dear dear All out there,

Hold on tight, here we go again, Mercury in Retrograde!

From September 27th to October 18th, we have Mercury in Retrograde. This time is a time to be careful. Be careful with communication as miscommunication is a high risk during Mercury in Retrograde. So if your email hasn’t been sent, just check it again 10 minutes later and you might be surprised to find that it was sent after all. Also allow for more travel time, as traveling can be a challenge during Mercury in Retrograde. Mercury is the planet that rules communication and travel and when this planet goes Retrograde you can be affected by it.

Mercury in Retrograde, what exactly is that?

It is the period when Mercury seems to be going backwards. Pure illusion, because of course planets cannot go backwards around the sun. Yet it seems so, because the earth moves at a different speed than Mercury around the sun. The energy associated with Mercury in Retrograde is definitely palpable, that’s no illusion. And if Mercury goes Retrograde, we’ll all be affected. Chaos, miscommunication and delays are part of this period.

But is it all doom and gloom?

No of course not! This is a great time to think, reconsider and refocus and also to cleanse, clear and reorganize. Something we are used to doing
during Autumn, when Nature lets go of everything, to get ready for the Winter Rest. We have the inspiring help of Mercury in Retrograde in this preparation this year. How beautiful is that!

To reflect

Mercury in Retrograde is a great time to look back at the year so far. What did you notice, what didn’t work and what can you let go of? Go back to the beginning of this year, when your year was 1 blank page, ready to be filled with your dreams, your wishes and your desires. If necessary, grab a pen and some paper. What happened to all your plans, dreams and wishes? What worked, what didn’t and why not? What are your thoughts on all this? Once that’s clear, go one step further.


While reflecting, you have made an inventory of what worked well and what did not. Now pay all attention to what you still want to realize and achieve for the rest of the year. Think about the do’s and don’ts, and put the ‘can’t’ on your list for next year. Make an overview of what you still want to achieve this year, preferably with an action plan: starting moment, intermediate result and end result. This way you can monitor, adjust and know what to do when.


And when you have a clear picture of what you still want to achieve and realize this year, orientate and focus completely on that. If you notice that your focus is shifting to things that did not go well or did not go well, thank those things for the lessons given, let them go and focus again on what is working, what is going well and what you still want to realize this year. Always consider with complete, brutal honesty how committed you are to your goals and plan of action when things don’t go as planned or when you face difficulties. It will not always be easy and fast, but the motto is to continue and remain flexible, by bending when necessary and thinking in terms of opportunities and possibilities.

And so you can use the energy of Mercury in Retrograde to give you insight into where you are now and what you still want to realize or achieve before the end of this calendar year and what you want to leave behind with Autumn.

To clean up and declutter

Mercury’s energy in Retrograde also works extremely well when you want to clean up and declutter and you find it difficult, like me, to get rid of things due to nostalgic or sentimental value. Have you always wanted to try the Marie Kondo way? Then now is THE time to do that. Mercury’s energy in Retrograde helps you to clear and dispose of things more easily.

For me, the month of October is dominated by a reorganization of our house. The goal is to finally have my own space in the attic by the end of October. I’m definitely going to ask Mercury in Retrograde to help me with that. I believe we are already in the 3rd year that we want to realize that. To be continued shall we say😉

Wishing you a Mercury in Retrograde full of insights!

With love,
Elke )O( The Aldertree /|\

#TheAldertree #Nature #Attention #Inspiration #Druid #ElkeTheAldertree #InTheFootstepsOfTheDruid #SelfCoaching #Mercury #MercuryInRetrograde

Note: The Alder Scrolls has undergone a name change and is now The Aldertree. And with the Name Change comes also a new website. You are hereby all invited to come and join https://www.the-aldertree.com/. With love, Elke )O( The Aldertree /|\

Reflect ~ Rethink ~ Refocus ~ Mercury in Retrograde is here

Dear all out there,

You can hide, you can run, but Mercury in Retrograde is here. From May 30th till June 23rd we have Mercury in Retrograde. And this time is a time to be cautious. Be cautious with communication, because miscommunication is a high risk during Mercury in Retrograde. So of your mail hasn’t been sent, just check 10 minutes later and you may be surprised to find out it was sent after all. Also take more travel time into account, because traveling can be a challenged during Mercury in Retrograde. Mercury is the Planet that rules Communication and Travel and when this Planet goes in Retrograde, you can be affected by it. More tips and tricks can be found on the picture♄

But is it all doom and gloom then?

No, of course not! This is a great time to Reflect, Rethink and Refocus and also to Clear, Cleanse and Declutter.

But first Mercury in Retrograde, what is that exactly?

It is the period in which Mercury appears to go backwards. Pure illusion, because planets can’t go backwards around the Sun of course. But still it appears that way, because Earth moves at a different speed than Mercury around the Sun. The energy that comes with Mercury in Retrograde can certainly be felt, that is no illusion. And if Mercury goes Retrograde, we are all affected. Chaos, miscommunication and delays, are associated with this period. Many label Mercury in Retrograde as a period of doom and gloom. But that doesn’t have to be that way. The energy can also be used for everything that you can put ‘re’ for, i.e. reflecting, reorganizing (easier clean and clear), refocusing (easier to let go), for both material and immaterial matters.


During Mercury in Retrograde it will be a good moment to reflect on the year so far. What did you notice, what needs a bit more attention to come to a full bloom, what didn’t work and can be released and let go? What do you need to do to get the results you dreamt of earlier this year in Spring. Go back to that time, when your year was 1 blank page ready to be filled with your dreams, your wishes and your desires. Grab a pen and some paper if necessary. What has happened to all your plans, dreams and wishes? What has succeeded, what didn’t and why not? What are your thoughts about all of this? If you have that clear, go a step further.


While reflecting you have made an inventory of what worked well and what did not, what did and did not succeed. Now pay full attention to what you would like to realise and achieve the rest of the year. Consider what is doable and what not and place the ‘nots’ on your list for next year. Make an overview of what you still want to realize this year, preferably with an action plan to it: starting moment, intermediate result and end result. In this way you can monitor, adjust and know what to do when.


And if you have clear for yourself what you still want to achieve and realize this year, then fully focus on that. If you notice that your focus shifts to things that did not work or did not work out well, thank those things for the lessons given, let them go and focus back to what works, what goes well and what you wish to harvest this year. Always think with full, brutal honesty how committed you are to your goals and action plan when things go not as planned or you are facing difficulties. It will not always be easy and fast, but the motto is to maintain and still be flexible, to bend if necessary and to think in terms of opportunities and possibilities.

And this is how you can use the energy of Mercury in Retrograde to help give you insights into where you are now and where you wish to go to this year.

I wish you a Mercury in Retrograde full of Insights!

Elke )O( The Aldertree /|\

#TheAldertree #Nature #Attention #Inspiration #Druid #ElkeTheAlderScrolls #InTheFootstepsOfTheDruid #SelfCoaching #Mercury #MercuryRetrograde #Reflect #Rethink #Refocus

It is that time of the year again, Mercury in Retrograde

I hope you have your sense of humor in your pocket and your bag of patience around your shoulder, because it is Mercury in Retrograde again 😉

Good luck, lots of happy thoughts and with love,
Elke )O( The Alder Scrolls /|\

#TheAlderScrolls #Nature #Attention #Inspiration #Druid #ElkeTheAlderScrolls #InTheFootstepsOfTheDruid #SelfCoaching #MercuryRetrograde

6th of March New and Waxing Moon in Ash and Snake ï»żAnd And Mercury in Retrogradeï»ż

Since the Full Moon of February 19th we are guided by the Ash and the Snake. They also accompany uw this new and waxing Moon period until the 17th of March.

On the 6th of March, Mercury went into Retrograde. This can cause chaos in terms of travel, e-mail, mail and communication. Especially if you are sensitive to it. Try to see and solve everything with humour and especially with a good dose of patience;)

The energy of Mercury in Retrograde is excellent to use for literal and figurative cleaning up. So if you have dreading to clear out your attic or garage for a while, now is your chance.

But how can you use the growing energy of the Moon and the energy of Mercury in Retrograde, which is excellent for clearing and letting go ~ which is actually more the energy of a waning Moon ~ for yourself?

The characteristic of the Ash will assist you with this; the search for peace and balance in daily life. When you take a moment and observe your life, you can find out what disturbs your balance, peace and quiet. This can be a literal thing, like an untidy space where you live, or a figurative thing, like thoughts or behavioral patterns that did help you at first, but are now only annoyingly present.

The Power Animal that wants to help you with this is the Snake. The Snake stands for healing, transformation and vital life energy. It brings you to your original strength, your source of creation. Snake challenges you to reconnect with your own source. Cast off your old coat and put on your new, more fitting coat. Snake asks you to embrace your transformation and growth and to check regularly whether your coat is still fitting or whether it is better to wear a new one, just like Snake does. So, check for yourself whether your coat is still comfortable or whether it’s best to throw off your coat and put on a larger or better fit.

When you have that clear, you will know where you can grow and what you have to let go to being able to grow. The letting go or release part can be achieved in a fairly easy way with the help of the energy of Mercury in Retrograde.

Remember in this period of new and waxing Moon in combination with Mercury in Retrograde the lovely message of the Ash:

“I am the majestic Ash. I have come to tell you that it is safe to immerse yourself in your inner world. Here you will find support, healing and safety. If you feel that you are not progressing, try to be patient and make sure your intentions are clear. Sometimes you have to wait until the right moment and your wishes coincide. When you create a strong and loving space around you, you will attract that which you desire. Sometimes you will have to be cautious while the Universe collects all the building blocks for what you wish to come true. I am here to teach you to have patience and trust. Sometimes you will have to close gaps first, clear up or create order before things can fall into place. It is important to forgive yourself and others. Try to find time to help someone else. That is the best remedy against a broken heart. “(Source: The Oracle of the Celtic Trees, edited by me)

I wish you an inspiring new Moon period and Mercury in Retrograde!

Elke )O( The Alder Scrolls © 2019

Weekend Inspiration

Harvest Moon
Letting go ~ Immortality

Letting go or releasing means making room for something new. What can and would you like to release so you can grow? Let go of someone or something that is an unnecessary burden to you.

This theme is very interesting at this very moment. We have a waxing Moon as we speak and we have a Mercury in Retrograde. The energy of Mercury in Retrograde is very good for releasing, letting go, cleaning, clearing and cleansing. The waxing Moon energy is very good to help you define or find out what you would like to grow. So, combine these two energies wisely and you can boost yourself forward.

Have a great weekend♄

Elke )O( The Alder Scrolls