Tag Archives: Opal

Full Moon in Gort – Ivy

Dear dear all out there,

Today the Full Moon is in Gort ~ Ivy. This Full Moon is also known as the Hunting Moon. In ancient times, people hunted to replenish supplies for the Winter. You can translate this into chasing your dreams or chasing away whatever is in your way of achieving your dreams. Be inspired by Mother Nature around you. Life in Nature retreats to prepare for the coming Winter’s Rest, to return with energy and full of life in Spring. Turn inward and examine what your dreams are, what you have achieved from them this year or what has stopped you from realizing them. Dare to confront yourself and use Autumn to let go of what is holding you back or transform that what’s holding you back into what helps you create the life that makes you happy. Use the energy of Nature and this Full Moon to weave the life that makes your heart sing.

The Ogham this Full Moon is Gort ~ Ivy

“I am Gort, also called Ivy. And I ask you to take the time to really get to know yourself. Join me on a journey of discovery into your inner world. What lies deep within you that may be uncovered? Feel your feelings and feel behind the feeling. What do your feelings want to tell you? You’ll find out that your feelings are counselors and you don’t need not be afraid of them. They just want to help you understand yourself, even if they are sometimes painful or difficult. They are so eager to help you weave the life that makes you happy.”

The Archetype of Gort is Arianhrod

“I am Arianhrod, the Goddess of Rebirth and the Weaving of Cosmic Time and Fate. My name means Silver-Wheel, a symbol that represents the ever-turning Wheel of the Year, but also the on wheel on which I carry the dead back to my heavenly northern land, the Corona Borealis. I bring you the strength to live up to your own expectations and not bow to the expectations of others. I am a weaver of faite and I give you insights to weave your own fate. Look deep into your self, your inner world, your Soul and explore your shadow world, because that will lead you to your deepest fears and desires. What do you fear? And what do you desire? Go beyond your fears and you will accomplish your desires. I encourage you to become your independent self.”

The Power Animal that advises you is Butterfly

“I remind you of the power of your inner Source which is fed by the Primordial Source of Love, Knowledge, Wisdom, Creation, Power and Protection. I help you in your transformation process. I encourage you to joyfully embrace the change in your life and within yourself.” 

The Herb that supports you is Bittersweet

“I’m poisonous, so don’t eat me. You can carry me with you or hang me somewhere. I help you to let go of what is holding you back. What you’re holding on will literally get you stuck, like arthritis makeing your phalanges stiff. Think of the Trees that now let go of their leaves, you can let your leaves that no longer serve you go. Sometimes letting go is a bitter pill to swallow, but sweetness will come back after letting go in the form of space for something new.”

The Gem Stone that aids you is Opal

“I bring you wisdom and contentment. And I give you insight and let your intuition grow. In addition, I help you to see through and understand your emotions. This makes it easier for you to recognize and break through patterns when those patterns hinder you from being who you are.”

I wish you a beautiful and insightful Full Moon ♥

With love,
Elke )O( The Alder Scrolls /|\

#TheAlderScrolls #TheAldertree #Nature #Attention #Inspiration #Druid #ElkeTheAlderScrolls #ElkeTheAldertree #InTheFootstepsOfTheDruid #SelfCoaching #FullMoon #Gort #Ivy #Opal #Butterfly #Arianhrod

Note: The Alder Scrolls has undergone a name change and is now The Aldertree. And with the Name Change comes also a new website. You are hereby all invited to come and join https://www.the-aldertree.com/. With love, Elke )O( The Aldertree /|\