Tag Archives: Valerian

Full Moon in Muin ~ 21st of September 2021

Today is the Full Moon in Muin~Bramble, and Mabon, the Autumn Equinox. An excellent moment to take stock, reflect on your blessings and what you were able to harvest in the past year and think about what you leave behind in the light part of the year and take with you into the dark part of the year. After today, the days will be visibly shorter. Look at the Nature around you and let go of what no longer serves you/no longer benefits you. Let it go, as the Trees do with their leaves, and enjoy the space it creates. Maybe you want to finish something before the Winter? Then you now have all the space for that until Samhain. Enjoy the Autumn, the harvest and the Wind that takes your thoughts on its wings and blows your entire system clean. Until the next New Moon you are not alone, the following helpers travel along with you.

The Ogham this Moon ~ Muin

“My bushes are full of blackberries and I gladly share my abundance with you. What is your harvest and what do you share with others? Like me, be proud of your harvest and share it with love. If you are tense, let the strings loosen for a while. Catch your breath, rest, and then move on. Look to Mother Earth for advice. She does everything at her own pace and everything comes out at the right time. Express your gratitude and count your blessings. Celebrate, enjoy and be grateful for what you have been given and what you can share with others.”

The Archetype of Muin is Branwen

“I am known for the loss in my life, but also for love and beauty; topics to think about at this time of year. I am also one of the Goddesses of Motherhood and the Full Moon. Honor your fullness, your successes and your abundance that comes from your harvest. I bring you the Cauldron filled with abundance and happiness. That it helps you get through the dark time of the year. And I bring you the Cup to stay connected with the Primordial Source of Love, Knowledge & Wisdom, Creation & Birth of Life in the broadest sense of the word, Power and Protection. Stay in flow, celebrate and share your successes.”

The Power Animale that advises you is Swan

“I stand for being true to your true nature, beauty and transformation. I teach you to follow true love in your life and believe in it, keep faith, even if you find it difficult. I help you to put aside and leave behind that which does not suit your true nature. I give you courage, inspiration and strength to transform yourself into your true Self.” 

The Herb dat supports you is Valerian

“Harvest time is a busy time. Don’t beat yourself up, but take plenty of rest between your activities. I give you that rest, so that you can let life pass as it is; without requirements or rules. Act like a cat. Curl up in the Sun or by the fireplace on a nice pillow and let everything pass you by. Enjoy and feel good.”

The Gem Stone that helps you is Emerald

“I bring you inner growth empowerment. I help you to let go of entrenched patterns and to tap into your inner wisdom. With me, you attract love, harmony and abundance. I am the Stone of Truth and Self-discipline. And I give you emotional resilience and self-esteem.”

I wish you a blessed and abundant Full Moon♥

With love,
Elke )O( The Aldertree /|\

#TheAldertree #Nature #Attention #Inspiration #Druid #ElkeTheAldertree #InTheFootstepsOfTheDruid #SelfCoaching #FullMoon #Muin #Bramble #Branwen #Swan #Emerald #Valerian #Mabon #AutumnEquinox

Note: The Alder Scrolls has undergone a name change and is now The Aldertree. And with the Name Change comes also a new website. You are hereby all invited to come and join https://www.the-aldertree.com/. With love, Elke )O( The Aldertree /|\