Tag Archives: SunPower

Alban Hefin ~ Divination

Dear All,

All Celebrations of the Wheel of the Year are good times to do some divination. Also with Alban Hefin ~ Midsummer ~ Litha.

You are half way through the year and the harvest is just around the corner.

  • What can you still work on?
  • What is better to let go of in order to plant or organize something new?
  • What is hidden in you for the Light to see?

Here is a pattern that can help you with contemplation and self-reflection during the Summer Rest.

I wish you an insightful Alban Hefin♥

With love,
Elke )O( The Alder Scrolls /|\

Alban Hefin ~ Celebrating

Dear All,

During an Alban Hefin ~ Midsummer ~ Litha celebration you honour the Sun for its power and warmth. This is a time of gaining energy and strength before the rush of harvest time begins on August 1st.

You can celebrate this in different ways.

For example, by wearing a garland of flowers to absorb the power of the sun. Or you can also have a big barbecue with family and friends. What’s really special, is to stay awake during the night of June 20th-21st and sit outside around a fire that burns safely in a fire pit or to sit and watch the sunrise (together).

The fire that burns during Midsummer is considered sacred. Our ancestors mixed the ashes with the fodder to protect the livestock against health and disease. Remains of the Midsummer fire were also placed in the fireplace. Everything that came in contact with the Midsummer fire, was regarded as nourished by the power of the sun.

And celebrate Alban Hefin ~ Midsummer ~ Litha with Sun bathing, like Moon bathing during the Full Moomn. Do this in a good and correct way for your health. Keep in mind that…

…there is a lot to do about the Sun and sunbathing. Follow your own feelings regarding Sun bathing. Let your skin gradually get used to the Sun. And do you want to rub yourself against burning? Then take a good look at what you put on your skin. Many substances in sunscreen products are not as good for you as they would have you believe. Although it ensures that you do not burn, the chemical reaction of the mixture of ingredients, your skin and the sun can cause nasty side effects. It is therefore preferable to opt for organic products or products with as little addition of chemicals as possible. Because it’s the chemicals that cause the misery.

If you like being oitdoors the whole time, then it’s best to just enjoy the Sun under a parasol or in the shade between 12.00 and 14.00. Make sure that you and your skin do not dry out by drinking enough water and use a skin heatlhy mostorizing product.

And also give your eyes the beautiful Sun Power.

We need the Sun for good health, resistance and the production of vitamins and hormones.

The Sun would like to be there for you, will you let him?

To a Sunny and Happy Summer!

With love,
Elke )O( The Alder Scrolls /|\

Alban Hefin ~ Summer’s Rest

Dear All,

As soon as Summer arrives, we go into a kind of rest mode. All the seeds have been planted, everything is growing and blooming and all we have to do is care, love and maintain. In the Summer, just like in the Winter, we visit each other to spend time together, celebrate and be together. Hence the many Summer Festivals.

During the Summer Holidays, the Western Hemisphere goes into a kind of resting position. Regaining the needed energy for the harvest time to come. That is why this period is also regarded as Summer’s Rest. As with Winter’s Rest, it is a time for contemplation and reflection. You can already see which seeds bear fruit, which grow and bloom and from which a good harvest can be expected. You can also see which seeds have not grown. You may want to remove them, so that there is room for new seeds that you can then harvest later in the fall. During this Summer Rest, take a look back at the year so far.

What were your goals, your plans, your wishes.
What has or has not become of that?
What would you do differently?
What else would you like to start?

Take stock and enjoy what you have achieved and be inspired by what you may wish for. Go for it♥

With love,
Elke )O( The Alder Scrolls /|\