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A nice Imbolc Ritual

A very beautiful Thursday morning, evening or somewhere in between dear dear you out there,

A nice ritual to do with Imbolc is the following. It is a tradition to light all the lamps and candles in the house after sunset with Imbolc. Of course, it is not necessary to leave them all on overnight. A short moment is enough. Another option is to light a candle and circle each room of your home and honor the return of the Sun’s power. Stand still for a moment in each room, visualizing that the Sun’s power illuminates the room extra strong and all shadows melt away.

With Alban Arthan ~ Midwinter ~ Yule you celebrated the return of the Sun and with Imbolc you celebrated the return of the Sun’s power. When you return to your living room, place your candle on the table and, as you look at the flame, think about your own inner flame or fire. How that fire warms you internally, grows your passion and nourishes your creativity and imagination. Then thank Brigid for her blessings. End your ceremony with a nice mug of hot chocolate or Slemp.

Make sure you never leave a candle unattended!

Wishing you a wonderful Imbolc time♥

With love,
Elke )O( The Alder Scrolls /|\