Tag Archives: Ruby

Full Moon in Alder ~ 28th of March 2021

Full Moon in Alder ~ 28th of March 2021

Today the Full Moon is in Alder. This Full Moon is also called Egg Moon and is all about taking good care of your plans or seeds, protection and doing. It is important to maintain the right focus and not be distracted. What can you do to make your plans and your seeds grow? The Energy of this moment is that of rebirth and new life.

The Ogham this Moon is Alder

The Alder asks you how you keep in touch with your own goal. And asks you to consider what brings you joy. See what makes your heart sing. That is the way that leads to fulfillment and meaning. If you are looking for innovation, I am here to help. I’ll give you the nutrients to grow, even after a rough patch. I am ready to help you start over, lay new foundations and thus achieve your physical identity, your spiritual identity, the desires of your ego and the desires of your soul. Your dreams and ideas are important and I will help you realize them. Take a moment to find it in yourself. Innovation and strength come from this place. You are ready to start over.

The Archetype of Alder is King Arthur

King Arthur and Guinevere, and before that Bran and Branwen, both legendary figures of strength and vulnerability. Heroes with an Achilles heel. Do you know what your Achilles heel is? If you know that, you know where your pitfalls lie figuratively. Then you learn to recognize the signals, so you can make adjustments if necessary.

The Power Animal that advises you is Falcon

Falcon brings you vitality, vigilance and sharp insight. In addition, it strengthens your courage. Falcon helps you maintain a clear overview of the situation. And helps you with healing by chasing away and overcoming that which harms you. She teaches you to know your own talents and to live your true destiny. In this way you build up your own individuality through experiences and insights. 

The Herb that supports you is Broom

Broom helps you when you are in doubt, do not know what you want or have difficulty communicating your own personality. When you carry Brem with you, it increases your psychic powers. In addition, Brem protects you and you can use Brem branches bound into a broom for (energetic) cleaning.

The Gemstone that helps you is Ruby

This deep red gem will bring you protection, boldness and decisiveness. He strengthens your courage, makes you vital and alive. Ruby also increases your concentration and gives pleasure in what you do. He leaves you active and motivated in life. And he aligns your heart with your foundation Ruby makes you enterprising and realistic.

I wish you an inspiring Full Moon♥

With love,
Elke )O( The Alder Tree /|\

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