Tag Archives: newmoon

6th of March New and Waxing Moon in Ash and Snake And And Mercury in Retrograde

Since the Full Moon of February 19th we are guided by the Ash and the Snake. They also accompany uw this new and waxing Moon period until the 17th of March.

On the 6th of March, Mercury went into Retrograde. This can cause chaos in terms of travel, e-mail, mail and communication. Especially if you are sensitive to it. Try to see and solve everything with humour and especially with a good dose of patience;)

The energy of Mercury in Retrograde is excellent to use for literal and figurative cleaning up. So if you have dreading to clear out your attic or garage for a while, now is your chance.

But how can you use the growing energy of the Moon and the energy of Mercury in Retrograde, which is excellent for clearing and letting go ~ which is actually more the energy of a waning Moon ~ for yourself?

The characteristic of the Ash will assist you with this; the search for peace and balance in daily life. When you take a moment and observe your life, you can find out what disturbs your balance, peace and quiet. This can be a literal thing, like an untidy space where you live, or a figurative thing, like thoughts or behavioral patterns that did help you at first, but are now only annoyingly present.

The Power Animal that wants to help you with this is the Snake. The Snake stands for healing, transformation and vital life energy. It brings you to your original strength, your source of creation. Snake challenges you to reconnect with your own source. Cast off your old coat and put on your new, more fitting coat. Snake asks you to embrace your transformation and growth and to check regularly whether your coat is still fitting or whether it is better to wear a new one, just like Snake does. So, check for yourself whether your coat is still comfortable or whether it’s best to throw off your coat and put on a larger or better fit.

When you have that clear, you will know where you can grow and what you have to let go to being able to grow. The letting go or release part can be achieved in a fairly easy way with the help of the energy of Mercury in Retrograde.

Remember in this period of new and waxing Moon in combination with Mercury in Retrograde the lovely message of the Ash:

“I am the majestic Ash. I have come to tell you that it is safe to immerse yourself in your inner world. Here you will find support, healing and safety. If you feel that you are not progressing, try to be patient and make sure your intentions are clear. Sometimes you have to wait until the right moment and your wishes coincide. When you create a strong and loving space around you, you will attract that which you desire. Sometimes you will have to be cautious while the Universe collects all the building blocks for what you wish to come true. I am here to teach you to have patience and trust. Sometimes you will have to close gaps first, clear up or create order before things can fall into place. It is important to forgive yourself and others. Try to find time to help someone else. That is the best remedy against a broken heart. “(Source: The Oracle of the Celtic Trees, edited by me)

I wish you an inspiring new Moon period and Mercury in Retrograde!

Elke )O( The Alder Scrolls © 2019

Moon in Golden Eagle and Birch – January 6th till February 4th 2019

When I am writing this, we are already half wat the new Moon Period of Birch and Golden Eagle. The New Moon has transformed into the First Quarter of the Moon. This means that the Moon is half visible.

This Moon Period we are guided by the Birch and the Golden Eagle. The Birch is known as a pioneer tree. She is one of the first trees to settle in new areas and prepares the soil for other trees. That is the reason the Birch is also known for her qualities ‘cleansing’, ‘new beginnings’, and ‘growth’. But more about that at Full Moon.

The Spirit Animal that guides us this month is the Golden Eagle. This beautiful bird announces an and a new beginning, goodbye to an old phase in your life and the starting of a new one. He has the talent to triumph over difficult challenges in life as if it were the easiest thing. The signal Golden Eagle is giving us, is to not see challenges as an obstacle on our way to success, but as a chance to improve yourself and to become better. He wants to teach you that all the answers are waiting for you, all you have to do is ask, yourself, because you are the only one with the answer. You may fear the answer. And if the answer hurts you, so be it, the most important thing is that you learn from it.

This may be a good opportunity for you to renegotiate and balance your obligations, what you want out of life and your goals. 

At the beginning of this new year, Golden Eagle asks you to reconnect yourself with your spiritual path. Listen to your inner voice and listen to your heart. Let yourself be guided by them this period. When you allow yourself exactly that, doors will open, you connect yourself with your inner source of creation and like a beacon your heart will follow. This Spirit Animal brings you closer to yourself. Are you prepared for all the possibilities and opportunities coming your way for you to grasp? If you have the feeling you’re not quite ready, let yourself be guided by the razor sharp look of Golden Eagle. Take a close look at your life and look at it in detail from a broader perspective. Hover above it like an Eagle flies high in the sky and looks down at everything below him. Find your questions and the answers to what you wish to do and what you prefer. Let your heart guide you and possibilities and opportunities you never dreamed of will occur when you least expect them.

Because Golden Eagle flies higher than all other birds, it bears the title King of all flying creatures. As a result, he is also connected to the Element Air. He rules East, Creation and represents renewal and the Spring season. When you have a dream or want to realize a goal in your life, take an example to Golden Eagle, stay true to yourself and go straight towards  your goal.

To give this power through a ritual, you can do the following.

Pinecone Wishes

Send your wishes literally in the air for this new year regarding your business, growth and development, what you want to realize this year, the holiday you want to celebrate, or whatever you want. You can do this by writing them down on small pieces of paper, rolling them up, putting them in a pine cone and burning them. Sprinkle some thyme on your fire and your pine cone for extra strength.

Vision Board

To follow your inner voice and your heart, you can appeal to your creativity to make your year transparent by making a Vision Board. Pack a stack of magazines or photos and choose what appeals to you, what makes you feel good, what makes you happy. Cut everything out and stick it in random order on a large piece of paper or cardboard. When you’re done, go and look at it from a distance and let it sink in. Do you see a red line? The advantage of a Vision Board is that you can hang it up and in that way you will be reminded of what you want the most this year. The combination of words and pictures makes this a powerful tool for achieving goals.

And with the next beautiful poem by William Arthur Ward (1921-1994) I wish you a Moon Period full of vision, inspiration and a sharp eye.

“Another fresh new
year is here…
Another year to live!
To banish worry,
doubt, and fear,
To love and laugh
and give!”

Warm greetings,

Elke )O( The Alder Scrolls

Private collection

New Moon in Elder and Hawk – December 7th 2018

Today starts the Moon Period of Elder and Hawk. This Moon Period ends on the 5th of January 2019. The Ogham and the Spiritual Animal or Totem Animal of this Moon Period is the Elder and the Hawk.

When you look around in Nature, you will see that Autumn has come to its end. Trees are bald, Nature has withdrawn herself in Mother Earth, days become shorter and shorter and nights longer and longer. Everything around you becomes more and more silent and prepares for Winter’s Rest. The Harvest has been and time of stillness and reflection is upon us.

This Moon Period is accompanied by the Hawk and the Elder. Key words of the Elder are wisdom, ancestors, letting go, transformation, ending and beginning, trust. More about this Ogham or holy tree comes with the Full Month on the 22nd of December.

The Hawk stands for the initiation into the mystery of life, fertility on spiritual and physical level, intuition, creativity and inspiration and for life energy. She brings guidance in difficult situations, increases vitality, helps strengthen and develop your intuition. She helps you to interpret things correctly, to make dreams come true and to create new projects. When things are still unclear, then the Hawk will bring clarity, overview and decisiveness. In difficult times she supports you to become aware of your strength and your vital energy and to continue in good courage and confidence. From high up in the sky, Hawk looks down and oversees everything.

During the New and Waxing Moon and to prepare you for your Winter’s Rest, Hawk helps you to oversee your past Moon Period and year from a helicopter view. Let yourself be carried on her wings along all your actions, thoughts, behavioral patterns and feelings of the past year. Reflect and become aware of what has been and is not useful to you anymore. Leave that behind in the last Moon Period and the old year.

A good moment for doing this reflection is the New Moon on December 7th. The Moon energy of the New Moon is present from December 5th-9th. You can use this energy to come up with good intentions or to express your wishes and to think about what you want to let go from the last Moon Period or the past year.

On December 10th the period of Waxing Moon starts until December 19th. Waxing Moon is a period of growth, charging and gathering energy and strength. During this period you can focus on things that you want to grow, such as trust, strength, creativity and inspiration. Focus on actions, thoughts, feelings and behavioral patterns that are useful to you and let them grow the coming Moon period. Cherish them and feed them during Winter’s Rest, to be fully ready in Spring.

Haw has the following message for you:

“I am Hawk and from high up in the sky I can oversee everything. This Moon Period I will bring you messages, signals or insights to free you from thoughts and beliefs that limit you to rise above yourself and reach a higher perspective. Try to familiarize yourself with this helicopter view, so that it allows you to being able to grow and flourish from the knowledge of the Universe. With my sharp eye, I help you to read between the lines, to look behind the facade and to obtain clarity. This allows you to reflect better and to take into account what is and isn’t beneficial to you. Choose your priorities and eliminate all distractions.”

Let Hawk help you to get an overview, so you can let go of what you no longer need or what no benefits you. By doing that, you will both strengthen your intuition and your own wisdom and your creativity and inspiration can unfold. Believe in yourself, your own wisdom and your inner strength.

Have an insightful New Moon Period!

Elke )O( The Alder Scrolls © 2018

New Moon in Hawk and Elder 7th December 2018