Tag Archives: Shadowscapes

Time for some fun action

This month is my birth month

So I thought it high time for a fun action for you my dear dear ones out there!

If it is met with enthusiasm, more will follow in the future.

Let’s celebrate life to the fullest♥

Would you like to participate?

Leave your comment in the event on Facebook and you’re in.

The winner will be announced on Saturday April 13th.

With love,

Elke )O( The Alder Scrolls

Card of the week 14-2019


Judgement can connect to you in 3 ways.

Judgement can mean renewal. The freshness of a new dawn, a fresh start. To come to a judgement can be a tough cookie to crack. Especially when it comes down to tough choices. If you are facing one, look the situation straight in the eye, acknowledge the necessity and forgive. Forgiving sets you free. You know what has to be done.

It can also mean that you are judging everything and everyone in your life right now. What does that say about you? Where does that leave you? Know that it limits your freedom. Try to look from it from a above, like a Hawk flies above the ground, and let go, forgive and set yourself free.

The third way can mean a wake-up call for you. Judgement urges you to act, something needs to be done. But due to the daily worries, you forget doing it again and you risk falling back to sleep and continuing on in old and familiar ways that no longer work for you. So wake up and act!

Have an insightful way my dear dear ones out there!

Elke )O( The Alder Scrolls

Judgement – Shadowscapes Tarot