Tag Archives: Smudgestick

To arm yourself against the chaotic energy of Mercury in Retrograde

Dear dear All out there,

Mercury in Retrograde is great for helping you with reflecting, clearing up and the like. See my previous post for that. The fact remains that Mercury in Retrograde also comes with the necessary chaotic energy. And that energy can cause grumpiness, miscommunication, struggles and all those other ‘fun’ things you don’t want. And you don’t have to, because you can do something about it with the Water Ritual, Gemstones or Smudging.

Water Ritual

The day before Mercury goes into Retrograde, you can do this Water Ritual to ensure that the chaos and miscommunication associated with Mercury in Retrograde has minimal effect on your household. If it somehow fails to keep the ritual on that day, you can also do it on another day or when you have had enough of it, for example.

Purpose: to direct negative or chaotic energy into the glass of water so that it has no effect on you, your household or your office.

When Mercury comes out of Retrograde, wait 3 days before flushing the water from the glasses down the toilet or onto land (as far away from your home or office as possible) so that the water can be cleaned by Mother Earth .

What do you need:
A glass or glasses of water (or glass jars). I put one in every room of our house and yes, even in the bathroom.

How do you do it:
Do the ritual by the glass per room. Make sure that children or pets cannot reach the glasses of water to drink!

Grab a glass and say the following words about it:
Mercury in Retrograde
Trouble in a clear blue sky
Bringing chaos in your wake
Who knows when and who knows why

Mercury in Retrograde
Stay away from me and mine
Confine your energy to this jar
Until the planets realign

As I wish, so mote it be

Then place your glass in a safe place (where children and animals can’t reach it) and leave it alone until the third day after Mercury comes out of Retrograde.

As soon as I have placed the glasses in my house, I immediately feel the atmosphere change and become calm. We continue to have our miscommunications every now and then (my husband is a Leo and I’m an Aries, so yeah what can I say 😉 ), but once we realize what’s going on, we laugh about it and know enough.

It works wonders for me and I hope for you too.


Can’t you place water glasses because of pets or children or are you not into these kinds of rituals, but do you have gems? Then you can also place a bowl with gems in all rooms. To ward off chaotic energy and maintain balance, peace and a good communication, choose gems that:

  • absorb negative energy, such as Snowflake Obsidan and Labradorite
  • cleanse, such as Hematite, Black Obsidian or Tourmaline
  • cheer you up, such as Citrine, Tangerine Quartz and Blue Chalcedony
  • bring harmony, peace, love and balance, such as Amethyst, Rose Quartz and Rock Crystal, also known as the Golden Triangle
  • ensure good communication, such as Sodalite
  • helps with focus, such as Fluorite

Wait to remove the gems again until 3 days after Mercury goes straight again. Then clean them and charge them again.


If you don’t want to do a Water Ritual and you don’t have Gems, but you do have Incense? Then you can also smudge your house daily or a few times a week during Mercury in Retrograde with Incense or a Smudge Stick.

A quick variant is the following. Grab a water spout and fill it with water and a splash of Florida Water. Shake well and spray your house with it. Also works wonders!

Good luck and remember, humor works best.

With love,
Elke )O( The Aldertree /|\

Source Water Ritual: Deborah Blake Witch A to Z (Dutch version freely translated)

#TheAldertree #Nature #Attention #Inspiration #Druid #ElkeTheAldertree #InTheFootstepsOfTheDruid #SelfCoaching #Mercury #MercuryInRetrograde #WaterRitual #GemStones #Incense #Smudging #SmudgeStick #FloridaWater

Note: The Alder Scrolls has undergone a name change and is now The Aldertree. And with the Name Change comes also a new website. You are hereby all invited to come and join https://www.the-aldertree.com/. With love, Elke )O( The Aldertree /|\