Tag Archives: Samhain

Blessed Samhain – Blessed Beltane

My dear dear all out there,

For the Northern Hemisphere, this weekend the Wheel of the Year will spin for the last time and we celebrate Samhain.

On my page Samhain you can find all kinds of information about what Samhain is and how to celebrate this inspiring Samhain time.

For the Southern Hemisphere, this weekend the Wheel of the Year turns to the time of Beltane. On my page Beltane you can find all kinds of information about what Beltane is and how to celebrate this loving Beltane time.

With love,
Elke )O( The Aldertree /|\

#TheAlderScrolls #Nature #Attention #Inspiration #Druid #ElkeTheAlderScrolls #InTheFootstepsOfTheDruid #SelfCoaching #Samhain #BeginningOfWinter #Beltane #BeginningOfSummer

Note: The Alder Scrolls has undergone a name change and is now The Aldertree. And with the Name Change comes also a new website. You are hereby all invited to come and join https://www.the-aldertree.com/. With love, Elke )O( The Aldertree /|\

Beltane ~ Samhain

In the night of April 30th to May 1st, the Wheel of the Year turns in the Northern Hemisphere from Ostara to Beltane and we move from planting seeds to the fertility period. Beltane’s period is from May 1st till June 21st.

Are you curious about what you can do with Beltane, the history of Beltane, recipes to make nice foods and drinks recipes and tips to celebrate Beltane, alone or with others?

On my Beltane page you will find all the ins and outs about Beltane’s wonderful fertile period: Beltane

In the night of April 30th to May 1st, the Wheel of the Year turns in the Southern Hemisphere from Mabon to Samhain and we move from our Harvest period to the preparing for Winter’s Rest and honouring our Ancestors. Samhain’s period is from May 1st till June 21st.

Are you curious about what you can do with Samhain, the history of Samhain, recipes to make nice foods and drinks and tips to celebrate Samhain, alone or with others?

On my Samhain page you will find all the ins and outs about Samhain’s wonderful and honouring period: Samhain

With love,
Elke )O( The Alder Scrolls /|\

#TheAlderScrolls #Nature #Attention #Inspiration #Druid #ElkeTheAlderScrolls #InTheFootstepsOfTheDruid #SelfCoaching #WheelOfTheYear #Beltane #Samhain #Ancestors

Samhain ~ Beginning of Winter | Beltane ~ Beginning of Summer

Dear dear all out there,

For the Northern Hemisphere, this weekend the Wheel of the Year will spin for the last time, then we will celebrate Samhain.

Here you can find all kinds of information about what Samhain is and how to celebrate this inspiring Samhain time.

For the Southern Hemisphere, this weekend the Wheel of the Year turns to the time of Beltane.

Here you can find all kinds of information about what Beltane is and how to celebrate this loving Beltane time.

With love,
Elke )O( The Alder Scrolls /|\

#ElkeTheAlderScrolls #TheAlderScrolls #Druid #InTheFootstepsOfTheDruid #Nature #Attention #Inspiration #SelfCoaching #Samhain #BeginningOfWinter #Beltane #BeginningOfSummer

Beltane ~ SAmhain

Today the Wheel of the Year turns once again and the Northern Hemisphere celebrates Beltane and the Southern Hemisphere celebrates Samhain.

Beltane, celebration of fertility, the beginning of Summer and the light part of the year. If you are curious what Beltane means and how you can celebrate this, then read further at Beltane.

Samhain, celebration of the last harvest, the beginning of Winter and the dark part of the year. Now is the time to prepare for Winter’s Rest. Release all that you no longer need or that is no longer of use or beneficial to you. Unfortunately I don’t have a page on Samhain yet, but that will come this October. If you have questions on how to celebrate Samhain, please let me know and I will happily help you with ideas.

Beautiful, soulful and fruitful/insightful Beltane/Samhain♥

With love,
Elke )O( The Alder Scrolls /|\

#Nature #Attention #Inspiration #Druid #ElkeTheAlderScrolls #InTheFootstepsOfTheDruid #WheelOfTheYear #SelfCoaching #Beltane