Tag Archives: SelfCoaching

LD Day 11 ~ Movement

Again I rub my eyes that keep closing. They feel dry, they are tired and they sting. I am searching for words, but they don’t want to come. My head is an open space of void and silence. And I say to myself, this is it, it’s been nice, now it’s time for a break. I smile and know, that making that decision is also self-coaching and taking good care of yourself.

Today the Day Card will be just the card and the description.

I hereby invite you to take a look at this card and its description with the following in mind:

# what does this card do to me?
# how do I view change?
# what can I do to welcome this change?

And if you like, I would love to read in the comments what this card means to you on this 11th day of the lockdown♥

Meaning of the card Movement

This card reminds you that all things change as part of the cycle of life. This may be portend a physical move, or it heralds a release from restriction and waiting.

Rejoice, for change is in the air and new things are about to enter your world. This puts you on notice that it’s time to broaden your horizons as you move forward on your path. You may travel to new and foreign places, both physically and inwardly. It is fortunate and timely to do so.

Nothing is ever meant to be static in the ways of the living Mystery. Movement brings challenges that must not be resisted, for progress can only be made by letting go of what was, and welcoming what is yet to come.

This card is always an omen of change for the better.

For now, rest well, take good care of yourself and your loved ones and stay safe.

With love,
Elke )O( The Alder Scrolls /|\

#Nature #Inspiration #Attention #Druid #ElkeTheAlderScrolls #InTheFootsteptOfTheDruid #LD #DayCard #SelfCoaching #Movement

LD Day 10 ~ The Raven


Looking out the window, seeing the beautiful weather oustide and thinking about life as it is right now, I notice I feel very rebellious today. I woke up with a pirate song from Pirates of the Caribbean in my head and that set the tone I think. I want to go out and bike, walk, swim for hours. Not that I can. Oh no, far from that. My out of shape body would let me reach the end of the street and then put me on hold. But the rebel in me is fed up with it all and wants to go against all these measures laid upon us by our government. Might be Spring, might be the Aries I am, but today I want only 1 thing and that’s to be free to do as I wish.


Freedom. How often taken for granted. Of course we think about wars in other countries, but when we go on with our daily lives and daily business, it becomes a topic we talk about drinking our coffees and teas. And now, not war, but a virus has us confined to our homes. It feels surreal and I wonder when my alarm clock will go off to wake me up from this odd dream.

Guidance from the Cards

Finishing my tea I leave my thoughts to walk their own path and I drink in the cosiness of what I see when I look from my desk in the kitchen (special times call for special measures) into our living room. I see our cats and dog enjoying a sun bath from sunbeams through the window, son and husband relaxed gaming and I, in a less rebellious and more loving energy, reach out for some Wisdom of Avalon. What Wisdom of Avalon can be used today on Day 10 of the lockdown?

With flapping wings the Raven flies in today and her message:

Remember. Believe in magic, and you cannot help but see it. Magic lives within the belief itself! Expect the unexpected and prepare to be amazed.”

And she is off again.

The Raven reminds you that on the path to wholeness, the magic of Avalon appears and all things become possible. Ask the Raven to help you be aware of synchronicity in your life and to see how the God/Goddess/Universe/Mother Earth works anonymously on your path. If you feel hopeless or lost, you may need reminding that this kind of magic occurs in your life daily. Even if you can’t see it, trust it to bring joy, understanding, and fulfillment to your life, no matter what the present circumstances appear to be.

I look at the card and the message and a mixture of feelings runs through me from happiness to being fed up and everything in between. I feel puzzled and want to shout out to the Crows, Magpies and Jackdaws I see on the grass in the middle of my street: what kind of advise is this!

Then I feel soft fur touch my arm and a rough cat tongue licks my hand. Instantly deep love for my cat pulls me back into the real world. And that is magic. I look back at the birds and the card and thank the magnificent Raven for flying into my life this day.

Trust in magic and magic will occur

And that is my mantra for the rest of the day. My rebellious inner self has calmed down again and I am back to doing my things with attention, staying in the here and now, staying connected and being inspired by Mother Earth.

I hope the Raven may inspire you as well today♥

With love,
Elke )O( De Elzenboom /|\

#Nature #Inspiration #Attention #Druid #ElkeTheAlderScrolls #InTheFootsteptOfTheDruid #LD #DayCard #SelfCoaching #Raven

LD Day 9 ~ The Spider

Today’s card usually made me get the creeps and this same card also made it happen that last Fall I rescued a spider from my playful kitten and placed her/him gently outside. Me, the spiders-scare-me-to-the-bone-me! Ok, Lucas helped as well and I will share a link to his adorable adventures below this post. But ok, what was so inspiring that Spider and I finally, with respect for eachothers personal space, became friends? Her message! And today, after the day that we got tightened government measures, on this New Moon Day, I think we couldn’t get a better advise from this powerful and wise Spirit Animal.

Spider reminds that you have within you the gift to create meaningful, purposeful work. Within you is an artist, waiting to be expressed. Think about this:
# Do you write in a journal each day?
# Do you draw, paint, cook or play music?
# Do you realize that everything you do on a daily basis is an act of co-creation with the Divine?

She helps you to gain insights from your inner or intuitive world and your shadow world (what lies hidden and may come into the light). And when you have a clear view of your inside world, you know what you want and what makes you happy, you are going to radiate that into the outside world. The outside world is going to respond to that and in that way you attract what you want out of life. So within, so without.

The theme question Spider always asks is:

Are you happy with the life you are weaving, creating?

I know it’s quite a question to ask of you in this time. So what could she mean by this in this moment of time?

Spider advises you that it’s time to be aware of your responsibility for the creations in your life. Maybe you need to rethink an issue and apply your inner artist to find a solution. If you’re unhappy with anything or frustrated or scared or sad, ask yourself:

How can I create a better, more meaningful, productive and loving experience for myself and others?

Whether you see yourself as an artist or not, you are the architect of your own life, your own happiness and your own fulfillment.

What life are you building?

Don’t just sit there, this is your time to create!

Try to see this surreal world we’re living in today as a reset, a new start or a challenge to see things differently. And try to see it that way with an open mind, open for all kinds of options and possibilities. If you find that hard, try this exercise.

Do a brainstorm session.

Take 3 deep breaths in through your nose and out of your mouth. Grab a piece of paper and write down all that comes up to make your life nicer, more beautiful or more happy , no matter how crazy or how out of the box or how out of reach your thoughts may seem. Set the time for like 15 minutes. After those 15 minutes put down your pen. If you have a garden or a balcony, go there and breathe in the fresh air. If you don’t have a garden or a balcony, step into another room and take a breath of air. Come back to your paper and look at what you’ve written.

Choose the 3 options that make you smile and your hart sing just by reading them.

These make you genuinely happy. Read them, feel them and see what steps you can take today to work to realize them. The energy this day will help you kick-start.

Today is a New Moon and the season of Aries begins. Both New Moon and Aries are about new beginnings and firey energy to get you motivated and started . This energy and your options might just work magic for you, even in these grim times.

Have a nice and sunny Tuesday and stay safe!

With love,
Elke )O( The Alder Scrolls /|\

The link to Lucas:
FB: https://www.facebook.com/lucasthespider
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCNqRS1gSJFMNPVwye1gyI_g

#Nature #Inspiration #Attention #Druid #ElkeTheAlderScrolls #InTheFootsteptOfTheDruid #LD #DayCard #SelfCoaching #Spider #NewMoon

LD Day 8 ~ The CoW

Today’s story is a bit more personal than usual. On the first day of week 2 of the lockdown I notice that at home we have found ourselves a nice balance, we maintain the good vibes and energy and although our world is very small at the moment, we are happy.

What a total difference when I enter the supermarket. People are nervous, very insecure about how to walk past others, anxious, some a bit aggressive and all over a bit lost, because of the amount of empty shelves. Because of those energies I didn’t pay attention, forgot things on my list and had to go back and forth 5 times. When I came back home I was exhausted and so happy to find myself embraced by the warm happy energy inside my home.

Do you have similar experiences? And how are things at home for you? Finding balance or found it already? Still feeling ok?

I just drew today’s card and it fits what’s keeping me busy today very well.

Today the Cow has a message for you:

Take my milk; I can always feed you. I’ll eat the grass of the God/Goddess and, in turn, pass good fortune on to you. Nourishment is never-ending when I appear on your path. Don’t forget to till the soil so that grass may grow. Abundance is made manifest out of a universal system. Do your part, and I will do mine with joy. Ask, and you will recieve all the blessings I have to offer.”

The Cow reminds you that there is no shortage of blessings in the world. Ask to partake in infinite abundance, and you will, indeed, get exactly what you need.

In this card I read to messages:

1. Stop hoarding the shops

It hurts me when I read stories of people not being able to get their groceries, because other people took too many. It breaks my heart when I read about the nurse who cannot get a decent meal, because her shift ends late and by the time she gets to the grocery stores, they are empty. I do embrace initiatives like the hospitals that organize their own grocery departments so their staff can buy food for themselves and their families, and the grocery stores that have special opening hours for the Elderly. I also read a story about a country in which hand gel costs like 1,95 and 2 costs 95,-.

I really wonder, why this hoarding? Stop it! We are dealing with a virus, not a grocery devouring caterpillar!

Grocery stores here keep asking people to go back to their regular shopping, because there is enough in store. I truly hope they will finally listen and things will settle down to normality in the grocery stores again.

But the phrase ‘civilization is just a thin layer of varnish’ (is this also how you say it in English?) is so visible right now and that makes me sad. I know, I am an optimist, an idealist and an overall positivist and hoped for the better, that now we could all stand together. But reality shows differently.

And with those feelings I went back home on my bike with the groceries. When a guy in a car was too slow, so I had to step down, I heard myself making a not so nice remark. Wow, that negative vibe that was present in the supermarket got to me real quickly! I did my ho’oponopono to get back on my happy energetic feet. When I saw the trees again, one of my sacred bushes, the Willow waved her love to me with her long elegant branches and the young Oaks joked about it so that it made me laugh. On top of that the Poplars took my negative emotions away and I was so grateful for my Tree friends to be there for me. The rest of the way I was back in my happy vibes. Even so that I started greeting and made an Elderly Lady smile and wave back to me with her both arms. That’s how I like it and that lead me to message 2.

2. The vibes you send out in the world, will come back to you

This is one of the cosmic rules and that’s why, although we take what’s happening at the moment very seriously, keep here ate my home most of the news outdoors. We catch up twice a day and that’s it. We focus on happy thoughts, happy energy and the good things in life. And wow that was so noticeable when I cam home. I was so grateful and I still am. Now more than ever I am aware of this cosmic rule when I go out, either to walk the dog or to do the groceries.

So please remember:

  • If you focus on fear, shortage, or panic, that’s what you’re sending into the world, what you’re asking for and what you will get back.
  • If you focus on nourishment, abundance and good vibes, that’s what you will get back.

My question for you: what do you send out in the world?

Have a lovely evening and stay in the happy vibe!

With love,
Elke )O( The Alder Scrolls /|\

#Nature #Inspiration #Attention #Druid #ElkeTheAlderScrolls #InTheFootsteptOfTheDruid #LD #SelfCoaching #Cow

Ostara, what is is and what can you do?

This weekend, Spring really set in. And although the weather here is still a bit chilly, the sky is blue and the sun already nice and warm. And well, since we are all locked in our houses, I thought it a nice ide to share what you could do this Sunday or the coming weeks to celebrate Spring, this beautiful feast of Ostara.

You can get to all the information I gathered about Ostara-Spring by this link:

Ostara ~ Spring ~ Alban Eilir

Have fun and I wish you a beautiful Spring season!

With love,
Elke )O( The Alder Scrolls /|\

#Nature #Attention #Inspiration #Druid #ElkeTheAlderScrolls #InTheFootstepsOfTheDruid #SelfCoaching #WheelOfTheYear #Ostara #Soring

LD Day 7 ~ Disruption

When I drew this card I had the feeling of ‘oh my dear’. But knowing cards with titles like that usually mean something entirely different then the picture you’d immediately form in your head, I shook that off and started looking at the card en reading the meaning or not.

What I see in the card is cleansing, washing away and yes, that may be by a flood or a gentle stream, that usually depends to the person reading the meaning of the card and the signs on his or her path. Today’s card tells you:

Shake-ups are necessary when a wake-up call is needed

The card urges us to be diligent and alert when making decisions. It can also portend a toppling of plans or ideas or a total destruction of something hard won, worked for or desired.

That sounds like a bad card, I hear you thinking. But is it really?

The card reminds us that the way of the God/Goddess/Divine/ Universe/Mother Earth is one of mystery and chaos.

Chaos is the ultimate cleanser


Disruption brings delays and upsets
that have a hidden gift
of opportunities in them

This is the time to
rebuild and
that which was previously unstable, or it allows you to begin anew.

Without this gift, we wouldn’t be adequately supported later on, when we’ll need it the most.

The deeper meaning reminds us that, in life, all people, places, concepts, and things are but fleeting on the path of wholeness. Only Spirit is stable and eternal. Such is the Wisdom of Avalon.

When I read this in the little booklet that comes with the cards, a song popped up in my head that beholds this message in such beautiful lyrics and music. The video that was made to accompany the song emphasizes it beautifully.

All nice and well, but what’s it to me?

A lot! You can learn from this card by asking yourself the following question that no doubt will lead to more questions.

How do I want to spend my life in this lockdown?

Feeling sorry that I am inside? Misery that I cannot do my job? Frustrated with all the restrictions laid upon me by the government? Or am I looking on the bright side and enjoy the extra free time that is given to me? And can I be happy for the given opportunity:

  • to think about my job and career: Is this what makes me really happy? Or am I living up to someone else’s expectations and dreams?
  • to finally do the chores at home and in my garden?
  • to spend some real quality time with my family, pets, garden, books….?

What is the deeper meaning of this lockdown?

While we are indoors, Mother Earth is healing herself. Today I enjoyed a clear blue sky without the usual overflow of white tracks made by planes. Last night I enjoyed a beautiful night sky with so many stars! Is it so bad that we stay indoors? I don’t think so.

And by the way…Please stay indoors!

I hear lots of stories and see lots of pictures at the moment about people going en masse to the beaches, forests, parks. That is such A NO NO! Whether you agree or disagree with the rules laid upon us by the government, just abide by them for this once. You may not get ill, but others may. See it as drunk driving. The drunk driver usually ends up physically well, while the other is far from that or even worse, dead. Yes this may be a tough one to take in, but I think it illustrates the importance only too well.

A virus attacks when you have little or poor resistance. So although nothing happens to you, you may infect someone else who may get ill with possible death to follow. Do you want that to happen? Do you want to be responsible for that? Do you want that for your family or loved ones to happen by someone who ignores the rules? Let’s for one time be compassionate and willing to help each other.

Mother Earth sent us to our rooms to think, so think!

Another meaning of this lockdown might be the answer to all our hoping for a turning of the tide when it comes to the way the economies, the systems and the governments work. So many of us out there long for change. This might be THE opportunity to get it.

Maybe you have different questions, please feel free to share them under this post. Let’s make each other aware and most of all, let’s support each other from heart to heart, in kindness and in understanding.

What can I do to make this time indoors the best time possible?

The answers to that question, I will leave entirely up to you. Much appreciated if you share them under this post♥

Have a lovely Sunday and stay safe!

With love,
Elke )O( The Alder Scrolls /|\

#Nature #Attention #Inspiration #Druid #ElkeTheAlderScrolls #InTheFootstepsOfTheDruid #LD #DayCard #SelfCoaching #Disruption

LD Day 6 ~ Love

Sometimes life takes over and then suddenly at 22.30 hours you realize the day only has 24 hours and there is still a Day Card waiting for you somewhere in that insightful deck of the Wisdom of Avalon Oracle Cards.

And what a lovely card it is!

Today Love knocks on your door.

Somehow I expected that, considering the messages from the last days and the fact that we are on the 6th day of the lockdown. People may get frustrated, especially if you normally don’t spend so much time indoors or with your family. Walls may feel to close in on you and family, no matter how loved, may get on your nerves. Well, here is Love to help you deal with that.

Because this card comes so late in this day, I ask you to use it as a card to reflect on today and to be a guideline tomorrow and the coming days and well actually always♥

Be it a beggar on a street corner, an animal, or a plant whose leaves need pruning. Or, nowadays, a family member or roommate or pet that may be getting on your nerves.

Love reminds you to show kindness to all whom you meet on your path.

Love asks you to shift perception from yourself as a solitary person on the earth to one who’s part of a living system. Love is what you made of, so keep it flowing.

Remember to receive love as well.

Ask yourself, am I acting from love or am I blocking love? Was my behavior today founded on love or frustration? What can I do to be loving in word and deed?

Love is without conditions.

Love reminds you that you are as connected to all life as it is to you. And that you’re responsible to be a steward of the love of the God/Goddess/Divine/Universe/Mother Earth.

Love is respectful, mindful, sees all life as sacred,and acts in accordance.

Love reminds you that this very planet is a living being.

Love is the very essence of the Divine in you, and sees the Divine in others. This is the time to see through the eyes of Love an always ask before you act, “What would Love do?” The answer will always bring you extraordinary power to carry on.

Love reminds you that we are all connected.

The way you treat others, your pets or Mother Earth, is the way you treat yourself.

May it always be with love.

So, after reading all this, how was your day today?

With love,
Elke )O( The Alder Scrolls /|\

#Nature #Attention #Inspiration #Druid #ElkeTheAlderScrolls #InTheFootsteptOfTheDruid #LD #DayCard #SelfCoaching #Love

LD Day 5 ~ The Horse

Can you see and hear them, galloping free on the meadow? I love to see that! For me, that’s the embodiment of freedom, strength and rhythm. Brings me back to times long long ago and I love it!

Today the Horse gallops into your life.

I love horses and riding them. Just feel a bit daft when, with me being able to do the splits effortlessly, I cannot get on a horse without a chair or something. So I had to accept the help of either a knee that was offered or a chair that was pulled to stand on. At first I felt ashamed. But then, when I sat in the saddle I thought, why? A little bit of help and I can go. And believe me, so much more relaxing for the horse and myself then if I would have struggled along. And exactly in this context the message of this beautiful Spirit Animal can be found. Because, what’s the Horse’s message for today?

Accepting help from another, delegating authority

Wow, so appropriate for so many of us right now. Schools have to delegate their authority to parents home schooling the children, managers have to delegate their authority to employees working from home. And people have in one way or another to accept help from another.

But what if you often refuse help from others, because you think you are capable to do it all on your own? Or what if you feel that although you give to others, no one helps you in return? Remember that you don’t have to walk the whole way alone. You can get help.

Horse reminds you that assistance is for the asking. Sometimes you need to be carried to get to your destination and in today’s situation, please read this in the broadest sense of the word.

Trust, that when Horse appears, help is yours:

  • Remember to ask for it
  • Remember to accept it when it’s offered
  • Remember that although you have to go through it alone, you don’t have to carry it alone

Today all kinds of initiatives rise to the surface and that makes me happy in this chaotic and cray time of day. It empowers and it connects.

Here in The Netherlands the grocery shops are plundered and a lot of the Elderly kept missing out. Horrible news. So now the grocery shops have special hours for them, so they can get their groceries. Churches are on lockdown like most of us. An that at a time that lot of people go back to their faith for inspiration and strength. To come to their aid, churches go online to provide services. And I think mosques and other places of worship will do that as well. Druids and Witches unite and organize online healing sessions for Mother Earth and all of her children. In these dire times, these initiatives show the goodness that is still abundant in our world, we are still connected and we are reconnecting to Mother Earth with all her flora and fauna. And for that I am grateful.

Let’s bring more goodness today by adding positivity and gratefulness. Share under this post what you are grateful for today.

May Horse support and inspire you when needed♥

With love,
Elke )O( The Alder Scrolls /|\

#Nature #Attention #Inspiration #Druid #ElkeTheAlderScrolls #InTheFootstepsOfTheDruid #LD #DayCard #SelfCoaching #Horse

LD Day 4 ~ The Dragon

On Lockdown Day 4 the Dragon flies into your life. This magnificent mythological being comes to offer you its power and strength, to protect and fortify you on this leg of your journey. The Dragon symbolizes true power and reminds you that this infinite source is not found within your personalty or ego.

Your true power comes from within.

Your true power resides deep within your soul. So call on the Dragon’s spiritual power and strength and you will find a vast resource to strengthen your resolve…through morality, integrity and purpose. If you’re struggling with these issues, the Dragon will restore them to you. Remember that the power of the spiritual world can never be broken and true strength is found within, not in the outside world. Never mistake a gentle person for a weak one.

Watch for a signal, the Dragon always makes the next step clear and gives you the power to take it. So pay attention to what a loved one says, a bird or animal that crosses your path, a plant or herb or tree that catches your eye or a sudden gust of wind. These signals all have meanings. What does it mean for you? When did you notice, what were you thinking at that moment? What does it mean to you? What was the feeling your got? There lies your answer.

May your power grow from your love, compassion and empathy♥

Empower yourself. Look around you and let Nature inspire you. Spring is about to burst open from the primal forces and rhythm from deep within the Earth.

And if you are doubting, hurting, feeling sad or feeling lost, ask the Dragon to guide you. If you have no clue how, let me know, I will be happy to help you.

With love,
Elke )O( The Alder Scrolls /|\

#Nature #Attention #Inspiration #Druid #ElkeTheAlderScrolls #InTheFootstepsOfTheDruid #LD #DayCard #SelfCoaching #Dragon

LD Day 3 ~ The Mystery

This card directs you into the unknowable Mystery of your journey. It is the sacred place where all things are created, but are not yet formed. It points the way to pure power and potential, which meets the magic of intention. It tells you that the magical unknowable forces of destiny and fate are working in your life. The forces that you can never fully understand or control are, indeed, weaving their magic around you to help you fulfill your true purpose.

Today Mystery asks your attention

Mystery is something outside human’s influence. You either love it or hate it. But it’s there. And nowadays it seems to be more and more present. The question is, how will you deal with it? Does it make you afraid? Does it make you motivated? Will it put you into action or freeze you? Or will it empower you?

We all respond differently to Mystery. I think that comes from the factor ‘uncertainty’. We humans look for certainty and the times we live in right now, may give you the feeling that it has been taken away from you.

Yesterday I had Day 2 of a 5 Day Coaching Workshop and Kendall Summerhawk brought this up in a, I thought, very clear way that connects with today’s card. She said that certainty is a human basic need. And you won’t find it in the media, because the media feeds on fear, chaos and drama. You won’t find it in the grocery shops with all the empty shelves. So where do you find it? You can find it in yourself.

So if you feel off balance, restless, worried or anxious about what to do, what about next week, what if… Stop it! Stop, think and take action:


If you feel you’re going to loose it, or you get sad or you start to panic, stop, full stop and clear your head. Take 3 deep breaths in through your nose and out through your mouth. Place 1 hand on your heart and the other on your sternum , close your eyes and focus on your breathing. Behind your sternum resides your Inner Wise Self. And She/He is patiently waiting for you to reconnect with Her/Him. Your Inner Wise Self is there for you, to advise you, to give you answers and to comfort you. If you place your hand on your heart and the other on your sternum, you will make contact with Her/Him.


Ask yourself (meaning your Inner Wise Self) what’s going on. What is it that you are feeling and what is the underlying feeling. Let the feeling go completely through your body. Know that you have that feeling, you are not that feeling. Then ask yourself if it’s realistic, this feeling. 9 out of 10 times it isn’t. But if it is, ask yourself what you can do to stay calm and positive and focus on the best outcome. If it isn’t realistic, ask yourself what you can do to get yourself back on the realistic path. For instance, if you are afraid, acknowledge the fear. And ask yourself, what’s the worst that can happen? What can I do, when that happens? How can I prevent it from happening?


If you stop and think things through, you will act consciously instead of rushing into things without thinking and well because of that, risking misery.

By acting like this, you won’t let fear, drama or chaos take over, but you stay in control of your own feelings. This will bring you the certainty you are looking for. What happens in the world is temporarily and it will pass. Look at the history and you will know that.

Remember who you are and what you stand for. There will always be a way. Those same words can you hear in the following song and please listen to it, especially at 5.30 mins. Let your inner light shine through and make it strong.

For a lot people going within is a big Mystery, because nowadays we are so focused on the outside world that we became alienated with our own inner world . But it seems Mother Earth is taking over. She wants to heal. Mysteriously canals in Venice are clean, Bull fights in Spain are cancelled, the sky over China is clear for the first time in many years and more and more of these messages reach the surface. And the only way seems to have us humans confined to our homes. I also see in this an assignment, a task for us. Lots of people are stressed out, burnout, complaining about too little time for themselves, their families, hobbies, and asking themselves is this really it? Also lots of people are wondering if the way industries and economies treat Mother Earth is a good and wise way. Well, now is the time rest and to really think all this over.

Ask yourself these days, am I happy with the way I live and have to work. Does it bring a smile on my face and does it make my heart sing? Ask yourself, am I the one I truly am? What do I want? And what’s holding me back? How do I get there? And the Mystery lies in the answers, in how you deal with yourself now.

Trust the Mystery and go for it!

For now, trust that the thread of your life is woven into the pattern of The Mystery with beauty, grace, strength and purpose. This card is an auspicious and profound omen that shows you that you are on the correct path♥

Stay positive and trust the Mystery!

With love,
Elke )O( The Alder Scrolls

#Nature #Attention #Inspiration #Druid #ElkeTheAlderScrolls #InTheFootstepsOfTheDruid #LD #DayCard #Mystery #SelfCoaching