Tag Archives: OracleOfThe7Energies

The Land Between

My dear dear all out there,

The World is in turmoil and so is our Inner World. We are all affected by the events and the measures taken by our governments. We are facing new measures here in the Netherlands and it has been occupying my thoughts. Apparently so, that when I drew my Card of the Day, it answered me with this beauty:

I asked the Cards what wisdom I could carry into today and The Land Between came out. And I totally relate to this card. At the moment it feels indeed as The Land Between. The card says the following:

“The process in between worlds is where things get really interesting. You learn how to manage your fear, how to stay present in the now, how to see in the dark. You absorb the lessons offered to you with grace, because you can’t go any faster. This is a real test of emotional fortitude, patience, trust, and humility. Once you have made this no-man’s-land your home, it will be part of you. Then whatever set in motion comes to life. This is what you’ve been waiting for. When you look back, you will grow to love the place ‘in between’, for that is where you were reborn.

With every Card of the Day I draw an Affirmation of the Day and today’s affirmation is the following:

The food for thought that comes with this affirmation is the following:

“My heart is open. I allow my love to flow freely. I love myself, I love myself, and others love me.”

The World is in an Interbellum, a time in between times, at the moment. And our society is facing great challenges and so are we. What is the World we would love to live in?

We are undergoing a change, a change from an industrial society to an technological society. And the sitting power is frantically trying to maintain its power. But, we all know what a cornered cat is doing, it makes weird jumps. Those jumps have become more and more hurtful in the sense of divide and conquer. But I express my hope here that eventually Love conquers all.

Reconnect with Love; within yourself, towards your family and friends and towards the World as a whole. Only when we act from Love, our World and our society will blossom again. So go within and explore what kind of world you wish to live in. And the see what little steps you can take in the outside World to establish your Dream World. The magic is in this process, because you know: once you believe, you will receive.

Choose Love
Reconnect with Love
Dream the World you want to live in from Love
And act in the outer World from Love
Love is the Key

Have a wonderful and delightful week my dear dear ones out there♥

With love,
Elke )O( The Aldertree /|\

#TheAlderScrolls #Nature #Attention #Inspiration #Druid #ElkeTheAlderScrolls #InTheFootstepsOfTheDruid #SelfCoaching #CardOfTheDay #OracleOfThe7Energies #DailyAffirmation #PowerThoughtCards