Tag Archives: SelfCoaching

LD Day 2 ~ The Bee

When the bee buzzes into your life it’s a reminder that with hard work and a firm commitment a sweet outcome is assured. The Bee is a symbol of luck, so expect miracles and your life will be victorious and sweet. Bees also create their own luck. And for that, effort is essential as you progress. The Bee is always making honey. So get busy and the positive outcome will be yours.

Today the Bee buzzes into your life.

This small creature has proven itself vital for the existence of humanity. So if, with all what’s going on in the world, your country or your family, makes you feel insignificant or small, remember the Bee. There is so much you can do.

In times of great stress or adversity, it’s always best
to keep busy, to plow your anger and your energy
into something positive.
~ Lee Iacoca

But being at home, your whole familiar day scheme turned upside down, worries about family and friends and not being able to visit them, what can you do? With many thanks to the digital world, you can keep in touch with loved ones. You can finally read the books you want but never seemed to have the time for. You can start that new hobby you have bought all the materials for, but other priorities kept you from starting. And clean and clear your house. Now is the time to go through all your stuff and see what makes you happy and what not. Collect it and recycle. See every day as a blank page, ready to be filled with the actions that you can do at home and make you busy and happy.

But no matter what you do, stay on the positive side by keeping a positive mind. This lesson of Buddha always gets me back on track when I feel I am loosing it.

When you focus on problems,
you get more problems.
When you focus on possibilities,
you have more opportunities.
~ Buddha

I understand it oh so well if you think “yeah right”, but please give it a try, you might be surprised by the outcome. If you don’t know how or how to get back to positive thinking, please let me know and I may be able to help you.

But back to the card of The Bee. This card is a reminder that with hard work and a firm commitment a sweet outcome is assured. And I’d like to give an example of the situation I am in right now.

When I heard the schools are closed till the 6th of April, I immediately thought, ok what about school work and what about my own recovery (I am recovering from burnout-depression-being stressed out) and what about groceries and well I think you get the picture. But then I walked our sweet dog and looked around. I saw little green leaves on the trees, Catsfoot in bloom, buds about to open and I realized, no matter what, it will all work out in the end. So I thought ok girl, how would you like the next 3 weeks to be. And I could only think of 1 way:

  • Happy
  • With TLC
  • Lots of fun and laughter

With a big smile I started to think about what I could do to make it so. I searched for home schooling schedules and tricks, in the morning before getting out of bed I think happy thoughts that make me smile, I express my feelings to my husband and he to me and I let life take over in the sense that what comes and asks attention, I will give it to it. No plans, no to do lists, just paying attention to our needs at that time in that moment. And it works! The best part, no extra stress and that’s what counts and helps you to stay positive. My key words:

  • Nature
  • Inspiration
  • Attention

Maybe you have your own key words that help you when you want to get back on the positive track. I hereby invite you with love to share them under this post. Let’s help each other to stay focused on the positive side.

May the Bee gives you inspiration today by her dedication and commitment!

Lots of love,
Elke )O( The Alder Scrolls /|\

#Nature #Attention #Inspiration #Druid #ElkeTheAlderScrolls #InTheFootsteptOfTheDruid #DayCard #LD #SelfCoaching #TheBee