Tag Archives: Rhinestone

Dark Moon in Beith January 21st 2023

Dark Moon in Beith ~ Januari 21st 2023

Today Dark Moon is in Beith ~ Birch. The Moon has fully retreated to recharge herself for a new Moon Period beginning January 24th. Nature outside is still deeply drawn back into Mother Earth. Resting until Spring. Preparing for a new cycle of sprouting, growing, flowering and harvesting. Mother Earth asks you to do the same. You can think of this Moon period as a brainstorming phase. Let everything come to you. Plan. To dream. To wish. Intentions. Cherish all ideas for the new year as seeds you want to plant later. Take stock and become aware of what you want to grow in this new year ahead.

The message of Beith ~ Birch

“I symbolize the end and the beginning. I am a real pioneer Tree. After a calamity, such as a forest fire, I am the first to grow again. I prepare the ground for all the other Trees. I am extremely strong, tough and give you confidence in your own abilities and future. I invite you to climb into my top. From there you can see the new year from a higher perspective. My heart-shaped leaves remind you that true wisdom comes from your heart.”

Eagle’s message

“Come, fly with me, and you will see things from a higher perspective. I show you your full potential and the tools you have at your disposal. I challenge you to express yourself, to stand up to your full height and to say yes to the full potential that you have within you. I remind you of your higher duty in the service of humanity. Take full responsibility for your life. Follow the power of your heart. Stand up for yourself. Walk your own Path. Stand for who you are. Follow my call, then you will find and live your destiny.”

The message of Great Stag

“I guide you through the darkness, bring you vital life energy and teach you to see things with your heart. Remember your own imagination and your magical ability to transform the world into light. Use that power of mind. Open yourself up and discover your special talents. I help you with your adaptability and your sense of the right moment. Have faith. I give you my strength and self-healing ability. Retreat regularly to recharge and heal yourself. Remember your own Plan, why you came back, and carry it out with love.”

Daisy’s message

“I always get up again, no matter how many times you mow me or step on me. I therefore give you my resilience. I help you to stay close to yourself and follow your own Path. And whatever happens, get up again! Have faith. In yourself. In life. In what you do and want. I help you with creativity. Think in opportunities and possibilities. And use the power of soft.”

The message of Rhinestone

“I help you solve inner blockages. Make you energetic, strong-willed and purposeful again. I provide insight into your own motives and motives. Through me you see crystal clear what you dó want. I strengthen your self-healing ability. And I give you love, harmony and purity.”

Dark Moon in Beith Card Reading Pattern

Do you want to make optimal use of this Moon energy? Then grab your Oracle or Tarot cards, your Runes or Ogham and do the Card reading Pattern below ♥

I wish you an insightful Dark Moon in Beith♥

With love
Elke )O( The Alder Scrolls /|\