Tag Archives: SmokeAndMirrors

Two Day Cards today

My dear dear ones out there,

Today 2 Day Cards wanted to give you some messages. And reading their messages I can understand why.

The first, Smoke and Mirrors, offers a nice insight for when you gradually no longer know what or who you can still believe and what or who not. By now we all know, I think, there is no such thing as objective and genuine news. They all preach for their own parish, as we say in The Netherlands. Yeah, ok and now? I can only advise you not to rely on what you hear in the news reports, but research yourself and find your own truth.

Smoke and Mirrors

Today trust the inner voice that reminds you that you truly will find what you seek and more, even if outer conditions appear to challenge that. It’s all smoke and mirrors. Things are not exactly as they seem.

I think the second message is appropriate to the bizarre reality that has gripped us for a little over a year now. To be honest, sometimes I have had enough of it and want to go out and shout it from the rooftops. And yes, sometimes depressive feelings or feelings of helplessness creep over me and I think why should this continue like this.

But, I have a choice. I have a choice of how to respond to these bizarre circumstances in which I now live. And I choose to be happy. To enjoy all those things that are going well. The blossom that I already see here and there on the trees. Daffodils that look up from time to time to see if the Sun wants to break through. My son’s pleasure in his Fortnite online event. My tomcat purring on the kitchen sink, seducing me into opening the tap for him (which I’m going to do right now, so I’ll be right back). See photo;) The fun of all being in our living room doing something for yourself in peaceful harmony.

Life, even though it is sometimes gray and painful, always has beautiful sides to lift and cheer you up. If you don’t know how, read the following message from the 2nd Day Card.

Happy, Happy

Find joy in the present moment, whatever is happening, and be satisfied with things as they are. You’re free from the shackles of longing and able to experience the liberation that comes from actually being happy moment to moment, for you have chosen happiness over yearning for it.

Now is the time for feeling joy for the sake of joy, and experiencing contentment. None of this is because of something outside yourself. Your happiness is a result of you choosing to be happy. All is well.

I wish you a lot of wisdom with dealing with all the news reports and a nice and happy week♥

With love,
Elke )O( The Alder Scrolls /|\

#TheAlderScrolls #Nature #Attention #Inspiration #Druid #ElkeTheAlderScrolls #InTheFootstepsOfTheDruid #SelfCoaching #DayCard #ColetteBaronReid #SmokeAndMirrors #HappyHappy