Tag Archives: Moonstone

Waning and Dark Moon in Willow ~ 10th and 11th of May 2021

Today the Waning Moon is 1% in Willow and tomorrow May 11th will be the Dark Moon. At the beginning of May, we celebrated Beltane, the fertility of Mother Earth. Everything around us in Nature is about to burst, grow, blossom. We also celebrated our own dreams and wishes that we want to realize during this active part of the year, so that we can celebrate a beautiful harvest in the Autumn. Now with the Waning and Dark Moon, we can dwell on what we may or must let go of to actually live and fulfill our dreams and desires. What is bothering you? What is blocking you? Write everything on a piece of paper, go outside and burn it safely. Whatever is bothering you or what blocks you will go up in smoke and you can start with a clean slate with the New Moon on May 12.

The Ogham this Moon is Willow

Willow represents the Great Mother and gives you her healing love. She supports you in acknowledging your feelings. She is there to confirm that everything is fine and everything will be getting back into balance. Willow encourages you to peace and harmony and she supports your dream life. She asks you to let all negative feelings and energy come out, express them, put awareness on them and let them go.

The Archetype of Willow is Morgan le Fay

Morgan Le Fay asks you to trust your intuition and your gut feeling. Pay attention to your hunches, which can provide you with important insights. Not everything is what it looks like. She invites you to move beyond the chaos of modern life and listen to your inner wise voice; that voice knows the way you have to go on your path. Close your eyes, put one hand on your heart and the other on your sternum. Ask yourself a question and listen to the answer that comes up by itself.

The Spirit Animal that advises you is Snake

Snake is a wise and powerful advisor. She teaches you to transform your inner fire into creative power. Let go of old patterns, heal yourself and become aware of yourself. This makes it clear what your goal is and how you can get there. Where do you put your focus? Does that make you happy? If not, focus on what does make you happy.  

The Herb that supports you is Primrose

Do you get nervous from all those activities around you or do you not yet know what your wishes and dreams are? Don’t panic, Primrose supports you and soothes you so that you can breathe freely again. She asks you this: What is your key to happiness?

The Gemstone that helps you is Moonstone

Moonstone brings you hope and strengthens your intuition, feeling and love. It helps you enhance your contact with your gut feeling. She gives spontaneous ideas and creative ideas more space and strength to make them come true. And she takes away your stress and tension. With her you have the Moon in miniature with you.

I wish you an inspiring Waning and Dark Moon♥

With love,
Elke )O( The Alder Scrolls /|\ © 2021

#TheAlderScrolls #Nature #Attention #Inspiration #Druid #ElkeTheAlderScrolls #InTheFootstepsOfTheDruid #SelfCoaching #Willow #MorganLeFay #Snake #Primrose #Moonstone #WaningMoon #DarkMoon