Tag Archives: TripleMoonSign

What do the signs in your name mean?

A very good Wednesday morning, evening or somewhere in bewteen dea dear you out there,

A while ago someone asked me what the meaning of the characters in my name was. I was surprised by that question. Those signs are so familiar to me. And so nice that someone asked about it.

If you’ve ever wondered what )O( and /|\ stand for, here they come:

♥ my first Path was that of Lunar and Traditional Witch and that is what )O( stands for
♥ in 2017 I changed to the Druid path and that is what /|\ stands for

In this way I honour all those Witches and Druids who have gone before me. I feel blessed to be following my Life’s Path in their footsteps. In addition, I hope that if you are also a )O( or a /|\, you know that you are not alone. There are so many of us and I hope we can find each other through those signs ♥

I wish you a wonderful day!

With love,
Elke )O( The Alder Scrolls /|\