Tag Archives: TheAldertree

Full Moon in Muin ~ 21st of September 2021

Today is the Full Moon in Muin~Bramble, and Mabon, the Autumn Equinox. An excellent moment to take stock, reflect on your blessings and what you were able to harvest in the past year and think about what you leave behind in the light part of the year and take with you into the dark part of the year. After today, the days will be visibly shorter. Look at the Nature around you and let go of what no longer serves you/no longer benefits you. Let it go, as the Trees do with their leaves, and enjoy the space it creates. Maybe you want to finish something before the Winter? Then you now have all the space for that until Samhain. Enjoy the Autumn, the harvest and the Wind that takes your thoughts on its wings and blows your entire system clean. Until the next New Moon you are not alone, the following helpers travel along with you.

The Ogham this Moon ~ Muin

“My bushes are full of blackberries and I gladly share my abundance with you. What is your harvest and what do you share with others? Like me, be proud of your harvest and share it with love. If you are tense, let the strings loosen for a while. Catch your breath, rest, and then move on. Look to Mother Earth for advice. She does everything at her own pace and everything comes out at the right time. Express your gratitude and count your blessings. Celebrate, enjoy and be grateful for what you have been given and what you can share with others.”

The Archetype of Muin is Branwen

“I am known for the loss in my life, but also for love and beauty; topics to think about at this time of year. I am also one of the Goddesses of Motherhood and the Full Moon. Honor your fullness, your successes and your abundance that comes from your harvest. I bring you the Cauldron filled with abundance and happiness. That it helps you get through the dark time of the year. And I bring you the Cup to stay connected with the Primordial Source of Love, Knowledge & Wisdom, Creation & Birth of Life in the broadest sense of the word, Power and Protection. Stay in flow, celebrate and share your successes.”

The Power Animale that advises you is Swan

“I stand for being true to your true nature, beauty and transformation. I teach you to follow true love in your life and believe in it, keep faith, even if you find it difficult. I help you to put aside and leave behind that which does not suit your true nature. I give you courage, inspiration and strength to transform yourself into your true Self.” 

The Herb dat supports you is Valerian

“Harvest time is a busy time. Don’t beat yourself up, but take plenty of rest between your activities. I give you that rest, so that you can let life pass as it is; without requirements or rules. Act like a cat. Curl up in the Sun or by the fireplace on a nice pillow and let everything pass you by. Enjoy and feel good.”

The Gem Stone that helps you is Emerald

“I bring you inner growth empowerment. I help you to let go of entrenched patterns and to tap into your inner wisdom. With me, you attract love, harmony and abundance. I am the Stone of Truth and Self-discipline. And I give you emotional resilience and self-esteem.”

I wish you a blessed and abundant Full Moon♥

With love,
Elke )O( The Aldertree /|\

#TheAldertree #Nature #Attention #Inspiration #Druid #ElkeTheAldertree #InTheFootstepsOfTheDruid #SelfCoaching #FullMoon #Muin #Bramble #Branwen #Swan #Emerald #Valerian #Mabon #AutumnEquinox

Note: The Alder Scrolls has undergone a name change and is now The Aldertree. And with the Name Change comes also a new website. You are hereby all invited to come and join https://www.the-aldertree.com/. With love, Elke )O( The Aldertree /|\

Reflect ~ Rethink ~ Refocus ~ Mercury in Retrograde is here

Dear all out there,

You can hide, you can run, but Mercury in Retrograde is here. From May 30th till June 23rd we have Mercury in Retrograde. And this time is a time to be cautious. Be cautious with communication, because miscommunication is a high risk during Mercury in Retrograde. So of your mail hasn’t been sent, just check 10 minutes later and you may be surprised to find out it was sent after all. Also take more travel time into account, because traveling can be a challenged during Mercury in Retrograde. Mercury is the Planet that rules Communication and Travel and when this Planet goes in Retrograde, you can be affected by it. More tips and tricks can be found on the picture♥

But is it all doom and gloom then?

No, of course not! This is a great time to Reflect, Rethink and Refocus and also to Clear, Cleanse and Declutter.

But first Mercury in Retrograde, what is that exactly?

It is the period in which Mercury appears to go backwards. Pure illusion, because planets can’t go backwards around the Sun of course. But still it appears that way, because Earth moves at a different speed than Mercury around the Sun. The energy that comes with Mercury in Retrograde can certainly be felt, that is no illusion. And if Mercury goes Retrograde, we are all affected. Chaos, miscommunication and delays, are associated with this period. Many label Mercury in Retrograde as a period of doom and gloom. But that doesn’t have to be that way. The energy can also be used for everything that you can put ‘re’ for, i.e. reflecting, reorganizing (easier clean and clear), refocusing (easier to let go), for both material and immaterial matters.


During Mercury in Retrograde it will be a good moment to reflect on the year so far. What did you notice, what needs a bit more attention to come to a full bloom, what didn’t work and can be released and let go? What do you need to do to get the results you dreamt of earlier this year in Spring. Go back to that time, when your year was 1 blank page ready to be filled with your dreams, your wishes and your desires. Grab a pen and some paper if necessary. What has happened to all your plans, dreams and wishes? What has succeeded, what didn’t and why not? What are your thoughts about all of this? If you have that clear, go a step further.


While reflecting you have made an inventory of what worked well and what did not, what did and did not succeed. Now pay full attention to what you would like to realise and achieve the rest of the year. Consider what is doable and what not and place the ‘nots’ on your list for next year. Make an overview of what you still want to realize this year, preferably with an action plan to it: starting moment, intermediate result and end result. In this way you can monitor, adjust and know what to do when.


And if you have clear for yourself what you still want to achieve and realize this year, then fully focus on that. If you notice that your focus shifts to things that did not work or did not work out well, thank those things for the lessons given, let them go and focus back to what works, what goes well and what you wish to harvest this year. Always think with full, brutal honesty how committed you are to your goals and action plan when things go not as planned or you are facing difficulties. It will not always be easy and fast, but the motto is to maintain and still be flexible, to bend if necessary and to think in terms of opportunities and possibilities.

And this is how you can use the energy of Mercury in Retrograde to help give you insights into where you are now and where you wish to go to this year.

I wish you a Mercury in Retrograde full of Insights!

Elke )O( The Aldertree /|\

#TheAldertree #Nature #Attention #Inspiration #Druid #ElkeTheAlderScrolls #InTheFootstepsOfTheDruid #SelfCoaching #Mercury #MercuryRetrograde #Reflect #Rethink #Refocus

Full moon in Hawthorn ~ 26th of May 2021

Dear All out there,

Today we celebrate Full Moon in Hawthorn. And a very special one! Today there is also a Lunar Eclipse or Blood Moon and there is a Super Moon.


Today’s Full Moon is called a Super Full Moon because the Full Moon is close to Earth, making it appear larger. This makes her energy extra strong and her effects extra noticeable.

Blood Moon or Lunar Eclipse

A Blood Moon means that a complete lunar eclipse is taking place. The term “Blood” comes from the fact that the Moon turns red during the entire lunar eclipse. During the lunar eclipse, the Earth is between the Sun and the Moon. This will block out all light except the red light. That red light is deflected and therefore the Full Moon is illuminated in red. The special thing about a Blood Moon is that all Moon phases are reviewed at once during this Full Moon. And you can take advantage of this. What is in your shadow side that may see the light?

Full Moon in Hawthorn ~ 26th of May 2021

Nature in all her fertility, growth and flowering is working towards a climax. The theme of this Moon is clearly growth and bloom. Spring slowly turns into Summer. Everything seems to go by itself and the rhythm that belongs to Summer is setting in, even though the weather is not. However, Nature works very hard to get everything ready in time for an abundant harvest. Resting is possible, as long as the ultimate goal is not lost sight of, so the motto seems. How do you keep your focus in the midst of the delusions of the day?

The Ogham this Moon is Hawthorn

With my whimsical branches full of thorns, my soft green leaves and bright white flowers, I help you with the insight of opposites. Beauty has two sides. The flower in bloom and the flower withered. Both equally beautiful and equally important when you understand and embrace the process. Growth also has two sides. Focus on growth, all is growing well; focus not on growth, growth withers. Where lies your focus? Honestly?

The Archetype of Hawthorn is Govannan

I make the hottest fire with Hawthorn wood. The hotter the fire, the hotter the iron, the better my ironwork. My question for you is, do you strike the forge when it is hot?

The Power Animal that advises you is Bee

I remind you that you are a powerful creator. You are the King/Queen of abundance. Be open to receiving sweetness. Do you also take the time to enjoy it fully and with attention? I also help you to break tangles and wires from old connections. This cleanses your energy field to make room for new things. My question for you: what is stopping you from living your life to the fullest according to your desires? 

The Herb that supports you is Wood Sorrel

I am a real shade plant. At nightfall, with too much Sunlight or approaching Rain, I close my leaves. I help you to live from your heart and to withdraw daily to recharge your batteries. By doing that, you stay energetic. I am also a healer and help you to come to terms with your shadow side. Know that I make weapons infallible. With me by your side, you have a powerful companion.

The Gemstone that helps you is Topaz

Carry me with you when you need inspiration or new ideas. I strengthen your inner fire, your creative power, your inner Source that is in contact with the Great Source. I also help you with clear thinking and speaking, as well as rational and pragmatic action. I provide relaxation by relieving stress. I give you focus, stamina and a good mood. Use this period to reach your full potential. Carry me with you and I’ll make you more confident.

I wish you an inspiring Full Moon )O(

With love,
Elke )O( The Aldertree /|\ 2021 ©

#Nature #Inspiration #Attention #TheAldertree #Druid #ElkeTheAldertree #InTheFootstepsOfTheDruid #SelfCoaching #Moon #FullMoon #SuperMoon #LunarEclipse #Hawthorn #Govannan #Bee #WoodSorrel #Topaz