Tag Archives: Midwinter

Blessed and Happy Solstices

Dear dear all out there,

Blessed and Happy Solstices♥

Here in the Northern Hemisphere, the Year Wheel turned for the very last time this calendar year. We are now in the time of Alban Arthan ~ Yule ~ Midwinter ~ Christmas.

“So the shortest day came, and the year died.
And everywhere down the centuries of the snow-white world
came people singing, dancing.
To drive the dark away.”
~ Susan Cooper, The Shortest Day

This is the time of the Winter Solstice and the Return of the Light. On the 21st of December we celebrated Alban Arthan. The shortest day and longest night of the year. After December 21, the days will start to lengthen again. It is an important turning point.

Until Alban Arthan everything was about letting go and the withering away of nature and that is now reversing. Now is the time to sow, build, grow and bloom. Although still in a very early stage, because these are dark cold times and it will take a long time before nature reaches its full strength, but the start is there. And we celebrate that with this first Wheel of the Year Festival of this new Wheel of the Year cycle.

On my Yule – Midwinter – Alban Arthan page you can find all kinds of information about how to celebrate the return of the Sun and the Light.

Wishing you a blessed and happy Alban Arthan ~ Yule ~ Midwinter ~ Christmas ♥

If you are in the Southern Hemisphere, you are half way the calendar year now. The Summer is at her peak.

On the Midsummer Day the Sun is singing her song.
Radiant her round through heavens high.
Golden glow of grain, flower filled fields.
The land and the living enjoy light of day.

On Midsummer Night the Sun is singing her song.
Bonfire flame fiery and fair.
Solstice bestow Midsummer Night.
As wysrd is well woven this numious night.
– Frigga Asraaf

This is the time of the Summer Solstice. All seeds have been planted, everything grows and is in full bloom and all we have to do is take care for and love all we are growing and blooming. In Summer, just like in Winter, we visit each other to spend pleasant time together, celebrate life and be together to strengthen bonds. Hence the many Summer festivals.

On my Litha – Midsummer – Alban Hefin page you can find all kinds of information about how you can celebrate this lovely festival.

I wish you all a happy and blessed Solstice♥

With love,
Elke )O( The Aldertree /|\

#TheAldertree #Nature #Attention #Inspiration #Druid #ElkeTheAldertree #InTheFootstepsOfTheDruid #SelfCoaching #Yule #AlbanArthan #Midwinter #Christmas #Litha #AlbanHefin #Midsummer