Tag Archives: Waxing Moon

Waxing Moon in Luis ~ Rowan ~ January 30th 2023

The Lunar Period of Luis ~ Rowan started on February 1st, the same time the Wheel of the Year has turned to Imbolc, and lasts until March 3rd. It is currently Waxing Moon. The energy of Waxing Moon is that of Spring. Spring has also started with Imbolc on February 2nd. Mother Earth has awakened from her Winter’s Rest. The sap streams in the Trees have started and you can see buds in the trees everywhere. Snowdrops, Crocuses and Daffodils are emerging or are already in bloom. Birds are busy and giving beautiful concerts. The buzz comes back to life. Everything is being prepared for the active part of the year. You can have that feeling inside too. It starts to bubble and you feel like taking action. Nevertheless, vigilance is advised. It can still freeze at night. Plans you put out too early can fail. In Winter you have thought about what you want to achieve in the new year; projects, plans, spiritual growth. These seeds are now going to grow in you. Now is the time to actively pay attention to all those plans. Still in yourself, but now you go from thinking, to preparing, to action: what seeds are you going to plant; what do you want to grow this year? Are you ready for the active part of the year? Try to see it as clearly as possible or write it down for yourself. Reflect on your heart’s desire every day. And do something for it every day.

Message of Luis ~ Rowan

“I offer you protection. And I ask you to keep your wits about you. For that I give you the ability to assess situations and people. I am strengthening your intuition. I help you choose the path of happiness, joy and expectation. Make time for creative moments and rest. Connect with your Guides and Spirit Team. And pay attention to signals that you receive from Nature or through ‘coincidences’. There is magic and mystery all around you to help you. The result is renewal and joy. Take care of yourself. And do only that which is in line with your highest good. Open to the love and support of Mother Earth. And let this love permeate through yourself and all situations. Feed your heart with love. Love is the answer to everything.”

Message of Heron

“I teach you to follow your own path, even if it seems to have no structure. Only the step ahead of you is important. I feel at home with all the Elements and I give you my gift to find solutions in a playful way, so you can play with the possibilities that life offers you. Trust your inner guide. Find your own inner rhythm. Find opportunities to adapt to situations and still go your own way. Do this by finding the loving connection. Loving connection is the source of life energy. Of peace with everything.”

Message of Dragon

“I urge you to discover your own creative power and potential. I connect you to your inner fire. I want to show you the space of your heart where all the treasures are hidden. What treasures are hidden within you? Open the space to your heart and experience your freedom. Leave behind all fears and what is holding you back. I help you find your truth and the source of knowledge within your heart.”

Message of Snowdrop

“I am the first to bloom after Winter. And I’ll help you awaken from your Winter’s Rest. I also help you to think about what you want to grow this year. I help you to be brave and not let limitations hold you back, just as the Winter and Snow couldn’t stop me from growing and blooming.”

Message of Peridot

“I protect and cleanse you so that you can start the active part of the year well. I help you to free yourself from the negative influences of others, so that you independently and assertively follow your own path. I help you to acknowledge and correct your own mistakes, but also to let go of guilt and pent-up emotions. You are now all set and ready to go for it. Good luck and have fun!”

Waxing Moon in Luis ~ Reading

Do you want to make optimal use of this Moon’s energy? Then take your Oracle cards or your Tarot cards, your Runes or your Ogham and do the reading below ♥

Wishing you an insightful Crescent Moon ♥

With love,
Elke )O( The Alder Scrolls /|\ 2023 ©

6th of March New and Waxing Moon in Ash and Snake And And Mercury in Retrograde

Since the Full Moon of February 19th we are guided by the Ash and the Snake. They also accompany uw this new and waxing Moon period until the 17th of March.

On the 6th of March, Mercury went into Retrograde. This can cause chaos in terms of travel, e-mail, mail and communication. Especially if you are sensitive to it. Try to see and solve everything with humour and especially with a good dose of patience;)

The energy of Mercury in Retrograde is excellent to use for literal and figurative cleaning up. So if you have dreading to clear out your attic or garage for a while, now is your chance.

But how can you use the growing energy of the Moon and the energy of Mercury in Retrograde, which is excellent for clearing and letting go ~ which is actually more the energy of a waning Moon ~ for yourself?

The characteristic of the Ash will assist you with this; the search for peace and balance in daily life. When you take a moment and observe your life, you can find out what disturbs your balance, peace and quiet. This can be a literal thing, like an untidy space where you live, or a figurative thing, like thoughts or behavioral patterns that did help you at first, but are now only annoyingly present.

The Power Animal that wants to help you with this is the Snake. The Snake stands for healing, transformation and vital life energy. It brings you to your original strength, your source of creation. Snake challenges you to reconnect with your own source. Cast off your old coat and put on your new, more fitting coat. Snake asks you to embrace your transformation and growth and to check regularly whether your coat is still fitting or whether it is better to wear a new one, just like Snake does. So, check for yourself whether your coat is still comfortable or whether it’s best to throw off your coat and put on a larger or better fit.

When you have that clear, you will know where you can grow and what you have to let go to being able to grow. The letting go or release part can be achieved in a fairly easy way with the help of the energy of Mercury in Retrograde.

Remember in this period of new and waxing Moon in combination with Mercury in Retrograde the lovely message of the Ash:

“I am the majestic Ash. I have come to tell you that it is safe to immerse yourself in your inner world. Here you will find support, healing and safety. If you feel that you are not progressing, try to be patient and make sure your intentions are clear. Sometimes you have to wait until the right moment and your wishes coincide. When you create a strong and loving space around you, you will attract that which you desire. Sometimes you will have to be cautious while the Universe collects all the building blocks for what you wish to come true. I am here to teach you to have patience and trust. Sometimes you will have to close gaps first, clear up or create order before things can fall into place. It is important to forgive yourself and others. Try to find time to help someone else. That is the best remedy against a broken heart. “(Source: The Oracle of the Celtic Trees, edited by me)

I wish you an inspiring new Moon period and Mercury in Retrograde!

Elke )O( The Alder Scrolls © 2019