Tag Archives: Moon

Waxing Moon in Luis ~ Rowan ~ January 30th 2023

The Lunar Period of Luis ~ Rowan started on February 1st, the same time the Wheel of the Year has turned to Imbolc, and lasts until March 3rd. It is currently Waxing Moon. The energy of Waxing Moon is that of Spring. Spring has also started with Imbolc on February 2nd. Mother Earth has awakened from her Winter’s Rest. The sap streams in the Trees have started and you can see buds in the trees everywhere. Snowdrops, Crocuses and Daffodils are emerging or are already in bloom. Birds are busy and giving beautiful concerts. The buzz comes back to life. Everything is being prepared for the active part of the year. You can have that feeling inside too. It starts to bubble and you feel like taking action. Nevertheless, vigilance is advised. It can still freeze at night. Plans you put out too early can fail. In Winter you have thought about what you want to achieve in the new year; projects, plans, spiritual growth. These seeds are now going to grow in you. Now is the time to actively pay attention to all those plans. Still in yourself, but now you go from thinking, to preparing, to action: what seeds are you going to plant; what do you want to grow this year? Are you ready for the active part of the year? Try to see it as clearly as possible or write it down for yourself. Reflect on your heart’s desire every day. And do something for it every day.

Message of Luis ~ Rowan

“I offer you protection. And I ask you to keep your wits about you. For that I give you the ability to assess situations and people. I am strengthening your intuition. I help you choose the path of happiness, joy and expectation. Make time for creative moments and rest. Connect with your Guides and Spirit Team. And pay attention to signals that you receive from Nature or through ‘coincidences’. There is magic and mystery all around you to help you. The result is renewal and joy. Take care of yourself. And do only that which is in line with your highest good. Open to the love and support of Mother Earth. And let this love permeate through yourself and all situations. Feed your heart with love. Love is the answer to everything.”

Message of Heron

“I teach you to follow your own path, even if it seems to have no structure. Only the step ahead of you is important. I feel at home with all the Elements and I give you my gift to find solutions in a playful way, so you can play with the possibilities that life offers you. Trust your inner guide. Find your own inner rhythm. Find opportunities to adapt to situations and still go your own way. Do this by finding the loving connection. Loving connection is the source of life energy. Of peace with everything.”

Message of Dragon

“I urge you to discover your own creative power and potential. I connect you to your inner fire. I want to show you the space of your heart where all the treasures are hidden. What treasures are hidden within you? Open the space to your heart and experience your freedom. Leave behind all fears and what is holding you back. I help you find your truth and the source of knowledge within your heart.”

Message of Snowdrop

“I am the first to bloom after Winter. And I’ll help you awaken from your Winter’s Rest. I also help you to think about what you want to grow this year. I help you to be brave and not let limitations hold you back, just as the Winter and Snow couldn’t stop me from growing and blooming.”

Message of Peridot

“I protect and cleanse you so that you can start the active part of the year well. I help you to free yourself from the negative influences of others, so that you independently and assertively follow your own path. I help you to acknowledge and correct your own mistakes, but also to let go of guilt and pent-up emotions. You are now all set and ready to go for it. Good luck and have fun!”

Waxing Moon in Luis ~ Reading

Do you want to make optimal use of this Moon’s energy? Then take your Oracle cards or your Tarot cards, your Runes or your Ogham and do the reading below ♥

Wishing you an insightful Crescent Moon ♥

With love,
Elke )O( The Alder Scrolls /|\ 2023 ©

Dark Moon in Beith January 21st 2023

Dark Moon in Beith ~ Januari 21st 2023

Today Dark Moon is in Beith ~ Birch. The Moon has fully retreated to recharge herself for a new Moon Period beginning January 24th. Nature outside is still deeply drawn back into Mother Earth. Resting until Spring. Preparing for a new cycle of sprouting, growing, flowering and harvesting. Mother Earth asks you to do the same. You can think of this Moon period as a brainstorming phase. Let everything come to you. Plan. To dream. To wish. Intentions. Cherish all ideas for the new year as seeds you want to plant later. Take stock and become aware of what you want to grow in this new year ahead.

The message of Beith ~ Birch

“I symbolize the end and the beginning. I am a real pioneer Tree. After a calamity, such as a forest fire, I am the first to grow again. I prepare the ground for all the other Trees. I am extremely strong, tough and give you confidence in your own abilities and future. I invite you to climb into my top. From there you can see the new year from a higher perspective. My heart-shaped leaves remind you that true wisdom comes from your heart.”

Eagle’s message

“Come, fly with me, and you will see things from a higher perspective. I show you your full potential and the tools you have at your disposal. I challenge you to express yourself, to stand up to your full height and to say yes to the full potential that you have within you. I remind you of your higher duty in the service of humanity. Take full responsibility for your life. Follow the power of your heart. Stand up for yourself. Walk your own Path. Stand for who you are. Follow my call, then you will find and live your destiny.”

The message of Great Stag

“I guide you through the darkness, bring you vital life energy and teach you to see things with your heart. Remember your own imagination and your magical ability to transform the world into light. Use that power of mind. Open yourself up and discover your special talents. I help you with your adaptability and your sense of the right moment. Have faith. I give you my strength and self-healing ability. Retreat regularly to recharge and heal yourself. Remember your own Plan, why you came back, and carry it out with love.”

Daisy’s message

“I always get up again, no matter how many times you mow me or step on me. I therefore give you my resilience. I help you to stay close to yourself and follow your own Path. And whatever happens, get up again! Have faith. In yourself. In life. In what you do and want. I help you with creativity. Think in opportunities and possibilities. And use the power of soft.”

The message of Rhinestone

“I help you solve inner blockages. Make you energetic, strong-willed and purposeful again. I provide insight into your own motives and motives. Through me you see crystal clear what you dó want. I strengthen your self-healing ability. And I give you love, harmony and purity.”

Dark Moon in Beith Card Reading Pattern

Do you want to make optimal use of this Moon energy? Then grab your Oracle or Tarot cards, your Runes or Ogham and do the Card reading Pattern below ♥

I wish you an insightful Dark Moon in Beith♥

With love
Elke )O( The Alder Scrolls /|\

Dark Moon in Beith – January 2nd, 2022

Dear dear all out there,

You are used to me sharing my Moon messages with Full Moon. However, this year the Moon Messages are going to be a little different. For quite some time now it has not felt right for me to only share my Moon messages about her energy, the energy of Mother Earth and how you can use those energies for yourself with the Full Moon. Last year I sometimes shared my messages with the Waxing or Waning Moon and that felt good. That got me thinking. I like to work with the Wheel of the Year and the energy of Mother Earth. But I also like to work with the Moon phases and the energy of the Moon. So, I’ve decided to bring those two together.

What can you expect from me this year?

The year is divided into 4 seasons, Winter, Spring, Summer and Autumn. This subdivision can be found in the Moon phases: Dark Moon = Winter, Waxing Moon = Spring, Full Moon = Summer and Waning Moon = Autumn.

This year you will get:

  • 3 Dark Moon Messages in January, November and December
  • 3 Crescent Moon Messages in February, March and April
  • 3 Full Moon Messages in May, June and July
  • 3 Waning Moon messages in August, September and October.

In this way the message corresponds with the energy of Mother Earth and the respective Moon phase. I am curious what wonderful experiences this will bring for you.

Another change is that I’ve left the Archetypes behind. Every Ogham has his or her own Power Animals and they want to play a bigger role this year. I am happy to comply with that.

Dark Moon in Beith ~ January 2nd, 2022

Today the Moon is born in Beith ~ Birch. The Moon is not yet visible, hence Dark Moon. This Lunar Period in Beith is from January 2nd to February 1st. Nature outside is still deeply withdrawn into Mother Earth. Resting until Spring. Preparing for a new cycle of germination, growing, blooming and harvesting. Mother Earth asks you to do the same. You can think of this Lunar Period as a brainstorming phase. Let everything come to you. Plans. Dreams. Wishes. Intentions. Cherish all the ideas for the new year like seeds you want to plant later. Take stock and become aware of what you want to grow in this new year ahead.

Beith’s message

“I symbolize the end and the beginning. I am a true pioneer. After a calamity, such as a forest fire, I am the first to grow again. I prepare the ground for all the other trees. I am very strong, tough and give you confidence in your own abilities and your future. I invite you to climb all the way up to my peak. From there, you can see the new year from a higher perspective. My heart-shaped leaves remind you that true wisdom comes from your heart.”

Eagle’s message

“Come, fly with me, and you’ll get a higher view of things. I will show you your full potential and the tools at your disposal. I challenge you to express yourself, rise to your full height and say yes to your full potential that you have within you. I point out to you your higher task in the service of humanity. Take full responsibility for your life and your actions. Follow the power of your heart. Stand up for yourself. Walk your own path. Stand for who you are. Follow my call, and you will find and live your destiny.”

Stag’s message

“I will guide you through the darkness, bring you vital life energy and teach you to see things with your heart. Remember your own fantasy and your magical ability to transform the world into light. Use that power of thought. Open yourself and discover your special talents. I help you with your adaptability and your sense of the right moment. Have faith. I give you my strength and self-healing ability. Withdraw regularly to recharge and heal yourself. Remember your own plan, why you came back, and carry it out with love.”

Daisy’s message

“I rise again and again, no matter how many times you mow me or step on me. I give you my resilience. I help you to stay close to yourself and to follow your own path. And whatever happens, get up again! Have faith. In yourself. In life. In what you do and want. I help you with creativity. Think in chances and possibilities. And use the power of love.”

The message of Rock Crystal

“I help you to dissolve inner blockages. Make you energetic, strong-willed and purposeful again. I provide insight into your own motives and motivations. Because of me you see crystal clear what you do want. I am amplifying your self healing power. And I give you love, harmony and purity.”

I wish you an insightful Moon ♥ 

With love,
Elke )O( The Aldertree /|\ 2022 ©

#TheAldertree #Nature #Attention #Inspiration #Druid #ElkeTheAldertree #InTheFootstepsOfTheDruid #SelfCoaching #Moon #MoonMessage #Beith #Birch #Eagle #Stag #Daisy #RockCrystal

Full moon in Hawthorn ~ 26th of May 2021

Dear All out there,

Today we celebrate Full Moon in Hawthorn. And a very special one! Today there is also a Lunar Eclipse or Blood Moon and there is a Super Moon.


Today’s Full Moon is called a Super Full Moon because the Full Moon is close to Earth, making it appear larger. This makes her energy extra strong and her effects extra noticeable.

Blood Moon or Lunar Eclipse

A Blood Moon means that a complete lunar eclipse is taking place. The term “Blood” comes from the fact that the Moon turns red during the entire lunar eclipse. During the lunar eclipse, the Earth is between the Sun and the Moon. This will block out all light except the red light. That red light is deflected and therefore the Full Moon is illuminated in red. The special thing about a Blood Moon is that all Moon phases are reviewed at once during this Full Moon. And you can take advantage of this. What is in your shadow side that may see the light?

Full Moon in Hawthorn ~ 26th of May 2021

Nature in all her fertility, growth and flowering is working towards a climax. The theme of this Moon is clearly growth and bloom. Spring slowly turns into Summer. Everything seems to go by itself and the rhythm that belongs to Summer is setting in, even though the weather is not. However, Nature works very hard to get everything ready in time for an abundant harvest. Resting is possible, as long as the ultimate goal is not lost sight of, so the motto seems. How do you keep your focus in the midst of the delusions of the day?

The Ogham this Moon is Hawthorn

With my whimsical branches full of thorns, my soft green leaves and bright white flowers, I help you with the insight of opposites. Beauty has two sides. The flower in bloom and the flower withered. Both equally beautiful and equally important when you understand and embrace the process. Growth also has two sides. Focus on growth, all is growing well; focus not on growth, growth withers. Where lies your focus? Honestly?

The Archetype of Hawthorn is Govannan

I make the hottest fire with Hawthorn wood. The hotter the fire, the hotter the iron, the better my ironwork. My question for you is, do you strike the forge when it is hot?

The Power Animal that advises you is Bee

I remind you that you are a powerful creator. You are the King/Queen of abundance. Be open to receiving sweetness. Do you also take the time to enjoy it fully and with attention? I also help you to break tangles and wires from old connections. This cleanses your energy field to make room for new things. My question for you: what is stopping you from living your life to the fullest according to your desires? 

The Herb that supports you is Wood Sorrel

I am a real shade plant. At nightfall, with too much Sunlight or approaching Rain, I close my leaves. I help you to live from your heart and to withdraw daily to recharge your batteries. By doing that, you stay energetic. I am also a healer and help you to come to terms with your shadow side. Know that I make weapons infallible. With me by your side, you have a powerful companion.

The Gemstone that helps you is Topaz

Carry me with you when you need inspiration or new ideas. I strengthen your inner fire, your creative power, your inner Source that is in contact with the Great Source. I also help you with clear thinking and speaking, as well as rational and pragmatic action. I provide relaxation by relieving stress. I give you focus, stamina and a good mood. Use this period to reach your full potential. Carry me with you and I’ll make you more confident.

I wish you an inspiring Full Moon )O(

With love,
Elke )O( The Aldertree /|\ 2021 ©

#Nature #Inspiration #Attention #TheAldertree #Druid #ElkeTheAldertree #InTheFootstepsOfTheDruid #SelfCoaching #Moon #FullMoon #SuperMoon #LunarEclipse #Hawthorn #Govannan #Bee #WoodSorrel #Topaz

Waning Moon ~ LAst Quarter

This Moon period is the period of the Moon The Spear, I Focus. It is also the period of Lughnasadh, the 1st Harvest Festival. Questions you could ask yourself this time to the New Moon are:

  • Am I living the life that makes me happy? If not, what can I change?
  • Am I reaping what I want to harvest? If not, where should I focus?
  • Do I listen to my self-wisdom or am I guided by others?

Beautiful last phase of this Moon and with love,
Elke )O( The Alder Scrolls /|\

#TheAlderScrolls #Nature #Attention #Inspiration #Druid #ElkeTheAlderScrolls #InTheFootstepsOfTheDruid #SelfCoaching #Moon #WaningMoon #Holly #TigersEye #Snake #Warrior #Spear #IFocus

Full Moon in Willow and Taurus / Cow ~ April 19, 2019

This Full Moon is also called the Moon of Awakening or Resurrection. Everything in Nature is awakening and rising. Greenery has come back everywhere, young animals, birds. Butterflies are back again. Bees are flying from here to there for their pollen. Everything breathes activeness and energy and business.

Keeping the balance between the pushy Aries and the playful Lamb remains a challenge for me

Spring time!

So happy! I love this time. The huzzbuzz gives me energy and everything cannot go fast enough for me. As a true Aries I sometimes really have to restrain myself not to go too fast and that is not easy, at times a real challenge. I become cranky and feel rushed, because it is not going the way I like it. My flow and focus are interrupted and yes, that really does something to me. By focusing mainly on and trusting the natural processes, the Aries in me becomes the Lamb again and I start playing instead of pushing;) Easy? Anything but! Fortunately there is Willow and Taurus / Cow who will help me with that this month.

Grande Dame The Willow; Under her branches you will find a sheltered place where you can sit and can fully regain yourself

The Willow

This beautiful Grande Dame stands for intuition and feelings. She asks you to make contact with your intuition and your feelings, because that will give you new insights and empowerment. If you find this difficult, take a look around how Nature works at the moment. If you notice something, ask yourself why you notice that at that specific moment, what does it mean to you, what were you thinking when you spotted it and whether you can make a link to something that you are currently working on in your life. The Willow also asks you to stand firmly with both feet on Mother Earth, so you won’t be overwhelmed by emotions, feelings or by a current, so that you become unbalanced. Just look at the Willow, she is standing on the waterline, her long branches reach to the water and sometimes lie in the water. But no matter what the flow of the water is, she stays firmly in place. When you put a branch of the Willow in the ground, it grows into a new tree. As a result, the Willow also symbolizes death and rebirth. Willow energy gives you the power to live with confidence, to trust your own abilities and your own talents and qualities.

Taurus and Cow, two beautiful Spirit Animals that will guide you through this Full Moon and Moon Period until May 18, 2019

Taurus and Cow

The Cow with its beautiful print that sometimes resembles a world map is traditionally honoured, because it takes care of, reinforces, guides and carries people. Cow asks you this Moon Period to go back to the source within yourself that feeds and cares for you. When you reconnect yourself to that source within, you will heal yourself, put an end to what you are missing and you will become happy in the here and now. Go to your inner meadow, rest, ruminate, feed and recharge yourself. You have creative potential, express your creativity and show the world your ideas. Cow asks if she can guide you during this Moon Period to return to your own nature, so that you can regain the power within yourself and grow into the next phase of your spiral of life.

Taurus stands next to Cow. Female and male energy or Yin and Yang side by side. Bull is a symbol of fertility and virility, prosperity and abundance, potential and prosperity. He points out that that true wealth can only be found in the heart and soul. He also wants to tell you that it sometimes takes some time to reap the rewards of your hard work. Trust in the natural processes. If you have to work long-term in difficult circumstances to reach your goals, Taurus will help you to do this without becoming exhausted or becoming depressed.

What thoughts could keep you occupied this Full Moon:

  • Do I focus on what I want?
  • Where do I want to grow? Or what do I want to grow?
  • What do I have to let go in order to grow?
  • Do I have faith in my plans?
  • What can I do to make my plans a success?

In response to this, the Willow asks you this Moon Period: “What would you like to hang in the Willows?” What would you like to let go? What is keeping you from realising your plans? Maintaining your focus, growing or trusting your self-wisdom and self-worth? What emotions may be released so that they can be processed and released?

Let go what’s holding you back and release your wishes in a Full Moon Ritual

Your own Moon Ritual

Go outside this Full Moon and sit under the Full Moon Light. Make a fire in a safe way, for example in a fire bowl or a patio fireplace. Grab a pen and paper and write down what no longer serves you, what holds you back or what does not work anymor. When your list is complete in your opinion, throw it in the fire and see everything you want to let go, go literally up in smoke. You got rid of it. Feel that liberating feeling and enjoy it. Then take a new paper and write down for yourself where you would like your focus to be, what you would like to grow, what plans you would like to realize and what you could do to make those plans succeed. When your list is complete in your opinion, throw it in the fire. Look at how your wishes are taken away by the smoke and the wind, so that they can land in places where it can to help you.

Do you have questions about the Moon Ritual? Or would you like some insights or answers to the questions you are dealing with? Don’t keep walking around with them, but make an appointment with me. I will gladly help you further.

That you may have a beautiful Full Moon of awakening and empowerment!

With love,

Elke )O( The Alder Scrolls © 2019

Coming in the sky near you…

Full Super Moon and the beginning of Spring together on the 21st of March

The March 20-21, 2019, full moon ushers in the first full moon of spring for the Northern Hemisphere, and the first full moon of autumn for the Southern Hemisphere. This full moon is also a supermoon, particularly close to Earth. It comes less than four hours after the arrival of the March 20 equinox.

This is the closest coincidence of a full moon with the March equinox since March 2000 – 19 years ago. The full moon and March equinox won’t happen less than one day apart again for another 11 years, or until March 2030.

Inspirational Full Moon and magical start of Spring my dear dear ones out there!

Elke )O( The Alder Scrolls

Read further at: https://earthsky.org/…/full-supermoon-on-march-2019-equinox…

Bright yellow full moon in dark twilit sky with ancient buildings below.

The Virtual Telescope Project will show the March 20 supermoon live, as it rises above the skyline of Rome. Click here for more info.